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Phil Hellmuth专栏

Phil Hellmuth 发表于 2010-1-12 13:27:36 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

Strong or Weak, Bet the flop!

A useful tactic that is both old school and new school is the flop bet.  Whether or not you are strong, or weak, or somewhere in between, betting the flop can be a very effective tactic.  When you bet out weak (bluffing), then oftentimes you will pick up the pot uncontested.  When you bet out strong, you are giving yourself a chance to control the size of the pot.

New school top notch player Tom “Durrr” Dwan bets tons of flops; Durrr bets the flop when he is strong, and he bets the flop to great effect when he is weak.  Over-and-over I have watched Durrr win pots with a flop bet when he had absolutely nothing.  How does he keep inducing folds from his opponents?  Well, oftentimes Durrr’s bets on the flop put his opponents in a tough spot.  For example, if someone raises it up pre-flop with 10-10, two players call, and then Durrr calls in the big blind with say, J-8; and the flop comes down Q-9-2.  Durrr bets out and puts the player with the 10-10 in the middle.  The player with 10-10 cannot simply call Durrr in this spot very easily as the player has to worry about the other two opponents in the pot that called his raise pre-flop, and he also has to worry about an almost certain bet from Durrr on the turn (a call on the flop seems weak and thus Durrr will probably fire on the turn).  The player with the 10-10 has to ask himself how much money he is willing to commit with 10-10 and a queen onboard.  So Durrr’s well timed bet here causes the player with 10-10 to fold more often than not.  Part of the effectiveness of Durrr betting out on the flop is that he is able to gauge an opponent’s strength, and if he feels weakness, then he pounces with another big bluff.  And when Durrr does actually have a strong hand like A-Q (in our example), then his flop bet allows him a chance to bet both the turn and the river, thus he is able to determine exactly how much money he wins.

Betting on the flop is also a good lesson for me as I have been way too passive on the flop for a long time now.  Lately I have been winning to little with my strong hands, and by taking the lead on the flop I will give myself the chance to win more money when I am strong, and of course, give myself a chance to pick up some pots when I am weak.

Old school player Mike “The mouth” Matusow likes to bet out on the flop when he has a strong hand like top pair or a set.  The Mouth bets out on the flop when he is strong for two reasons; first, he thinks it looks weak when he bets the flop and that his flop bet will induce an aggressive opponent to make a raise; and second, the Mouth can control the size of the pot when someone does call his bet on the flop.  I have disagreed with the Mouth’s use of the tactic of betting out on the flop, because sometimes he doesn’t follow it up with enough flop bet bluffs.  Thus the Mouth fires out when he is strong--and oftentimes he wins the minimum when he flops a set or top pair because his opponents just fold—and he check-folds on the flop when he is weak.

How did it come to pass that I do not bet out enough on the flop these days?  Because I have been in the business of trapping my new school (ultra-aggressive) opponents so much, that I forgot the benefits of a simple flop bet!  By trapping my opponents, I do oftentimes get a flop bet (continuation bet) out of them that I may not have received had I bet out myself.  But now that I am famous for trapping, my opponents are checking behind me when they flop top pair, so that I am winning the minimum when I have K-Q, and they have Q-J on a Q-9-2 flop.
jayking 发表于 2010-1-14 00:29:40 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

llyyzz 发表于 2010-1-17 02:22:09 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏


我传统的“假日扑克赛”今年又一次在威斯康辛麦迪逊举办了,而这一次的项目是1000买入 $5-$5盲注的有限德州扑克赛。每一次我到威斯康辛都是我假日旅行的一个亮点之一!我和一群有意思的人一起比赛,而且玩这种超深筹码(super deep stack)的比赛总是充满了乐趣。今年的比赛从下午4点开始,到了凌晨2点我已经积累了超过$50,000的筹码。你有多少机会能在无限德州扑克的比赛中拥有超过2000大盲的筹码?有了这样深的筹码,你通常可以玩40%的起手牌(hands)都还可以赢钱。当然,这要求你拥有勇气,决心,能时不时大 bluff和小bluff并且会慢玩(slow play)和快玩(fast play)。正确地混合使用这些技术能让你赢利不小,而错误地混合使用它们也会轻易让你损失大笔的筹码。

到了凌晨2点左右,下面讲的这手牌出自 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.UB.com">http://www.UB.com</a><!-- m -->的签约职业牌手"oker Ho"和我。这时盲注是$10,Poker Ho和Jon Green入局,我在Button位置用Js-6s靠。翻牌出来J-5-2彩虹牌(rainbow,译者注,专门指翻出的牌两两都不同花),Ho下注 50,Green靠,而我决定以锅底大小加注(实际上,这时锅底有160,Phil下注260)。在大盲位置的选手弃牌,紧接着Ho很快下注520——一个310的再加注。Green弃牌,我思考了一会,靠。转牌来了个8,Ho宣布,“我以锅底大小下注”,然后我快速地弃牌了。后来他告诉我他这把牌的底牌是一对5。

这手牌是怎么回事?我欣赏Ho用他的暗三在60锅底的时候用50下注。另外一个选择是他可以慢玩这一手超级强大的牌,比如下注20,甚至在flop上check,但是这样做的后果是绝大部分情况下他放弃了赢得一个超级大锅的机会。在flop上check是最糟糕的策略,因为这让局中的三位选手之一在flop上没法check-raise,这样会浪费Ho很多动作(action)。我的意思是,如果三位选手其中之一准备用J-2,J-5,5-2,K-J这样的牌来check-raise,那他已经check 过一轮了。而在后位的选手可能会害怕自己手中的牌在转牌后不再领先,而仅仅下少量注。同样的,如果转牌出来一个6,或者4,或者3,或者A都会减少Ho能做的动作,因为他现在得考虑他对手手中有个顺子的可能性。另一个合理的策略是在flop上下少一点的注。这样下少量注,比如20,的好处是给那些准备 check-raise选手raise的机会(译者注,如前所述,他已经check过了),同时引诱那些有一对或者Ace High甚至更差的牌的选手入局。而这样的做坏处也是明显的,你给了那些拥有卡顺可能(比如6-4,6-3,A-4,或者A-3)的牌手低成本翻牌的机会,然后如果真的让它们做成顺子了你会损失惨重。一句话总结,我认为50下注比下注20好,而在这里check是最坏的策略。

而对于我在flop上260的下注,我认为是合理的。我以锅底大小加注是认为我应该拥有最强的牌,同时这样可以检验我牌力的实际位置。我喜欢Ho的310 再加注,特别是他光速般的执行这个加注动作。因为他如此快的再加注让我有些迷惑了。我讨厌我靠310这个动作!我的意思是,我在flop上加注来查看我牌力的位置——Ho的再加注告诉我:“我有更强的牌”——然后,我不管不顾还是靠了!我不喜欢Ho在turn上锅底大小的下注。为什么他有如此强大的牌时要让我这样快弃牌?虽然我知道他这样做的理由——他在确定我刚才没有用4-3来靠后并打走他。如果我拿着4-3我会弃牌,同样的现在我会轻易放弃一对,甚至两对的牌(如果我有的话)。

StuUnger 发表于 2010-1-18 22:26:59 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

RichZhu 发表于 2010-1-19 11:36:58 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏


半路相遇 发表于 2010-1-20 13:34:04 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

Phil Hellmuth又发新贴了,这个是讲的是技术的,麻烦英语达人再翻泽一下吧 [s:185]  [s:185]
llyyzz 发表于 2010-1-21 13:34:01 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏



老大客气了! [s:174]  很喜欢这个论坛,打牌我是新手,唯一能做的就是在大家都忙的时候帮忙翻译一下,所以我也尽力而为。还好Phil的技术贴每次都不长,翻译起来也比较快。就是去年年底那个10年总结贴太长了…… [s:167]

blarblar 发表于 2010-1-24 06:36:33 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏

he is a genius idiot or idiot genius
mavrick1999 发表于 2010-1-24 10:28:57 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏



llyyzz 发表于 2010-1-25 01:43:21 | 只看该作者

Phil Hellmuth专栏



现代扑克技术的代表人物汤姆“刀”曾端(Tom "Durrr" Dwan)喜欢翻牌下注;刀在他牌力强时下注,他也同样在他牌力弱时下注以取得主动。一次又一次我看到刀通过翻牌下注而直接拿下锅,而他什么牌也没有。他怎样让他的对手们弃牌的呢?这是因为大多数时候刀的翻牌下注让他的对手们处在了一个两难的境地。举例来说,如果有人在翻牌前用对10加注入局,两个人靠,然后这时在大盲位置的刀靠,假设他拿着J-8。翻牌出来Q-9-2。然后刀继续下注,这时轮到拿对10的那个人做出选择。他不能简单的靠,因为他还得担心后面两位靠了他翻牌前加注牌的人,当然他也几乎一定会担心来自刀在转牌(turn)上的威胁(翻牌上仅仅靠显得有些软,所以刀很有可能会在转牌上发力)。拿对10的选手得问问自己,在牌面上有个Q时他愿意投入多少筹码进去。所以,大部分时间刀在翻牌时恰到好处的下注会让那个对10的选手弃牌。另一个翻牌下注的好处是刀可以用这个下注来测试他对手的牌力,如果他觉得他落后,那他下一轮接着更大的诈牌。而如果刀确实拿着强力牌,比如A-Q(在这里例子里),那么他翻牌上下注让他能继续“自然地”在转牌和河牌上下注,这样他可以决定他这一把到底能赢多少。


经典扑克技术的代表人物迈克“大嘴”马图索(Mike “The mouth” Matusow)喜欢在有强力牌比如顶对和三条时翻牌下注。大嘴在牌力强时翻牌下注有两个理由,1)他认为在翻牌上下注这行为本身看似软弱,由此会引诱那些凶狠的选手加注;2)如果有人仅仅靠他,那么他可以控制锅的大小。我本人并不赞同大嘴的这些翻牌下注的战术观点,因为有时他并没有相应的在翻牌上下注诈牌。所以当他仅仅在他牌力强时翻牌下注——大部分时间他拿顶对或是三条而仅仅能赢最小的锅,因为他的对手直接弃牌了。而大嘴在牌力弱时,通常都是过牌—— 弃牌。

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