I would play the same as this guy if i hold QJ. If he has a set of 10 9 or 8, i think that he would raise after flop to make it expensive for you to draw straight. Overall, if he is not a fish, his hand shows overwhelming strenghth to me, since he smooth calls preflop (not afraid of the straight draw board) and raise you big after you show any strength. 2 pair is probably no good here.
他有可能是89,更可能是JQ或者j7。Flop上 call with big hand,非常正常,不能因此排除他有顺子的可能。何况,下面是彩虹,他也不急着翻牌就发威。就算他有70的可能是偷你,你也该扔。因为你靠了这一下,最后你的9和10不到,他再上200还是很难缠。
我一般对于不了解的人,都采用最保守的 move,等了解了后,就不同了。