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Phil Hellmuth专栏

dolphin 发表于 2011-2-14 10:45:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 dolphin 于 2011-2-19 01:08 编辑

回复 310# Phil Hellmuth

Stu Ungar在1997年世界扑克锦标赛(WSOP)上的最后一手牌

想起1997年的WSOP(世界扑克锦标赛)的主赛事的第二天,记得那天我坐在一张大家筹码都很深的桌上。桌上有世界冠军Doyle Brunson(德州Doyle),Bobby Baldwin, Stu Ungar, 还有我。我记得Unagr和我在赛事上一直都是领先筹码(chip leader),而且我们一整天都在互斗!不幸的是,我第二天就出局了--就是赛事的第三天--但时还有27名牌手留下,但是Ungar继续下去,最终和John Strzemp决战冠军头衔和一百万美元的奖金。

终桌比赛是在室外进行的,位于“Horseshoe Casino”和“Golden Nugget Casino\"之间,ESPN的相机架设周围,录下比赛。拉斯维加斯总是风大,我记得这给荷官带来麻烦。这是我所细讲的那手牌的录像: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PjuBWtn3MI  当时大小盲为$10,000 - $20,000,还有每人 $2,000的加码(ante),Ungar(有两百多万筹码)以A-4在纽扣位$60,000 开叫,Strezemp手拿A-8跟注。翻牌是A-5-3,Strezemp(筹码少于一百万)叫牌$120,000 到当时已有$124,000 的锅里,Ungar细想了很久(关于这个下面还有更多讨论),最终,他决定全进(ALL IN)! Strzemp用剩下的筹码应叫,这样Ungar就需要开一个4或者2来赢得他的第三个世界冠军。转牌是5,这就意味着Ungar需要一张2,也只有2才能赢的1997 Wsop。河牌是2,Ungar成了三次世界扑克锦标赛冠军!

让我们来仔细看看这手牌。Ungar在翻牌前的$40,000加注是一个和锅内筹码一样的翻牌前加注,代表了当时的标准。新派的标准加注不同,今天的标准应该是$25,000。Strzemp的$40,000翻牌前跟注耐人寻味。在1997年,这样的两个人对打的情况下,用A-8再加注才是标准的打法。如果Strzemp认为自己的牌更好,他应该再加注才对!新派的标准在这种情况下也是再加注。基本上,我会教育自己的学生在这种情况下如果认为自己的牌更好就应该再加注,或者不是很确定自己的牌是否更好也要加注(除非他们有很强的读牌,自己的牌不是最好的,不能加注)。因为就二人对决来说,A-8是很强的牌!如果是我,我会依照对手的强弱(他打的足够好吗?他是否犯过错误?)来选用其中一种打法。如果我认为自己比对手强并且不确定他的$40,000加注是强还是弱,我会仅仅跟牌。如果我认为对手的牌弱,那么我会推了(All In)。

Strzemp在翻牌上的$120,000叫牌不好。既然Strzemp在翻牌上打算把这把牌打到底,还叫什么牌呢?为什么不先过牌再加注(check-raise), 给Ungar一个机会来诈唬输掉一些筹码呢?如果你一定要叫牌,为什么不少叫些让自己看上去弱一些呢?在Strzemp叫牌之后,Ungar仔细思考了一分钟,他看起来象是在研究自己的两张牌。 几年之后,我已在磁带上观看了这手牌,我告诉Ungar,"我知道你在翻牌前只看到Ace,而且知道自己还有张"两个花"(Two across),在翻牌来了之后,你知道自己或者有两个高对,或者有对A和顺子听牌。" Ungar表现的非常惊奇,问到:"你怎么知道的?"("两个花"或者"两个点儿"是指,当你从牌的侧面翻看牌时,你能看到两个点儿。那么两个花就是4或者5,三个花就是6,7或者8,四个花就是9或者10。) 无限Lowball牌手总是慢慢捻着看牌,从一侧看他们的牌有几点,比方说,假如他们有一个对子的化能打平,不是对子的化就是拿到很强的Lowball牌(5给了他们一个对子,4使他们凑成坚果),那么他们可能会下大注; 这种情况下,就连他们自己都不知道自己拿的是超级好牌还是啥也没有! 结果当然是,当你自己都不知道自己是强还是弱的时候,别人就更难读你了。

Phil Hellmuth 发表于 2011-3-7 14:53:42 | 只看该作者
World Poker Tour A-10 vs. 10-10

The poker tour swung into the Commerce Casino in L. A. in late January for the LAPC (Los Angeles Poker Classic), and on Feb 25th a month of poker climaxed with a $10,000 buy in WPT (World Poker Tour) event.  I have been working hard on my poker game, and going into the WPT event I felt like I was locked into a great strategy.  My tactics were simple: I would play really patient poker, and wait for the cards (and the chips) to come my way.  I wasn’t afraid to fold 9-8 suited, A-J off suit or A-2 suited.  Playing only strong hands lead to some great situations, and Day One was smooth sailing, with nary a scary moment.  Day Two was also smooth, and almost risk free.  I knew then that my new tactics (“Old school Phil” tactics) would work well against almost any field.

On Day Three I stuck to my tactics, but I was ready to make a few moves when the time was right.  Interestingly, the only time I did get into trouble was when I tried to bluff!  Fine, I could easily survive Day Three and make some moves on Day Four, when, hopefully, I was a bit sharper.  With the blinds at $1,000-$2,000 and $120,000 in chips in my stack, an opponent opened for $45,000, and I quickly decided to call in middle position with my Q-Q.  He rolled over K-Q, and the cards fell off: 10-9-3-K-4.  I hated my opponents shove for over 22 big blinds in this deep stack tournament.  However, I do not think it an awful move in an online poker tournament.

With the blinds at $1,200-$2,400, I was sitting on $44,000 in chips when Player A opened for $6,500, and Player B made it $22,000 to go.  I had 10-10 in the small blind and normally I would have folded, but I decided to take a long look at this situation.  First off, Player B was a megalomaniac (super aggressive player) and he had come over the top of Player A a number of times.  Secondly, as I looked at Player B, he gave me the bewildered “I cannot believe he reraised me again” look.  I recognized immediately that this look meant that Player A was weak.  One read down, one read to go.  As I looked on, it was obvious that I had a huge hand, and Played B knew it.  At this point Player B looked afraid.  Player B had been running me over, and I had warned him that I was going to have him crushed when I finally manned up and played a pot with him.  Finally, I decided that Player B probably had at best 9-9, 8-8, or A-J.  Thus, for the first time in three days I decided to go with a hand; now what?

I could call, and then move all in on any flop that hit, no matter what it was.  I could move all in, and of course, I knew that Player B would call with any two cards getting laid three-and-a-half-to-one ($76,000 to $22,000).  If Player B had 9-9, 8-8, a small pair, 9-8 suited or something like that, then why not get all of my chips into the pot before the flop?  If he had A-J, then why not look at a flop, and then move all in (unless I flopped a set)?  I felt like it was a close decision, but the fact that this player was so aggressive and could have anything tilted my decision to moving all in.

Finally, I settled for all in, and Player B called and showed down A-10 off suit.  It just so happened that the WPT cameras were there along with all the media in the room as Player B told me, “Bye bye Phil, an ace is coming.” Whatever!  The flop was safe, J-5-5, but then an ace popped off!  Playing the results, I guess I should have called pre-flop, and moved all in on the flop…
yoking 发表于 2011-3-10 14:29:53 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yoking 于 2011-3-10 14:37 编辑

thx Phil!

世界扑克巡回赛 牌局分析:AT对TT

世界扑克巡回赛于一月底转战到洛杉矶的科默斯赌场(Commerce Casino),称为“洛杉矶扑克经典大赛”(Los Angeles Poker Classic),2月25日举行WPT一万美元买入的顶级月度赛事。我一直在努力加强自己的扑克游戏,参加WPT大赛时,我就做好了打持久战的准备。我的战术很简单:耐心地游戏,等牌积累筹码。我不为弃掉98o、AJs或A2s闹心。只打形势很好的强牌,第一天打得顺风顺水,无惊无险。第二天也很顺,几乎没出现冒险的情况。这时我就知道自己的新战术(“传统菲尔”战术)有可能无往不胜。



我可以跟注,在击中任何翻牌后再全押。我也可以全押,当然我知道B玩家会拿任何两张跟注,因为有3.5比1的成败比(76,000 : 22,000)。如果B玩家拿的是99、88、小对、98o或类似的牌,那么如果能在翻牌前把我的所有筹码都套进底池,又何乐而不为呢?如果他是AJ,那么看下翻牌圈再全押也不迟吧(除非我翻中三张)?我觉得这是一次很边缘的决定,但是事实是这个玩家很激进,可能拿着任何让我值得全押的牌。

yoking 发表于 2011-3-11 11:10:03 | 只看该作者
阿丽雅酒店(Aria Hotel)中“老虎机牌”

一月中旬我来到阿丽雅酒店的豪华“Phil Ivey扑克室”(高限注扑克室)打$150/$300级别的混合游戏。在我赢下一个不错的限注Hold’em底池,其实回想起来,那个底池的份量也没有想象得那么重。先说说游戏的大致情况吧:四人游戏,老几位打得都挺凶,动不动就反加对方。比如就在打到我要说的那手牌之前,我在大盲上拿着88,Christer Johansson 在UTG上加注,庄家上的玩家反加,于是我4BET,结果Johansson 5BET封顶。根据我的经验,我还没遇到过很多在限注Hold’em游戏中,在翻牌前被5BET的底池。



Johansson拿着成手的葫芦平跟的打法倒是值得商榷。当一个职业玩家使用平跟打法时,有很大机会他的一个对手是有活听牌的,即然如此为什么不对我们之一或者对我们两个人反加?我的意思是,通过把我们的另一个对手套进底池,Johansson的斩获可能更大,比如另一个对手拿着KJ,这时第四条街来了一张J,或者来一张方块让另一个对手成了同花听牌。如果我是高对的话,跟注会让他错过我可能做的一些下注。对Johansson来说,一个比较理想的情况是,如果我真的是一副高对,他在翻牌圈加注,我3BET,他平跟并在第四条街反加我:这样的话,他就能多收$1350(翻牌圈$450 +转牌$600 +河牌$300)。而且如果我们的另一个对手拿的是听牌或一副高对,那么通过在翻牌圈加注,Johansson可以赢到更多。按照Johansson的打法,他只能赢到$1200:其中从我这里赢到$1050(翻牌圈$150 +转牌$600 +河牌$300),再加上从另一个对手身上赢到的$150。所以Johansson放弃$150的利润,以便给另一个对手一次击中一张高牌(或捡到一张听牌)的机会,但是却错失了更多钱。总得来说,这是一个很接近的决定,但写完这篇文章后,我又觉得Johansson的平跟是最佳打法了!
Phil Hellmuth 发表于 2011-3-15 14:52:02 | 只看该作者
Deep, Deep Stack Poker!

The poker tour swung into the Commerce Casino in L. A. in late January for the LAPC (Los Angeles Poker Classic), and on Feb 25th a month of poker climaxed with a $10,000 buy in WPT (World Poker Tour) event.  Last column I talked about the hand that I was eliminated on during Day Three (my 10-10 vs A-10) of the LAPC WPT, and this column I will take a look at a hand that I won early on Day One.  By the way, my tactics for Day One were simple: I would play really patient poker, and wait for the cards (and the chips) to come my way.  I wasn’t afraid to fold 9-8 suited, A-J off suit or A-2 suited.  Playing only strong hands can lead to some great situations.  Yes my friends, after a lot of studying, I have come all the way back to the super tight “Old school Phil” tactics!

With the blinds at $100-$200, I opened under the gun with 3-3 for $600.  At this point I had roughly my starting stack of $30,000.  The player on the button, and the player in the big blind called, and the flop came down 7h-4s-3d.  The player in the big blind checked, I checked, and the player on the button checked.  The turn card was the king of spades.  The player in the big blind checked, I bet $1,300, the player on the button folded, and the player in the big blind raised it up to $4,200 to go.  I studied for a moment, and then decided to just call.  The river was the four of clubs (7-4-3-K-4) and now the player in the big blind bet $11,400.  I snap called, the player in the big blind flipped up 6-5 for a straight, and I collected a nice pot with my full house.

Let’s take a closer look at this hand.  I like my check on the flop, because I was playing defensive poker with my 150 big blind chip stack.  A few years back at the LAPC WPT, I called a raise with 4-4, and in a heads up pot the flop came down Js-7d-4s, and I went broke to three sevens.  After I flew home I was upset at myself for not saving some chips.  I mean, who knows what might have happened had I saved $10,000 in that hand?  Another positive for my check on the 7-4-3 board was that is allows my opponents, who are presumably drawing dead a lot of times on this flop, to hit a pair with a hand like A-J, and a turn card of say, a jack; whereupon they would lose some chips to me drawing dead.  The check also allows me to catch someone who is bluffing.  On the downside, the check keeps the pot smaller when my opponent has a pair of sevens (like 8-7), and the check allows an opponent to hit a six or a five and potentially make a straight and beat me.

On the turn, I like my opponents check with a made straight.  Since his two opponents may have been drawing dead, why not check again?  Also, if either of us hit a king, then he could check raise and maybe have us pay him off some serious chips with just one pair of kings.  I just called the check raise because I didn’t want to move all in and have my opponent show me higher trips, or a straight.  Again, why bust myself?

On the river, I like my opponents $11,400 bet.  I mean, in his mind he was just trying to pick a number that I could pay off!  I wouldn’t mind seeing him bet a little less though, like say, $6,000 or $7,000, as it would be easier for me to pay that bet off with a hand like K-Q.  I could only call the river because I had to protect my chips!  Also, what hand could my opponent call my all in move with, that I could beat?
yoking 发表于 2011-3-19 11:11:06 | 只看该作者
thx Phil!


扑克巡回赛于一月末转战到洛杉矶的科默斯赌场(Commerce Casino)展开“洛杉矶扑克经典大赛(Los Angeles Poker Classic)”,2月25日激战月度扑克大赛展开一万美元买入的WPT顶级赛事。我在上次专栏中谈到了让我在第三天出局的那手牌(我的TT对AT)。这次专档我想谈谈赛事第一天赢的一手牌。随便提一句,我在第一天的战术是很简单的:我要很耐心地游戏,等牌积累筹码。我不担心弃掉98同花、AJ不同花或A2同花。只打形势很好的强牌。没错,朋友们,经过大量研究,我又回归到超紧的 “老派菲尔”战术上来。




oJoy 发表于 2011-3-20 14:37:59 | 只看该作者
xphxph 发表于 2011-3-20 17:13:33 | 只看该作者
Hello Phil

I am just a poker fan and try to get a chance to the final stage of World champ main event.

But since most of my experience is from on line, here just one question about the body language you used when playing, to clarify my questions of difference between on line and real poker table;

I see you mostly say some thing, and when playing hand, put two fists to cover your cheek: what kind of information you are trying to hide from your rivals reading from?

well, I usually get extra information by seeing the response time when playing on line, do you have any ideas on that?

Phil Hellmuth 发表于 2011-3-29 12:25:35 | 只看该作者
Busted By the Bay!

The WPT (World Poker Tour) rolled into the Bay Area in the middle of March.  Last year I made the final table of the Bay 101 event, only to fall short of my ultimate goal of winning the whole enchilada when I finished in sixth place.  My Q-Q fell to my opponents A-J when an ace hit on the last card; and although I managed to shake everyone’s hand afterwards and smile, after I walked off stage I collapsed in a heap.  Five days of great poker playing went down the tubes in an instant!  Well, at least my collapse made for good television…

The Bay 101 WPT event is unique in that there are bounties on the poker stars.  The buy in is $10,000, and if you knock out a “Shooting star” you collect a $5,000 bounty.  The bounty changes the way people play hands, as well it should.  On Day Two I came in with $20,000 (starting stack was $30,000) and a head full of steam.  With the blinds at $600 - $1,200, I called $2,600 on the button with Kh-Jh, and both the blinds (no doubt eyeing up a potential bounty) called as well.  The flop was 10h-8s-7h, and all three players checked to me.  Sitting with a straight draw, a flush draw, and two over cards, I was supposed to move all in for my last $13,800, but I had a bad feeling that someone was super strong, so I checked.  The turn was the Qh, both blinds checked, the original raiser bet $5,000, and I decided to smooth call with my king high flush, thinking that there was a good chance that everyone else was drawing dead.  To my great disappointment, both blinds folded.  The river was the 5c, my opponent bet my last $8,800, and I snap called!  He showed a set of eights [nice check on the flop Phil!], and I collected a nice pot.  The very next hand I picked up A-J and reraised an opponent and won the pot.

One round later I peered down at A-K and opened for $2,700.  Vivek Rajkumar, sitting right behind me, made it $7,200 to go.  Everyone folded and I shoved all in for $37,700 more ($44,900 total).  After a few seconds I was rooting for a call, because I thought that Rajkumar would have called with a medium pair fairly quickly.  Rajkumar joked, “I need a calculator to figure out the ‘Bounty math.’”  Finally, Rajkumar called and flipped over A-10.  Yes, I was two-and-a-half-to-one favorite to have over $93,000!  The board ran out 10-5-2-4, and Rajkumar—who is a good guy--had the nerve to exclaim, “Don’t do it to me!  No king!”  [Don’t do it to you?  Really?]  The river was a four, and that was it for me.

Let’s take a closer look at this hand: I like my $2,700 opening raise, although in general I have been opening for 3x the big blind (3 x $1,200 = $3,600).  Rajkumar’s reraise is OK, at least it is aggressive.  I love my shove!  I’m saying, “Give me that $18,000 in the pot right now!”  I do not like Rajkumar’s call.  When you consider that Rajkumar was calling off 80% of his chips, then I hate the call!  $37,700 more when you have $7,200 in the pot, against a tight player that will have you dominated 90% of the time?  Yuck!  Yes, I am a bounty, and when Huck Seed and I discussed this hand, Seed felt like Rajkumar’s call was “A bad call, but not by much.”  Mike “The Mouth” Matusow said, “I hate his call.  He was playing Day Two of a $10,000 buy in poker tournament and he puts 80% of his chips into the pot in that spot?!?”
dolphin 发表于 2011-4-1 20:26:55 | 只看该作者
回复 319# Phil Hellmuth

世界扑克巡回赛(World Poker Tour) 在三月中旬轮转到湾区。去年我上了湾区101赛事的终桌,只是最后我拿了第六,没有实现我的终极目标 -- 把整个拉达(enchilada,一种南美食品,这里指冠军)拿下。 最后河牌出了一张A,我的QQ输给了对手的A-J;尽管随后我努力和每个人握手,面带微笑,当走下舞台后,我瘫做一团。五天的精彩扑克比赛立即上了银屏!至少,我的瘫倒让电视节目很好看......

湾区101世界扑克巡回赛(Bay 101 WPT event)有个特别的地方,扑克明星头上有人票奖。比赛的买入是$10,000, 如果你让一个"明星"出局,你可得到$5,000的人票奖。理所当然的,人票改变了人们的打牌方式。在第二天我满头冒汗地以$20,000筹码开始比赛(比赛以$30,000筹码开始)。盲注为$600 - $1,200,我在纽扣位拿Kh-Jh跟注$2,600,大小盲都应叫(眼里盯着潜在人票奖金,这个应叫毫无疑问)。翻牌为10h-8s-7h, 三个牌手都过牌到我。手拿顺子听,同花听,外加两张大牌,我应该把我最后剩余的$13,800都推进去,但是我有一种不祥的感觉 -- 有人可能有超强的牌,于是我只是过牌。转牌是Qh,两个盲注都过牌,原先加注的人叫牌$5,000, 我决定拿着我的K高同花平顺应叫,心里想大概每个人都是死听了。让我大失所望的是,两个盲注都盖牌了。河牌是5C,我的对手叫注我最后的$8,800, 我立即应叫!他亮出三条8,[Phil, 在翻牌上的过牌真榜!] 我赢了个好锅。下一手牌我又拿到A-J,加注了对手的牌又拿下一锅。

一圈儿之后我一瞟牌是A-K, 开叫$2700。Vivek Rajkumar, 坐我正下手,加注到$7200。其他人全都盖牌,我再加$37,700(总共$44,900)全推。几秒后,我等着应叫,因为我以为Rajkumar如果手里有中对时应该会很快应叫。Rajkumar开玩笑道:"我需要个计算器来算算\'人票赏金数学\'"。终于,Rajkumar应叫了,并且翻转过手中A-10。爽!我有2.5比1的比率赢得$93,000!  板上亮出10-5-2-4, Rajkumar-- 一个不错的小伙儿-- 居然能够喊出:"别害我!不要来K!"[别害你?真的吗?] 河牌是4,我就这样完了。

让我们仔细来看看这手牌:我喜欢自己的$2700开叫,尽管通常来讲我以大盲的三倍开叫(3 x $1,200 = $3,600)。Rajkumar的加注还可以,至少算是凶。我非常喜欢自己的全推!我是在说:"现在就给我这个$18,000的锅!" 我不喜欢Rajkumar的应叫。如果考虑到Rajkumar是在用他的80%的筹码在应叫,我讨厌这个应叫!再加
 $37,700?当你在锅里只投入$7,200,而你的对手是个很紧的牌手,有90%机会牌比你强的时候?倒胃口!是的,我是个人票!Huck Seed和我讨论了这手牌,Seed感觉Rajkumar的应叫是个"坏的应叫,不过也没差太多。" "大嘴"Mike Matusow 说:"我讨厌这个应叫。他在打$10,000买入的比赛的第二天,在那种情况下把80%的筹码放到锅里去?!?"
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