




楼主: 柏木雪狐
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 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-4-17 21:37:58 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2019-4-17 21:39 编辑

Didn't update for quite long since myself was pretty busy doing both my work and grindation of table.  Stuck on a down-swing now which peaked at -40k but just narrowed down to <-25k, not to painful since I got over 7-figure bankroll but difinately made me think about my over-aggressiveness.

Like I mentioned before, on 2019 I m happy to take much less table on table, instead put more money and energy on sth I truly like, e.x. ACG field. More than happy to put like ¥300k investment as screenwriter/producer. Another 300k goes to stock market, which basically full ETF portfoilo as I don't got much time for it, just like watching scoccer match as the index keeps fluctuating. Besides some good amount long-term AUDs in my offset account, also an increasing number goes to Esport-betting and Pokershares (where I could go buy other top players action, brilliant)

I seemingly already get used to this kind of life at the age of 31, making money by myself and spend it with my very trustworthy friends. Decided to spend a good labor holiday at Shanghai, while still got some time for poker.

Always try to catch up to date, but guess what? My ego keeps me in the downswing, thinking I already learned the most advanced strategy in the world and get bited by those stupid fish. Should have watched the 10 tips I listed before ( very important) OOP C-BET/ DELAY C-BET/ RIVER BLUFF way too much against stubborn fishes, and IP 1/3 c-bet put myself in many tough spot vs C-R, while I could have been make it easy by just CHECKING BEHIND.  Balancing is sth you need against good reg in case they couldn't exploit you, not for dealing with fish who never fold like chip splashing! fxxx it!  
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-4-27 15:03:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2019-4-27 15:07 编辑

Honestly, it's not too bad to pull through from -15000 to +500, but the thing I realize is my GTO line don't work too well against those crazy aggro maniacs. At the very new year of 2019, I feel pretty excited to learn new strategitic line from my good buddy, elite Crown Grinder Max, and it worked out pretty well at the league I used to play (Maybe cuz there are full of REGs?), but afterwards when another my good buddy introduced a kinda sweety game to me, things get different.

I think the core concept is, whatever we learn and play, we shall always keep our decision simple, while making maximum trouble and keep putting puressure on our villains. What I played recently, cuz I chase the "standard line" too much, I keep doing "stubborn and seemingly correct move", like keep betting 1/3 after 3bet regardless of IP and OOP, didn't make the FE at all that we required. Vs are constantly me calling me down with weak range which supposed to fold (by GTO), and caught my 70-80% PSB on river. This quite cost me decent amount and sometimes even make me frustrated -> tilted, then play way even more aggro (and against even much less FE )

I think I use time bank way shorter than it shall be. (Fk MY EGO) Strategy is sth should help ourselves out, not hole-digger.

I think I shall make less but more heavy (>1.5psb) bluff. If I coudnl't, I shouldn't even bluff on river. Especially when I m multi-tabling, and totally unaware of my current table image at call. (Am I in deepwater? Is he on tilt? Deepwater as well? Try catch bluff or bluff getting caught? etc.)

Another problem is that, I care "balance" WAY TOO MUCH than "keep things easy and simple". The simpler lines would be, the much less mistake you would make.  Play more straightforward against those maniacs and crazy guys, don't care too much about "unbalanced" (cuz they don't care/notice as well).

Is it easy to be exploit by good REGs?


But your major profit NEVER come from them.  

This game is all about catching fish, not catching sharks.

"Where there is a fish, there is a game."  ----- Anonymous
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-5-13 11:58:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2019-5-13 12:39 编辑

card strength evaluation > balance

fold equity lies, table image changes.
(Esp when you underneath water at long-session cash table, ppl have great tendency to overcall/over-def)
card strength maintains
Every poker player's dream is that winning money and being flattered. Well, it may happens at tournament since there are win-win situation, but VERY unlikely at cash game. Your winning is directly from other player's losing, which means clearly that each of player is bust their ass trying to outplay each other, sure that could definitely be lucractive, but you shall always remember that's a dark and cruel game.

When players pulls the trigger to attck, either bluff or semibluff, what they need to concern most is the adjustment of folding equity, which would NOT display at all the HUD database. Your vallain would never show that "I have 35% FE at this spot’ , so you have to do your evaluation. Interestingly enough, even for themselves, the adjustify happens all the way all the hands, and is influenced by so many factors. It could be your image, your face expession, your winning/losing status, tells, etc.

So what I reckon is that you shouldn't care too much about being critized as a 'nit', or leave the table at casino/home game when it clearly indicates that today is just not your day. Of course, players would laugh at you or start gossip. But you really need to know your goal clearly, are you here to enjoy good times, flatter those bosses who simply treate this one as a hobby, or simply winning money? Only after you have a goal, then you have a line.

That's the tournament player normally unaware risk, cuz when there are running hot ,they got so many chips to bully/exploit others, who already got a n incredibly high FE (OS: this guy is so tough/dangerous, better stay away), but when they are short/running bad, they don't have much to lose and others also won't risk much to tilt them (T chips always swallow). So even good T players won't realize how BAD they could be at deepstack cash game, nor they could understand why those who seemingly splash around could ALWAYS suchout/outplay them (AD all the way and try to pull the tilt trigger), make them eventually tilt and behave even worse.

Beware my friend, cards are simple, but POKER IS NOT.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-5-15 00:59:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2019-5-15 01:04 编辑

stucked at boss game 100-200-400, 77<AA on 7xx, river A. AK<QQ for 120bb 4b jam pot.
Got suckout 3 times of pure flush draw.

Bluff allin one guy with Q6ss on flop, he tanked like 5min and asked, "you winning or losing?" I think that's a good question, cuz then he decided to calldown with 67ss middle pair no kicker...

I m fine with those swings. But like what I said, FE on certain spot is sth you could never see on the HUD screen

And forget balance at live cash game, play more starightforward to protect your equity. People make decision according to their mood, tell judgement and experience, and the volume could be far less comparing to online grindation.
爱打牌的上班族 发表于 2019-5-16 10:03:11 来自手机 | 只看该作者
柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-4-27 15:03
Honestly, it's not too bad to pull through from -15000 to +500, but the thing I realize is my GTO li ...

 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-5-16 10:09:52 | 只看该作者
爱打牌的上班族 发表于 2019-5-16 10:03


但要问我选纳什均衡还是GTO 我肯定选纳什


如果敌人用GTO 比如对方是个机器人 你只能努力向最平衡的策略学习

问题是99.9%的player级别根本到不了这种平衡程度 钻研GTO简直是自讨苦吃
爱打牌的上班族 发表于 2019-5-16 12:14:50 来自手机 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-5-27 22:07:47 | 只看该作者

Basically, I would suggest player to bluff less at cash game, mostly cuz ppl have the tendency of loss aversion.

Could be very sharp weapon at tournament, esp when you can put villain's t-life on the line.

But anyway, that's a weapon in your armory, not a necessity. DON'T BLUFF OVERDOSE.


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 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-6-21 00:35:40 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Enjoy national cup quite a lot n now heading south. Had some good review with my coach. Basically still over-fold oop (which I shall check-call more often at flop, def til turn, sometimes river). My IP stab is fine but sometime way too stubborn. I shall really give up my bottom range which have absolute no equity. C-b those rubblish is just burning money.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-6-21 00:36:42 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Got a guy here, satellited High-roller n continue to play instead of sold it out, made 2nd finally n took home huge $$.  
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