




楼主: 柏木雪狐
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 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-9-29 02:30:24 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Can not believe the roller-coaster on my check payday. First +$1500 at very early morning n feel pretty happy. Stopped a while n couldn’t find much interesting thing to do. On 4PM reloaded to play lowstake, tried a 100bb bluff on 4 heart board, caught by 22 w heart. Doubled up KK>99 soon and against same guy, JTs called 3b. On T5678 board run a sick 250bb jam bluff, got called by AA as the same guy! Little tilted and jumped level (which I shall regret) soon lost two more, one played bad one suckout for turn 12outs (AK tptk against turn combo). One more Disconnected miss the c-b, w T9o on Txx vs 2, turned 9 and all the money went in one V had 99...so sick. Then have to take a break, drive my buddy back home, lifting his furnitures - then back to company n opened a hotel room ready for long-term battle. Soon doubled AJs 4b vs KQs of deepewater n he blanked... but I also played some terrible bluff, basically cuz I didn’t bought time bank enough - AQo 3b jam on K32hh vs c-r and he got K4hh FML... another KK<AKo..... finally got a chance bvb 66 vs AKo 5b jam for $10k pot! Wtf he flopped A... and I spiked 6 on turn to lock the pot! Very consecutive hand, opened 56s, deep water 3b, hero call. Flop 996, V check, hero bet 1/3, got called... turn 3, V check, hero bet 1/5. Got jammed and didn’t take much time to call down, and he revealed AKs as I expected. Rivered blank and I finally could sleep at 3AM as breakeven player. What a fxxxing day
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-10-21 10:00:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-10-21 20:47 编辑

RNG lost had given me a huge blow, little bit regret to put too much on the so-called proud of LPL and flagship of Chinese eSport, 2-3 lost and been kicked out of S8. Didn't perform well at poker table as well (maybe I m too tilted and too eager to get it back hence out of line as well), lost a bunch of coinflip and AKs<KK, get stubborned and on 11PM I stucked for around 30k, to tilted and transferred 5k to my partner manga artist, and keep fighting, by 1AM it ultimately narrowed to around 4k (I made some stubborn call on the super AGGRO table as well), K9s>9Ts on 99X4, KK>AKo, JJ>A6s on QQ36hh etc. Then drive 1hr home to end this messy day.

I fxxxing hate myself for taking too short time on river for bluffing/bluff catch, mindset already set for tournament and very careless at the last decision, which is obv my worse performance street and still frequently make stupid moves

At least the Internet Cafe is nice!

 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-10-21 20:45:35 | 只看该作者
-5k then +14k to end Sunday, not too bad

I think I m little bit smarter than others, but that also made myself greedy and want everything good in life.
Genereally speaking, at the very start of my young time I already unconsciously try hard to max my EVs

I always find the longest time for playing, or sneak out to save time/energy, try hardest for the cost efficiency

Actually I don't think thats very correct way for living but lets try to find way out

I can't master everything regardless of how hard I try. I like play poker that's truth, I do investment also (try to get free cash flows but turned out not too successfuly for recent 2 yrs), and I start manga career which I like and I believe could prove my value to the society

This better be my line of life. Good for my inner peace and also for society.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-11-2 09:42:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-11-2 11:03 编辑

played my first ever 100-200-400 str game, 20k starting stack, got staked 50% and ended up -38k (-19k), pretty pretty nitty and got bad beated twice, otherwise the EV would be 0

limped AA utg, 2 caller. flop 348cc, bb bet 2300, hero raise 4700, all fold n bb call. turn K blank, check to hero who bet 6500, fold

+1 limp,co open 1400, hero AKo 3b 4500, +1 call. CO fold HU. flop KQhh8, check to hero who bet 7k, call. turn 4 blank, +1 donk allin 8000, instant call, V got 88 and hero dead.

Reloaded 25000, double str 800, 1 call, hero call 44, BB open 2000, 2 caller including hero. flop 469r, bb boss bet 3000, 1 call, hero cr to 7500, boss call. turn Q, boss check hero jam, boss call w KK,  hero doubled up.

CO short stack open 1600, btn call, hero sb 3-bet AKo to 6300, CO call. flop 78Jcc, hero jam, CO call 7500. CO AQcc, turn c

HJ fish short stack 7k limp, hero isolates raise A9o btn to 3300, all fold to fish who jammed, called, he got 9Jo, flop J

hero btn open AKo to 2000, passive sb call, lag bb call. flop 259r, check to hero who bet 4000, sb call, bb c-r to 14000, hero tank fold

 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-11-17 21:01:48 | 只看该作者
Don't bet pp oop against 20/30 good reg ip. Hard to control and sometimes very tough to deal against 4bet.  
That's just too marginal situation at cash table.  Get more certainty.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-1-14 14:56:15 来自手机 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-1-18 19:10:20 来自手机 | 只看该作者
今天在youtube上看Ask the Pro,问职业玩家觉得最难的是什么,Jason Koon说是保持平衡。确实挺难的,尤其现金桌、赢了还想赢,输了想翻本,这是每一个选手都要面对的问题吧。 前阵子听一个打Blackjack的说,老玩家上桌都这样,准备好的筹码,右边兜里的下注,赢的进左边的兜,多少把打完,输赢都走。 这是控制,也是管理。 按照这种理性来算,MTT果然是最健康、但健康不足以令你致富,人生就这样。
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-2-2 11:46:49 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Played 2hr Zoom100, bottom -200 eventually -70 too fxxx nitty
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-2-7 10:06:44 | 只看该作者
10 maximize your vpip from the blinds.   very few players are defending enough, especially in multiway pots.
9 Start overbetting more.  imo there are constantly spots where you should be using a 1.5PSB or > river sizing .
8 lower your OOP flop c-bet (at least vs the solid regs) until you get better at visualizing equity distributions. Mess around with textures in flopzilla or use any of the other tools available these days. EDvis is a good one.  
7 limit your strategic options OTF/OTT. Don't try to balance an additional line unless you think it's giving you significantly more EV.  Without a lot of hours of study away from the table looking at a lot of textures, you'll usually just end up losing control of your range and end up regretting you ever tried.
6 fold more OTR.  my fold vs river c-bet is 65% in this sample in both 2bet and 3bet pots.  Exploitable, sure.  But imo it's right for the games.  If you notice a good reg abusing you, just get more solid vs him.  keep it simple.
5 if you're an aggro player by nature, be honest with yourself about having a tendency to over-do it.  I've heard this referred to as "young man's syndrome" in other competitive arenas, and I think it's a good label.  If you would define yourself an aggro/creative player who has a well rounded understanding of the game, but your winrate is < 2bb/100 in these games , my first guess would be that you have a tendency to force aggression in bad spots.
4 stop trying to make significant changes in your game until you are capable of playing your personal A game at least 90% of the time.  If you're not in control of your emotions, you're juggling too many moving parts.  Straighten out your inner game FIRST.
3 keep a daily journal.  mark any hand that either
-creates an uneasiness in you during your session
-stimulates a new clarity in your understanding of the game
your goal should be to continually refine your level of subconscious integration, as opposed to having to actively retrieve knowledge.  Once you really understand something, you don't need to remember it.  For the grinder, this frees up massive amounts of energy in-session.  You can use that energy to maintain awareness over sustaining your A game and trusting your intuition.  It's free winrate without actually getting "better".  

2 hold on to nothing.  challenge yourself to identify your biases and examine them objectively. IMO the strongest quality a player can have is his ability to adapt quickly and efficiently to a new game.  I was forced to completely revamp my carbon 3/6 style for 200 zoom. There was a short period prior to the graph i posted where i played my carbon style and got my ass handed to me.  It wasn't variance, i was overplaying value and trying to out-maneuver recreational players.  Following this, there was another short period where i made major adjustments to my flop c-bet % and continued to struggle with controlling my new ranges.  I made a note in my journal that i finally felt like i was well adjusted on April 15 (the beginning of the sample i posted).  My point is, if you feel like you're running into walls, trust your gut.  Let your regression period last  50k instead of 500k.  Also  -- post more of your own hands. it's the fastest way to get feedback on your potential leaks.
1 enjoy yourself.   never be afraid to take time off from poker if it's returning you to a more holistically positive state of mind.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2019-2-9 10:32:12 | 只看该作者
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