本帖最后由 monox0 于 2011-11-3 22:08 编辑
我想把这帖改成 [微额PLO 答疑解惑专帖] ,*斑竹大大们看到了帮帮忙可以不。
继续帖我昨天打的狗血牌。那叫一个多了去了。。 喝了点酒打牌那就是飘乎~
PLo10 6m 100BB
First hand after blinds so no any read, this player comes from Brazil.
UTG Hero A Q T 2 limp , BTN limp, SB raise 4bb, BB fold. Hero call. BTN call.
flop: Q 7 K (pot 15BB) SB pot, Hero call, 1fold.
turn: 6 SB pot 45BB, Hero (80BB) tank.. Hero call.
River : K SB shove, 1 fold.
Well well well... I'm a big sucker playing this hand.
I don't like my limp /call PF, but in UTG that's certain a vailid way playing this quite marginal boardway, especially the fact that aggression comes from SB makes me comfortable.
Flop: he open quite strong, I don't really has much reason to get it in here, unless against hands like QJT9 hh, I'm in awkward odds. He's range will have lot of KK/KQ even QQ and AA a big part of times.
Turn: very agressive, board changes nothing, so his range keeps almost the same, you can remove some AA for those less agressive player, but since he pot the flop, so you really can't even remove that part, assuming that he's commiting himslef with good AA like AAJT sometimes.
I think if I hit the hearts, I do have the implied odds given pot so big he have to pay off my last small bet. but if that's all the reason, I see much clear a fold , equity seems still not enough.
River: he bet his entire range 100%, I just conisder call him, but i'm time up. so really frustrated when I forced to fold.
So after review: a fold on the turn maybe best ?
and as played, river call maybe best?
any comments welcome.