




楼主: 柏木雪狐
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 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-3 11:55:06 来自手机 | 只看该作者
games are way too nitty than 2017. You shall never call a 4bet cuz it’s never a bluff.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-3 22:09:47 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Just another roller-coaster day. So tilted to her suckout 4 outs for perfect play, missed two draws for huge pot and A8s>KK 5bet bvb. Players are fairly good now. Have to burden the swings, but have no idea if there is any other field that I could play for a living
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-4 13:43:42 来自手机 | 只看该作者
The roller-coaster trip could never ends since ppl are all CRAZY action, huge bluff or insane stubborn calls. 15min up, then dogged a hole, catch a huge bluff like genius, bluffed 9To on 3388 all in got called by A7s, got sucked out AK<KQs 5bet Allin, then caught a deep water crazy bluff on 37Jdd w TJs, then 77 set-mining another on 3b pot, floated on J34 then turned 7. Good to take a break at afternoon and counting my fairly good revenue.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-4 22:24:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-6-4 22:29 编辑

I think people are all the same talking about lose-aversion mentality, there's just no difference.

Just minutes ago I was complaining about absurd suckout that cost me almost 4k, minutes later its my turn grasping my phone desperately, shouting out " ONE TIME!" when my KTo got stubborn called by JTo on J34Q board for 8k, and the miracle 9 came down to save my day.

Had a satisfied afternoon just finished work, and went completely on tilt playing 2/4, when someone opened 12 and called my 90 w AKo, and suckout me. Then bvb my K9o on 247o getting involved into a raising war, and so tilted to see V's KTo on 200bb pot. Jumped on middle stake game and instantly busted out 2 more bullets, while one my pp ran into set while the other came up short open ended vs TPBK.

All in a sudden I was in a 10k hole and the late-coming luck pulled me out ultimately. Shall I celebrate or shall I think twice about the future career that I may choose? I GOT 3 UPS AND 3 DOWNS IN ONE SINGLE DAY!
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-5 16:30:05 来自手机 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-6-5 16:44 编辑

fxxx man, sometime I just feel I play like Dani Stern, digged a 10-buyin whole at mid-drake then came back like a boss. Especially today is my payday, that I normally won’t risk my salary for betting wager.
When could I learn from my past lesson?

Players nowadays are farily good and I bet my edge would be <5%, if the game still beatable. Like I mentioned before, my No.1 problem now still couldn't focus on one table as my eyesight always switching around. This, if still didn't influence my table behavior, at least made me much less to care about my table image/creditbility. If I semi-bluffed or get caught bluffing, that's actually very dangerous for further play, but when distracted ur totally unaware of it n still keep playing, which is very sucidial. You may still issue same bluff/c-bet frequency but your V's no longer give you credit anymore. I got caught 4 times in a low which costs me a bunch of thousands. Really bad timing for semi-bluffing if you have NO IDEA how ppl now thinking about your image.

The session starts at 10AM as I arrived office, and for 3hrs straight I coudn't remember that I ever won a midium sized pot. After my AK<JJ for another monsterous pot n another table struggling in mud that -1k w only last 3k remaining, facing the only hope of two deepwater players, the luck finally came back as my AA got in right on time while V holding AKo. Paid 75 immediately for insurance AKA tip to guarantee the result didn't came out brutal. Then some quick hot streak as everytime I picked up a hand my V's got a okay hand to pay me. Just one hour ago I was thinking is it my all remaining 20k roll would evaporate this day, n hours later I came back to the seashore n enjoy sunshine. How brutal and unpredictable the life could be!
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-7 00:36:29 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Been played 12 hrs daily for weeks. What did Steve Jobs say? Stay hungry, stay foolish? I would say stay tight, stay nitty, that’s the golden rule to play short stack cash/tournament  
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-8 16:44:28 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Generally you shall always fold to a 4b unless you drawing perfectly to the nuts
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-9 11:25:38 来自手机 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-6-9 23:47 编辑

Being famous in poker field is absolutely bad thing, it would definitely kill you. You can neither play fishy game nor lower stake anymore.
Pick up all possible 3b ip spot and let your villain guess.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-10 00:56:56 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Trueteller inspired me and taught me how to play straight forward at river. But one thing I didn’t notice yet, since I normally buy in for minimum like 50-75bb, my 3bet actually forcing villain fold/jam mode, since there is no space for 4b/f. 4bet would always give them pot committed odds and way too good to fold, so they wouldn’t 4b light. For recent days my AKo<AA AQo<AA AKo<TT/JJ/QQ TT<AA etc n today I still managed to make 5k pot, sufficient to see there is still edge, just you have to use H2n all the way to exploit fake HUDS and directing the road with the real advanced one
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-10 00:59:10 来自手机 | 只看该作者
I don’t really like KQo this hand but it works fine against Btn steal. I think the ideal way is 3b SB and call at straddle , c-r whatever flop comes
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