Guy to my right limp, i r 50 w AcKh hj, papa call on bb, limper call.
3way 155, AQ4hhc, ckck, i led 135 fairly big, papa minr to 250, dealer made him toss in 20 more, other guy f.
Now if i call this minr, the eff stack is about $800, roughly a potsize. If he's on a draw, i should mov AI, otherwise he has a chance for a free shot for my stack. But it's likely he has a made hand. Can he do this move by AJ? Not really but maybe 20%. i decided to go AI, he calls.
Tn Q rv blank. He has AKo also. Chop.
He said, it's like kissing your fat sister. I didnot understand and think he is cursing me, but other people explained it to me. If u dont know what it means u can google.