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Phil Hellmuth专栏

jianzhi 发表于 2010-2-9 11:34:14 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

Nolimit1980 发表于 2010-2-10 22:48:02 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

关煞位的 QT,加注进入!

UBOC(UltimateBet.com Online Championships)最后一周,出现了一个有趣的情形。盲注 $200-$400,底注 $25,我有 $10,000 筹码,手拿 Q-10 不同花,在关煞位--按钮右边一位。其他人盖牌到我,我瞄了一眼我后面的牌手,特别是他们的筹码数量。按钮位置的牌手有 $4,000 筹码,小盲有 $3,625,大盲有$3,750。怎么办?当然,我可以盖牌,也可以加注,或者平跟。对我来说,盖牌是最坏的选择。我的意思是,如果加注会有非常大的可能迫使其他牌手盖牌,从而让你赢得 $825($200 小盲+$400 大盲+$225 底注)的筹码,你怎么能盖牌呢? Q-10 很容易就是剩下的牌中最好的,即使不是,其他牌手也很可能对于加注而盖掉类似 K-9 不同花的牌,甚至是 A-杂牌(类似 A-4)。我也不同意跟注,虽然我可能是世界上仅有的几个在这种情况下会选择跟注的牌手之一。网上的家伙喜欢加注,现实世界的家伙喜欢加注,但有时我愿意跟注。跟注可以让按钮和小盲盖牌,最终可能在翻牌圈都击中的情况下,给大盲设置个陷阱。比如说,大盲手牌是 9-7,翻牌是 10-9-2。并且,如果我跟了之后,后面有人在翻牌前全下,那我如果盖牌,就只损失了 $400 的跟注。如果我确实跟注 $400 溜进去,并且有人确实全下(我会盖牌),那在比赛后期我会用类似 A-K 的强牌溜进去,这样当他们试图针对我溜进去而再次全下(掉进了我的陷阱),我一定会跟的。虽然我非常想跟这一手,但在网上扑克,我认为最好的选择是加注。

假设这次会加注,你会加到多少?一个观点是最小加注($800),如果有人全下把你踩在脚下时,弃牌。基本上你是冒 $800 的风险去赢 $825。而你的对手仍然会用小对或者 A-杂牌之类的牌全下。如果他们是小于十的对子,你大概是在扔硬币。如果他们是 A-杂牌,你大概有 43% 的机会赢下底池。再看看如果你全下(最大加注),而他们持有 A-杂牌或者小对子,会发生什么。大多数时候他们会盖掉 A-4 或者 小于 6-6 的对子,这时你赢了 $825,而不是用最小加注输了$800。当然,如果他们真的是 A-Q 或者 J-J、Q-Q 占据了优势,那你只输了$800,对上大概 $3,700 的失败。

那还有第三种选择,加注到最大和最小加注之间。仔细考虑之后,我选择加注到$1,600,让剩下三个牌手明白我已经下了决定,如果他们全下我肯定会跟。但是$1,600 的下注比全下加注更好吗?恐怕不是。如果你已经下了决定,为什么不直接全下呢?

september8 发表于 2010-2-11 15:56:06 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

mavrick1999 发表于 2010-2-11 20:52:23 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

finally got time to take a glance here.
kktao 发表于 2010-2-17 04:14:20 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

謝謝各樓主的翻譯。 [s:149]
Phil Hellmuth 发表于 2010-2-17 04:41:19 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

The rebirth of Phil Hellmuth: PEMM

2009 was my worst year ever in poker.  I did tons of stuff wrong and I actually lost money for the year.  Some people say that the reason that I did poorly was because the players in the fields vastly improved the way that they play poker, and that I am now outside of the top ten in the poker world.  I say the reason that I did poorly in 2009 was because of the fact that I have to deal with so much stuff; both inside, and outside of the poker world: and that eventually caused me to lose my way.  PEMM (P – positive, E – Exercise, M – Moment, M – Meditation) was one of the reasons that I climbed to the top of the poker world, especially in the game with the most skill, Texas Hold’em.  For a long time PEMM has been outside of my immediate purview.

First, I seemed to lose some of my P (Positive outlook).  In 2008 and 2009 there was the UB scandal, and even though I knew that I had zero involvement in the scandal (UB’s COO Paul Leggett did the investigation himself, and then a few months later he signed me to a multi-year deal), the whole thing just bummed me out and weighed me down.  Then there was the sudden rise of my celebrity to a ridiculous scale.  Starting in 2007 fans began coming up to me many times a day to tell me powerful things, “You are my idol,” or “You are the best poker player in the world,” or “I aspire to be you,” or “I love the way you play,” or “I am a huge fan, I watch you play every single day.”  This is good positive energy, but it is not natural for someone to get that much highly emotional praise every day.  I understand why most big stars act crazy, or start to act in weird abnormal ways.  By February of 2008 I couldn’t deal with all of the adulation and I was having some “Panic attacks.”  In one weekend where I hit the wall, my wife and sons and I hit a hotel in Monterrey, and everyone I came into contact with seemed to know me, stare at me, come up to me, and they all called me by my first name.  I would be out for a walk at midnight with my son, and people would spill out into the streets and shout my name.  I would never wish that anyone ever felt whatever it was that I felt at that low point.  My stomach was in knots, my stomach was in constant pain (but not sharp pain), I was feeling under siege from the world, I wasn’t sleeping well, every time someone started at me or came up to me it felt horrible (I still managed to smile and thank them for the praise), and I was short tempered with my beloved wife and sons.  Fortunately for me, my wife and I have the resources to go somewhere to get it sorted out, and on Monday (a day later) we were on a private jet to the world’s leading health spa: “Canyon Ranch.”

At “Canyon Ranch” I had every health test that they offered, and I eventually gave up 17 small vials of blood for the process!  I am a very lucky guy, and my health scores were absolutely perfect across the board, except that I needed to give up sugar (I love “Twizzlers” and other candy!).  So my problem was in the realm of the mental, not the physical.  After a few days down ay “Canyon Ranch” I was still pretty miserable, but I was working hard to understand my problem; and I was eating super healthy, and working out every day.  On the fourth day there I had some contact with the spiritual leader of CR; Jonathan Ellerby (he has some great books out).  Ellerby helped me out tremendously, and one exercise that he taught me the following.  When walking through an airport, do not notice the people stopping in their tracks when they notice you, rather imagine a red line leading to the plane you are going to get onto.  This worked well for me.  Ellerby and I also talked about the difference in living your life, and living your “Persona.”  I have the “Poker Brat Persona,” but it does not accurately define me.  In fact, Phil Hellmuth is a very different animal then the “Poker Brat” is.  Within the poker world I am well liked by almost every insider.  They know me to be honorable, honest, with high ethics and morals, compassionate, a fun guy, someone that takes time to raise millions for charity, and someone that has never cheated on his wife, ever (been together 20 years).  Oh, and they also know me to act like John McEnroe act the poker table!  They laugh at how Phil Hellmuth can transition to the “Poker Brat!”  The insiders know that within my “Poker Brat” rants there is no bite, just way too much bark!  Ellerby helped me see that I was living my persona rather than living my life.  All of the great compliments that people give me are not meant for Phil Hellmuth the person.  They are meant for “Poker Brat” the poker champion.  When I understood this, and saw it clearly, I began to feel much better!  From then on each day brought some more healing.  When we left a week later, I was still only 50%, but it felt great!  A few weeks later I was fully recovered and I clearly understood that I would suffocate if I lived my life as the “Poker Brat.”  Dealing with celebrity is not easy, and there is no manual.  Today it is worse than ever as I am mobbed here in Vegas every day, but I am taking it 200% better than I used to.  My current strategy is to understand that I do inspire millions of people, and that I need to continue to win to inspire people.  I like to think that I can shed my “Poker Brat” behavior in 2010 (like I did yesterday in Heat Two of the “Premiere League”) and inspire even more people.  I like to imagine that many millions of people will be inspired by me winning with class, positive energy, and a game that is played truly in the moment.

After hiring Sam Chauhan as my “Mindset Coach” the P (Positive energy) is beginning to get ramped way up!  However, I still was having a tough time in my first match on Saturday in the “Premiere League” (my first major tournament since November).  I felt a ton of pressure, and it was a horrible feeling to have.  And then I let my ego get involved and I tilted off some chips.  My wife suggested that I “Stay in the moment” because she felt like I would only feel pressure if I was thinking about the past or the future.  In my second match, I was able to stay in the moment, and shed myself of the negative energy that I sometimes throw out there as the “Poker Brat.”  On paper the result was the same as the first match, I finished sixth out of eight, but there was world of difference in the way I played!  I was positive, calm, cool, collected, and I felt zero pressure.  In fact, even though we lost no one in the first four levels and the pressure was clearly mounting for everyone else, I was actually having fun!!  When I lost another coin flip (my A-6 vs Daniels K-Q), I could have gone negative and complained about how many coin flips I have lost in the past on “Premiere League,” but instead I shook my opponent’s hands, and I left the set feeling positive.  No small feat for someone that has acted like a “Poker Brat” for so many decades.

I am in bad shape right now points-wise in the “Premiere League” after two of my four matches, but I am on the right poker path now, finally, after a year or two of getting in my own way!!  I play my third match tomorrow (you can follow with “Live” hole cards—pretty cool--at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.pokernews.com">www.pokernews.com</a><!-- w -->), and a first would put in great shape, and even a second or third gives me a fighting chance going into my fourth and final match.

I am on the right path now.  I am playing in the moment, without pressure, and making sure to get enough sleep.  I am all PEMM baby, Positive, Exercising, Meditating, and in the Moment!
hltx 发表于 2010-2-17 18:02:17 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

StuUnger 发表于 2010-2-18 08:09:13 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

yellw17 发表于 2010-2-20 06:16:26 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

謝謝各樓主的翻譯 [s:149]
enenppl 发表于 2010-2-21 22:21:53 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

我还要慢慢学习 [s:146]
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