115. In accordance with guidelines promulgated by the Centers for Disease Control, [Rio] reserves the right to removeany Participant from any WSOP Event at any time prior to or during the WSOP Event, in its sole and absolutediscretion, for any health or safety related reasons, including but not limited to, if Participant is determined by [Rio] inits sole discretion, to have received a positive test result for COVID-19 or come into close proximity (within 6 feet for15 cumulative minutes) of any person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or if Participant refuses to undergo anyhealth and safety screening required by [Rio] to participate in a WSOP Event. If Participant is removed from a WSOPEvent pursuant to this paragraph, and for no other reason, Participant shall not be entitled to any compensation orremuneration of any type other than what Participant had already been awarded prior to being removed from theWSOP Event. However, for the avoidance of doubt, should Participant be disqualified for any additional reason orreasons that subject Participant to penalties pursuant to the Official Rules, those penalties shall apply. Further, in thesituation where one or more Participants is disqualified pursuant to this Paragraph, [Rio] reserves the right, in its soleand absolute discretion, to determine whether to proceed with any WSOP Event as scheduled or to postpone orreschedule a WSOP Event, or any portion of a WSOP Event, to a later date.”