本帖最后由 monox0 于 2011-12-27 19:59 编辑
2011.12.27 *Edit:
1. 请讨论PLO50以下(微额)的牌谱
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6. 请不要在帖子里面灌水,灌水可以去交流大厅~
我不用HUD, 自然不知道数据,但对某些对手会有note.
第一把,PLO10, 有效筹码60BB, UTG+1 mini raise, Hero BTN Q 9 8 6 3bet 6bb, SB call, BB call, UTG+1 call.
Flop: 4 3 7 (POT 24BB)
check 到UTG+2, bet pot, 到hero , hero raise all in, 2 fold.
我当时的想法,多了两个人,不是我要得结果,但我和board 很attached. 不可能这么就仍了,我在考虑如果全部check 到我,我会下试水注,但我考虑如果被c/r 可能要弃牌。
因为放过一个turn card 对我来讲很不好。 但思考着就看到UTG+1 bet pot, 当时也是1秒就all 了。
这里其实我没有什么弃牌率。 事后觉得这手问题挺大。
第二把,UTG+1 raise 3bb, 2calls, Hero 在BB 拿A 8 A T 3bet to 15BB, 3 calls
(sorry can't type chinese now.. )
flop 5 7 3 (pot 60BB)
Hero bet 19BB, UTG+1 call, 2 folds.
turn 5 (pot 98BB) effective stack 68BB
Hero check, UTG+1 check.
river 6
Hero check, UTG+1 shove, Hero fold.
well, I don't like check /fold the flop first. turn can be a really good card for me given there is only 1 caller after flop.
I think I missed the chance to kick out villian. Anything better than 2 pair can be a push on the flop given stack so shallow. So there is little chance the 5 helped villain.
What drives me to check is for a check/call to enduce a bluff, but atcually the pot is big enough. Really not sure what I think about at that moment.
And river seems a 100% fold to me.
第三把, 这三把我都刚进桌子不久,所以没什么阅读不好意思 effective 100BB
UTG (fin) raise 3.5 BB, UTG+1 3bet 12BB, 我在MP 拿到A K J 4 call, UTG 4bet to 50BB, UTG+1 call, hero 38BB to call... hero tank and fold.
这里是一个good fold 吗。感觉筹码太浅了。
补充内容 (2011-11-4 14:04):
本贴 长期更新, 希望新老PLO 朋友可以不吝赐教 慷慨分享 多多发牌谱 共同学习进步~
补充内容 (2011-11-4 14:07):
本贴 如果没有特别说明 都在PLO 6人max 的标准桌 上进行,筹码为100盲注 |