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mikaelthuritz 发表于 2012-9-25 05:09:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

这里是一个牌谱,大家也可以一起讨论讨论 :)  楼主是个英国人 发的牌谱

Poker Stars $25/$50 Pot Limit Omaha Hi $10 Ante - 6 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

BTN: $19924.00
Hero (SB): $12382.00
BB: $11428.00
UTG: $3374.00
MP: $19031.00
CO: $12375.00

Pre Flop: ($135.00) Hero is SB with Js Kd 9c Ac
2 folds, CO raises to $235, 1 fold, Hero raises to $815, 1 fold, CO calls $580

Flop: ($1740.00) Ad 7d 6h (2 players)
Hero bets $1400, CO calls $1400

Turn: ($4540.00) Qs (2 players)
Hero bets $3725

Hero is taking a shot - not sure if villain is aware of this. Villain is very successful, very good pro. My plan is to bet/fold the turn if that's not clear


1.I think I'd lean towards checking the turn, especially with the Kd, god I hate playing omaha 200bb deep out of position
这个很好理解, 我倾向于check turn,尤其当我有Kd(对手不会有nut fd 会减少对手turn bet 的几率同时对手不是drawing nuts也害怕hero的turn check raise), 最后,上帝 我讨厌打200BB的没位置奥马哈游戏

2.If you do bet, without much history I like the betsize to be able to fold to a shove, noone is shoving the turn with a worse hand ever, you're prolly gonna be up against AQ/A7 quite alot. But you have to be really careful in the future if you do bet/fold with this bet-size because its super exploitable, and I see tons of regs doing this, in this spot potting with stuff like monster draws but then often folding to a shove when using this "bit under pot" bet-size with these stacksizes. Also I don't think you will lose the pot always after you check, he should be a bit worried about getting c/r

这里大部分我能理解, 就是这句话But you have to be really careful in the future if you do bet/fold with this bet-size because its super exploitable, and I see tons of regs doing this, in this spot potting with stuff like monster draws but then often folding to a shove when using this "bit under pot" bet-size with these stacksizes
我觉得应该是这段话的精髓 我读了好几遍也不知道什么意思。。。 potting with stuff难道means pot bet opponent?  

这是牌谱1  还有牌谱2 牌谱3.。。  这个北欧人我觉得比一般人还是牛逼不少的, 他的观点也总是独到的
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Nolimit1980 发表于 2012-9-25 06:51:50 | 只看该作者
意思是在这样的筹码量下,用类似 xxx 的牌满池下注,用其他牌下比 pot 略少的注然后弃牌给全下, 这样的打法是非常有漏洞的。
dengxianqi 发表于 2012-9-25 09:22:14 | 只看该作者
2.If you do bet, without much history I like the betsize to be able to fold to a shove, noone is shoving the turn with a worse hand ever, you're prolly gonna be up against AQ/A7 quite alot. But you have to be really careful in the future if you do bet/fold with this bet-size because its super exploitable, and I see tons of regs doing this, in this spot potting with stuff like monster draws but then often folding to a shove when using this "bit under pot" bet-size with these stacksizes. Also I don't think you will lose the pot always after you check, he should be a bit worried about getting c/r

如果你确实下注了,在没有更多历史信息的情况下,我喜欢你的下注量,因为这个下注量没有使你套池,以致于如果面对一个allin我们还能丢掉。没有人会在转牌用比我们的手牌还差的牌来推allin,(如果真的面对allin,)很多时候你很可能遇到了AQxx或A7XX的牌。但,在将来你必须对采用这种下注量的bet/fold line非常小心,因为这是非常容易被利用的。我见过相当多的reg们在做着这种事:在这样的筹码量下,拿着一些类似于monster draw的牌,采用“略小于底池总量”的下注量在这样的时点进行下注,但却总是在面对对手的allin时fold掉。另外,我不认为如果你check的话你会经常失去这个彩池,因为你的对手会有一点担心遭到check/raise。
dengxianqi 发表于 2012-9-25 09:25:05 | 只看该作者
这里的“potting with stuff”不能断掉后面的"like"
"potting with stuff like something",用类似于something的东西下注
 楼主| mikaelthuritz 发表于 2012-9-25 15:44:33 | 只看该作者
dengxianqi 发表于 2012-9-25 09:25
这里的“potting with stuff”不能断掉后面的"like"
这里的potting应该只是“下注”的意思,并不是“满池下 ...

邓哥  对对 就是这句话  一开始我也是像你这么翻译(理解的)
然后。。。 我觉得一些事情unreasonable.....

monster draw bet 大概80%-90% pot turn 然后fold to shove。在需要25%-35%的equity的情况下 是不太可能的,或者说基本commit了(就是我觉得这是个常识,一般REGULAR也不会犯这个错误或者本能的就CALL了)。 但作者意思是,许多regular都有这么个弱点使得他的打法很容易被exploitable,很明显作者认为许多人都会有这个leak...

比如帖子里的pot,  hero turn betsize我不太喜欢,有点多,使得如果对手shove了他只需要26% equity.   但hero拿的是成牌,很可能被top2 ,set dominate. 我就是不能理解monster draw这种spot有人会fold。 但作者的意思是很多人会这么做。


铁牛 发表于 2012-9-27 17:40:33 | 只看该作者
If you do bet, without much history I like the betsize to be able to fold to a shove, noone is shoving the turn with a worse hand ever, you're prolly gonna be up against AQ/A7 quite alot. But you have to be really careful in the future if you do bet/fold with this bet-size because its super exploitable, and I see tons of regs doing this, in this spot potting with stuff like monster draws but then often folding to a shove when using this "bit under pot" bet-size with these stacksizes. Also I don't think you will lose the pot always after you check, he should be a bit worried about getting c/r。
如果bet的话,如果没有太多hh的情况,他喜欢的betsize是能够bf size(意思是可能你下的太大了,太容易commit自己,也太容易只留下比你大的牌,而且你的牌面对很多2p还是有一定equity的fold了很可惜),对手没有什么比你差的牌会去shove你,你大多情况下面对的是他aq、a7这样top2+ shove的牌。如果你用这种betsize去bf,那一定要注意了,因为太容易被别人利用。他看到很多的玩家也是这样,如果有强draw pot bet,但是用bet略小于pot 的size来bf(类似于这手牌)。另外,他也不认为如果check turn总是意味着放弃这个pot,因为对手也怕被你cr(因为对手也蛮害怕你有2p+和set a什么的)

铁牛 发表于 2012-9-27 17:51:48 | 只看该作者
 楼主| mikaelthuritz 发表于 2012-10-1 18:00:52 | 只看该作者
铁牛 发表于 2012-9-27 17:51

 楼主| mikaelthuritz 发表于 2012-10-1 18:02:30 | 只看该作者
铁牛 发表于 2012-10-1 21:32:26 来自手机 | 只看该作者
我英语不如你啊,我是根据自己的理解半猜的 LoL
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