应该在turn raise~
因为你的不是nut flush, 再出一张会让你很难决定。或者再pair一对,等等。
你的这种情况是中等的committed, 将来的牌还是有可能伤害到你的,所以你要在确定自己领先但是还是有可能被draw out的时候尽量把钱进入。
另外一个理由是: 如果他有trips的牌,turn raise 他还是会call, 但是如果最后一张出同花,他不会再给你action.
我基本觉得,如果你turn raise, 他call 和 fold的概率大概是 60/40 ~
严重同意coolwings的分析。coolwings是不是也看过Card Sharp上对于committed的分类:弱中强。楼主这个情况恰好属于中等committed,应该找一切机会push allin。如果你push allin,对方call再river你,你也可以说,你的玩法仍然是+Max EV的最优玩法,长期最大化盈利的。
举例:你preflop raiseAK,对手call,锅里10BB,一个对手,有效剩余筹码60BB。flop出来K72 rainbow。你认为如果轮到你,你可以all-in。但是如果对手bet,你raise,对手raraise,你于是严重怀疑对方两对或暗三,可以fold。
举例:flop出nut straight。对手再怎么raise你一定也要跟他干到底。但是,如果turn,river出4-flush,你当然可以扔牌。
举例,你KK raise,紧手call。flop出来K72 rainbow。只要stack不是超级深,我认为这时候你已经强committed,无论turn,river出来什么牌,你都奉陪到底了。
回到楼主的例子,楼主此时(turn上)觉得对方不是full house,当然可以move in,而且对手bet,raise也不能改变楼主的决定。但是如果river出红桃,或者2,8,10,楼主的K high flush价值严重下降,可以认为取消了committed状态。属于中等committed。
---------------------以下转载Card Sharp关于中等committed时的策略---------------------
1. What you would like to do is adopt a betting line on this street that gets enough money in the pot to leave you strongly committed instead of moderately committed while getting as much of your opponent’s money in as possible.
2. If you can’t find such a betting line, how you proceed depends on how many remaining cards in the deck are bad for you, and how bad they are:
* If there are a large number of very bad cards, you should generally plan on moving in this street. This could potentially be via a check-raise if you are first to act and believe strongly that your opponent will bet.
* If there are very few bad cards, you should generally play this street as if you were strongly committed, and then suffer the consequences of being de-committed if one of the bad cards falls.
楼主的bad cards至少有所有8,2,10一共8张,加上不算特别坏,但是也不爽的所有红桃8张,总共16张bad cards。属于
“If there are a large number of very bad cards, you should generally plan on moving in this street. This could potentially be via a check-raise if you are first to act and believe strongly that your opponent will bet”
结论:turn上正好check-raise他全进。 |