本帖最后由 SugarDaddyPA 于 2020-7-1 05:58 编辑
都2020了居然还有那么多答主“$EV diff/C Net Adjested-C Net = 欠ev”这种概念,而且居然没有答主回答统计软件里的$EV diff/C Net Adjusted是怎么计算的,略失望。
发不了2+2的URL,随手摘一个比较简洁的回答吧:“Re: Ev line
It uses EV for all-ins instead of the amount you actually won or lost (so for example if you are expected to win the pot 80% of the time, it credits you with 80% of the pot, regardless whether you actually win or lose the run-out).
It's supposed to reduce the effect of variance and suckouts, etc, on your winnings and better represent your actual quality of play. But because it only applies to all-ins before the river (and not all the other times you called bad or 3bet good, etc) it's only a very small part of the story and of limited value - unless you are playing a game where all-ins are a very big part of the action (eg, short stacking).
Most players ignore it.
Last edited by gothninja; 10-05-2011 at 11:01 AM.”
简而言之统计软件里的$EV只统计河牌前你和对手Allin亮牌后的ev payoff。所以先得问楼主的37,000手牌里有多少牌是河牌前你和对手Allin且跑成马的?如果你和对手是把把跑成马的,那平台是有问题了;如果你和对手就跑成了37把,那variance大上天也再正常不过了。你可能想问为啥从来没见过绿线远远高于黄线的图呢?我猜:一是有谁会在“他欠平台ev”的时候秀黄线么?那不是摆明了承认自己的绿线是自己跑马运气爆表而非实力打的盈利么?二是一般运气很好的鱼根本不会用统计软件记录手牌!
一般新出的软件把以前的$EV diff改称为$AIEV($AllInEV)讲得更清楚,总之别再把统计软件里的$EV diff和常聊的“每手牌+ev/盈利曲线”混为一谈了。CashGame码那么深是很少比例有Allin能跑成马的,根本不需要看这个STAT。好好了解统计软件里每个STAT是如何计算,哪些STAT是对自己决策有帮助的,才是更重要的。 |