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Phil Hellmuth专栏

独孤求败 发表于 2009-10-27 17:55:43 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

I hate that call too unless he hold Qh-Jh,
it's not poker,it's gamble.
Benjaminzhu 发表于 2009-10-27 22:50:38 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

mavrick1999 发表于 2009-10-28 10:52:56 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏



我有一个来自旧金山的朋友Joe Lakob。他是世界上最有实力的风险投资人之一,同时也是波士顿凯尔特人队小股东。Lakob的风险投资公司有点像U2乐队,在几十年里始终有连续不断的杰作。不像世界上大多数的成功风险投资家,Lakob始终是个低调的人。最近,Lakob和他可爱的女友Nicole决定参加在Bellagio举行的“Festa al Lago”扑克比赛(15000美金买入WPT赛事)。自然而然地,Lakob和Nicole找到我帮他们出出主意。我和他们聚了聚,同时给了他们一些策略,以使他们能在比赛中尽量长的存活并且有机会赢下比赛。

我教给了他们“经典Phil”策略,也就是翻牌前超紧(在有人加注的情况下不玩78s,89s和A4s);在翻牌前除非有口袋对,否则不要入局;另外,在每一小时内用弱牌翻牌前至少再加注弱的对手一次。我还教了他们如何慢打暗三。Lakob牢牢记住了我的建议,尽管这种策略有时候显得很枯燥和无聊,他还是在比赛的前两天坚持了下来。不仅如此,他每一次出招的时机也是把握的刚刚好。Lakob遵循我的建议,每小时都用垃圾牌再加注一次,而且每次他这么做,对手都弃牌了。因此,在第三天前我建议Lakob只要发现对手的弱点,他都应该翻牌前再加注。这么说吧,如果你再加注每次都成功,很明显你对对手的阅读很精确,而当你能够精确阅读对手的时候,你应该把再加注战术的使用提升一个档次。(我自己在第二天出局了,输了两个55开的show down,一次90000的锅AK输给QQ,另一次40000的锅AK输给JJ)


我赞同Lakob翻牌前用A8s在小盲位标准加注到3BB。我也同意大盲用QJ跟。但我不赞同Lakob用42000去全推一个20000的锅。我的意思是,Lakob牌很强,根本不用这么激进。为什么不下个小注,或者让牌引诱对方诈唬?这种情况下,给对手一个免费牌不是坏事情,希望他逼你全进,或者至少给机会让他用锅底大小的下注来诈唬。另一种选择是,Lakob也可以做一个5000到9000之间的价值下注。我最不喜欢的是大盲用QJ跟42000的全推!为什么用你大部分的筹码去赌卡张顺?为什么不等待一个更好的机会?不管怎么说,Lakob打的相当好,干得好 Joe!
Venture Capitalist Bad Beat!

Joe Lakob is a friend of mine from the San Francisco bay area.  Lakob is one of the most powerful VC’s (Venture Capitalist) in the world, and he is one of the minority owners of the Boston Celtics.  Lakob’s VC firm is like U2, they have hit-after-hit-after-hit (“Google” for one) for decades!  Lakob is an understated guy, which isn’t always the case with the world’s most successful VC’s.  Recently Lakob and his lovely girlfriend Nicole decided to enter the “Festa al Lago” poker tournament at the Bellagio; which is a $15,000 buy in WPT (World Poker Tour) event.  Naturally Lakob and Nicole called me to ask me for some advice.  I sat them both down and gave them a strategy that was designed to keep them in the tournament as long as possible, and give them a chance to actually win it.
I told them to play the “Classic Phil” strategy which entails playing super tight before the flop (throwing away hands like 8c-7c, 10d-9d, and Ah-4h for a raise); never calling a bet or a raise pre-flop unless they had a pocket pair; and coming over-the-top once in hour with a weak holding when they sensed weakness in their opponents.  I also coached them to slow play any sets that they flopped.  Lakob took all of my advice to heart, and although it was sometimes boring for him, and sometimes frustrating for him to play this style of poker, he made it through Day Two and on top of that, his timing was near perfect on the moves that he did attempt.  Lakob stuck to my advice and made about one move per hour, coming over the top with nothing, and every time he did this, his opponent folded.  Thus, going into Day Three I recommended that whenever Lakob sensed weakness, he should come over the top.  I mean, when your batting 100% coming over the top, then obviously you’re reading weakness in others well.  And if you’re reading weakness in others well, then it is time to take the over the top moves to the next level.  FYI – I went out on Day Two after I lost two coin flips, my A-K to their Q-Q for a $90,000 pot; and my A-K to their J-J for a $40,000 pot.
Going into Day Three Lakob had $90,000 in chips, and there were 98 players remaining out of 280 starters.  Three hours into Day three, with about 80 players left, and the blinds at $1,500-$3,000 and a $300 a player ante, everyone folded to the small blind where Lakob was sitting with the Ah-8h, and $51,000 in chips.  Lakob opened for $9,000, and the player in the big blind called.  The flop was Ad-10h-2h, and Lakob opted to move all in for $42,000.  What a great flop for Lakob; a pair of aces and the nut flush draw!  After a full minute his opponent called for most of his chips, and Lakob was a little shocked to see that his opponent held Q-J.  I mean, how could someone call $42,000 with a belly buster?  Lakob was already counting the chips, when the river was the off suit king, snap!
I like Lakob’s pre-flop raise of $6,000 with Ah-8h out of the small blind, which is standard.  I like his opponent’s $6,000 call from the big blind with Q-J.  I do not like Lakob’s $42,000 all in into a $20,000 pot.  I mean, Lakob’s hand was too powerful to play that fast!  Why not make a smaller bet, or even check to induce a bluff?  It is not a bad spot to give a “Free card” to your opponent, hoping that he moves you all in, or that he at least makes a bluff at the pot.  Alternatively, it is a good spot to make a milking type of bet of $5,000 - $9,000.  I hate the $42,000 call with Q-J!  Why call off most of your chips with a belly buster?  Why not wait for a better spot?  All in all, Lakob played great poker, well done Joe!
maidou 发表于 2009-10-28 11:34:06 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

金龙鱼 发表于 2009-10-28 18:16:02 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

Phil Hellmuth 发表于 2009-10-29 06:25:22 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

Bellagio 15k, Timberlake Pro Am, Packer’s Game, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!

I have been very lucky in poker and in life, and I recognize that I am truly blessed!  This is no religious statement, but I say a hearty “Thank you” to the powers that be.  For my part, I donate money to charity every year, I send an endless stream of “Swag” (signed books, signed pics, hats, shirts, and bobble head dolls) to charity auctions, I do not do drugs, I do not abuse alcohol, I emcee charity events (like my upcoming <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Holdemforheroes.com">www.Holdemforheroes.com</a><!-- w -->), and I stay loyal and true to my wife and children.  By acting above the rim ethically, and morally—like never cheating on my wife—I feel a bigger sense of entitlement in life in general.  And yes, I know, my going off at the poker tables is a strike against me!!
It is not easy to feel great about owning all of the records at the WSOP, being really wealthy (at least on paper!), being happily married for almost twenty years, writing a best-selling book, hosting my own TV shows, being on 12 million beer cans, being stopped in the street everyday like I’m someone special, etc…Who am I to deserve all of this?  I am just a man from Madison, Wisconsin who had average grades and an average childhood.  A man that dropped out of college!  But because I strive to do the right thing at all times, because I strive to be a really good husband and father, because I give money, time, and effort to charity, I feel OK about all of the huge blessings that I have received.  As time passes, I feel better and better about my life, my blessings, and the person that I am.  And I will continue to play poker with passion and purpose, to stay loyal to my wife and kids, to give my money and resources to those in need, to try my hardest to win more WSOP bracelets, and to try to hold onto all of my WSOP records!  Of course, I have Johnny Chan, Doyle Brunson, Erik Seidel, and Phil Ivey on my tail!
Now, let’s get to what the heck I’ve been doing lately, and what I will be doing in the near future!  You can check out my Tweets, about one or two per day at: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth">www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth</a><!-- w -->.  Two weeks ago I had the honor of meeting Justin Timberlake at his PGA Tour event in Las Vegas for Shriners.  I am a big fan of his, and he was a nice guy, as reported.  Justin likes poker, but he doesn’t play as much anymore because he doesn’t like to take his friends money.  There is a cool picture of Justin, Alice Cooper, Kenny G, and I up at my Twitter.  After playing the Pro-am Weds, I went straight to Jeff Shulman’s house for five hours to give him lessons for the “November Nine.”  Of course, Jeff is already an accomplished player, but we all can benefit from having a coach that we respect.  I have over 50 final tables in Hold’em, so I’m not a bad choice!  Jeff is playing great, and he has a great chance to win if he is reading his opponents well on November seventh and ninth.  The rest of the week I worked with Jeff, his father Barry Shulman (who just won the WSOPE main event! – who is giving who lessons here!?!), Diego, Adam, and a few others.  I learned something myself as we discussed hands, tactics, and the best possible strategies for winning.  Diego knew every opponent, their tendencies, and we all talked extensively about what the other eight would be attempting to do.  We played a simulated final seven, final six, final five, final four, and final three, with actual chip counts and we all “Played” parts as “November Nine” players.  We even read a bunch of hand histories!
I flew home Friday night and received news that my publicist Lara Miller was able to secure sideline passes for the Green Bay Packers home game at Lambeau Field vs. the Vikings on Nov 1.  The return of Brett Favre!!  I am a huge Favre fan, and a huge Packer fan.  My dad has been an avid Packer fan for 50 years, and he has never been to Lambeau Field—neither have I--but now I can take him there in style.  I did bring my father to the Super Bowl in San Diego when the Packers played Denver, but we lost.  I fly to Green Bay Saturday, then back to Vegas on Monday.
It’s Wednesday now, and I just landed back here in Vegas.  Tonight I do some local NBC news interview, and then I will be in bed early as I seem to wake up exhausted every day (this sucks!).  I’m tired every morning I guess because I have been on the move so much (London, Aruba, San Antonio, Vegas), and maybe my equipment for my sleep apnea breathing machine needs to be replaced.  I hate waking up tired, I had a lifetime of this before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and the breathing machine phase of my life began…
I want to be fresh because I play “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament tomorrow with Phil Laak, Antonio, Annette Obrestad, Mike Matusow, and I believe, EDOG.  Then Friday I film another “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament with Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, and four qualifiers.
After the Packer’s game this weekend I have to shoot ESPN News and radio stuff Tuesday night, then I film a segment for ESPN Weds for the “November Nine” show with Doyle, Chan, me and Ivey—this should be fun!  Also, I have to coach Jeff, maybe Tues and Weds for a few hours, although I believe that he is 90% ready now.  Then I film more “Poker after Dark,”--but this time cash games--next Thurs ($50,000 buy in) and Fri ($100,000 buy in), then next Saturday the “November Nine” starts at the Rio Hotel at noon, and I will be there all day to support Jeff.  Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!
RichZhu 发表于 2009-10-30 01:46:53 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏


Packers本周日比赛背景:包装工队(Packers)是威斯康辛州唯一的美式职业橄榄球队,在威斯康辛影响力远远超出任何球队。布赖特。法(Brett Favre)是美式职业橄榄球史上最伟大的球员/四分卫之一,在效力Packers16年后, 三年前因Packers要起用新人,在转会问题上出现一些风波。Favre今年加入Packers的宿敌,明尼苏达的Vikings。目前Vikings排 NFC North第一名,Packers第二名,只有第一名自动进入季后赛。
dolphin 发表于 2009-10-30 02:23:50 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

mavrick1999 发表于 2009-10-30 11:34:00 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏



dolphin 发表于 2009-10-30 13:32:01 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏


住我所有的世界扑克锦标赛纪录!当然,Johnny Chan, Doyle Brunson, Erik Seidel,和
Phil Ivey都在我的路上!

留言,每天会有一个或两个:www.twitter.com / phil_hellmuth。两个星期前,我有幸在贾
斯汀(Justin Timberlake)的PGA拉斯维加斯巡回演出上见到了他。我是他的歌迷,报道上也说
上有一张贾斯汀,Alice Cooper,Kenny G,和我的酷酷图片。周三早晨赛之后,我径直到杰夫舒
尔曼(Jeff Shulman)家5个小时去给他的“11月9日”做辅导。当然,杰夫已经是一个有成就的牌
时间我与杰夫和他的父亲Barry Shulman(刚刚赢得了WSOPE Main Event --这儿谁在给谁上
课呀!?!),Diego, Adam,和其他几个人一起工作。我们讨论了各手牌,战术,和最好的制致胜策
略,我从中学到了不少东西。 Diego知道每一个对手和他们的倾向,我们广泛地谈论了其他八个选手

周五晚上我坐飞机回家,收到消息说我的公关Lara Miller搞定了11月1日Green Bay Packers
在主场Lambeau Field与the Vikings比赛的贵宾卷。 Brett Favre的重现!我是一个超
Packers和denver的比赛,但是我们输了。我周六飞到Green Bay,周日再返回到拉斯维加斯。

波太多(London, Aruba, San Antonio, Vegas),也许是我的睡眠呼吸设备需要更换。我讨

我想感觉清醒,因为明天我要和Phil Laak, Antonio, Annette Obrestad, Mike
Matusow,我想还有EDOG,打“Poker after Dark”2万美元买入的赛事。然后,周五我要与
Chris “Jesus” Ferguson,还有其他四个合格牌手拍另一个“Poker after Dark”2万美元

Chan和Ivey一起为ESPN周三的“November Nine”节目拍一个片段,这应该很好玩儿!另外,我
拍些“Poker after Dark,” -但这次是现金游戏-下周四(50 000美元买入)和周五(10万美
元买入),然后下周六“November Nine”于中午在Rio Hotel酒店开始,一整天我都将在那里支
Bellagio 15k, Timberlake Pro Am, Packer’s Game, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!

I have been very lucky in poker and in life, and I recognize that I am truly blessed!  This is no religious statement, but I say a hearty “Thank you” to the powers that be.  For my part, I donate money to charity every year, I send an endless stream of “Swag” (signed books, signed pics, hats, shirts, and bobble head dolls) to charity auctions, I do not do drugs, I do not abuse alcohol, I emcee charity events (like my upcoming <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Holdemforheroes.com">http://www.Holdemforheroes.com</a><!-- m -->), and I stay loyal and true to my wife and children.  By acting above the rim ethically, and morally—like never cheating on my wife—I feel a bigger sense of entitlement in life in general.  And yes, I know, my going off at the poker tables is a strike against me!!
It is not easy to feel great about owning all of the records at the WSOP, being really wealthy (at least on paper!), being happily married for almost twenty years, writing a best-selling book, hosting my own TV shows, being on 12 million beer cans, being stopped in the street everyday like I’m someone special, etc…Who am I to deserve all of this?  I am just a man from Madison, Wisconsin who had average grades and an average childhood.  A man that dropped out of college!  But because I strive to do the right thing at all times, because I strive to be a really good husband and father, because I give money, time, and effort to charity, I feel OK about all of the huge blessings that I have received.  As time passes, I feel better and better about my life, my blessings, and the person that I am.  And I will continue to play poker with passion and purpose, to stay loyal to my wife and kids, to give my money and resources to those in need, to try my hardest to win more WSOP bracelets, and to try to hold onto all of my WSOP records!  Of course, I have Johnny Chan, Doyle Brunson, Erik Seidel, and Phil Ivey on my tail!
Now, let’s get to what the heck I’ve been doing lately, and what I will be doing in the near future!  You can check out my Tweets, about one or two per day at: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth">http://www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth</a><!-- m -->.  Two weeks ago I had the honor of meeting Justin Timberlake at his PGA Tour event in Las Vegas for Shriners.  I am a big fan of his, and he was a nice guy, as reported.  Justin likes poker, but he doesn’t play as much anymore because he doesn’t like to take his friends money.  There is a cool picture of Justin, Alice Cooper, Kenny G, and I up at my Twitter.  After playing the Pro-am Weds, I went straight to Jeff Shulman’s house for five hours to give him lessons for the “November Nine.”  Of course, Jeff is already an accomplished player, but we all can benefit from having a coach that we respect.  I have over 50 final tables in Hold’em, so I’m not a bad choice!  Jeff is playing great, and he has a great chance to win if he is reading his opponents well on November seventh and ninth.  The rest of the week I worked with Jeff, his father Barry Shulman (who just won the WSOPE main event! – who is giving who lessons here!?!), Diego, Adam, and a few others.  I learned something myself as we discussed hands, tactics, and the best possible strategies for winning.  Diego knew every opponent, their tendencies, and we all talked extensively about what the other eight would be attempting to do.  We played a simulated final seven, final six, final five, final four, and final three, with actual chip counts and we all “Played” parts as “November Nine” players.  We even read a bunch of hand histories!
I flew home Friday night and received news that my publicist Lara Miller was able to secure sideline passes for the Green Bay Packers home game at Lambeau Field vs. the Vikings on Nov 1.  The return of Brett Favre!!  I am a huge Favre fan, and a huge Packer fan.  My dad has been an avid Packer fan for 50 years, and he has never been to Lambeau Field—neither have I--but now I can take him there in style.  I did bring my father to the Super Bowl in San Diego when the Packers played Denver, but we lost.  I fly to Green Bay Saturday, then back to Vegas on Monday.
It’s Wednesday now, and I just landed back here in Vegas.  Tonight I do some local NBC news interview, and then I will be in bed early as I seem to wake up exhausted every day (this sucks!).  I’m tired every morning I guess because I have been on the move so much (London, Aruba, San Antonio, Vegas), and maybe my equipment for my sleep apnea breathing machine needs to be replaced.  I hate waking up tired, I had a lifetime of this before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and the breathing machine phase of my life began…
I want to be fresh because I play “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament tomorrow with Phil Laak, Antonio, Annette Obrestad, Mike Matusow, and I believe, EDOG.  Then Friday I film another “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament with Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, and four qualifiers.
After the Packer’s game this weekend I have to shoot ESPN News and radio stuff Tuesday night, then I film a segment for ESPN Weds for the “November Nine” show with Doyle, Chan, me and Ivey—this should be fun!  Also, I have to coach Jeff, maybe Tues and Weds for a few hours, although I believe that he is 90% ready now.  Then I film more “Poker after Dark,”--but this time cash games--next Thurs ($50,000 buy in) and Fri ($100,000 buy in), then next Saturday the “November Nine” starts at the Rio Hotel at noon, and I will be there all day to support Jeff.  Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!
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