




楼主: 柏木雪狐
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 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-18 23:02:31 | 只看该作者
today's biggest treasure is the Trueteller's coaching video. He didn't speak one single word but his thought and bettingg pattern is just priceless, and get me a much clear thought about how deepstack works - the river decision.

He's super very well know what he's doing and could always maximize his profit by river polarizing range + overbet strategy. Although he literally put some bluff range to mix his river betting, most - if not 100% - his overbetting river was backdoor sth, str8 is the most frequently seen, also some backdoor boat / quads.

Quite interesting to see for all those length hand recording, he didn't play one flush hand or A5s stuff. Even he did play very often kind of suited connectors like 68s 75s, those hands are NOT using to hit flush to make $$ - that's way too obvious - str8 always hidden the most deep in rainbow board.

Very well played and also super good to watch, GG Trueteller, GL and continue crushing tables!
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-19 17:45:51 来自手机 | 只看该作者
realize my passion of competition, and Trueteller’s video has inspired me a lot. From young early age I have been thinking long about doing finance field, and watched many films about Wall Street stories. The dream persists but I just realize I m not that type of person can handle a mutual fund. I m more likely a one-man army and the best management by myself. Since I m 31 this year and have no connection of finance, I better focus on Gaming for the rest of my life. I just love it.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-21 20:52:50 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Another fxxxing crazy roller coaster day... some crazy 20-40-80 popped up and insane pot over there as I witnessed. Lost 3 key pot flipping like JJ vs AKo and V flopped it. Came up short and played one stupid JJ 3bet v a stubborn guy. SPR=1 flopped Qxxdd and I still decided jam, called by QKo and so pissed off. Fortunately I didn’t lost JJ vs 55 on 442 board otherwise I may have digged an 20k+ hole. Made it all back over the top from PM4-PM7, won a critical flip AK>99 for 5 figure, and squeezed little bit to grasp 2k, then AQo > TT to back to the seashore. Overall an exciting day. Not too bad.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-25 21:50:00 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Up 1.5k to finish off the day. Discussed manga issue with my good buddy Mr.Orange pretty happy to see our further two months plan with fairly bargained price. For the first time I realize I make money not for my own, but a great storyline comes to reality. As I mentioned before, old stories bring new friends, n many of them are super cute girls. Years ago I thought me life belongs to poker, but now poker circuit has been shutted down n the idol circuit has became my ultimate wonderland. Feel so relieved to find the right place I belong.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-27 17:15:05 来自手机 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-5-28 16:27 编辑

Been on 48 theatre now. Had a good yesterday but today rolled-coastersd again. All pros line-up just inevitably get suffered. Spotted a fish but been extremly unlucky run against him. Played one stupid hand A6s<A7s on 3b pot, suck out once AQs>AKo bvb 5b jam, got sucked out once AQ lost to JJ on TJ3K board - he rivered quads. turned to PLO ---> AAxx run to TTxx on AJTT board, Then back to NLH ---> 99>AA on K729 to scoop a substantial pot to come back eventually. Fortunately I didn’t miss the amazing show! Not bad weekend at all!
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-28 14:34:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-5-28 16:16 编辑

Another roller-coaster day. Just can't figure out why I always start with a brutal downswing, normally at least -3 buyins then start comeback like a tough guy. Did I get addicted or did I lost ambition?

Got up at 5:20 AM on Monday morning and jumped on table right away. Last day barely broke even and twittered for showing off my self diligence. But running like sxxx, 10/20/40 limped AKo eff 3k, btn call, bb check, flop 27Trainbow, bet 80%, called by btn, turn 4 rainbow, bet 95% pot, called by btn, river 8 and I had to give up, V bet 1/3 pot n I snap folded.

Busted out a SNG then, been over-aggro when actually holding chip edge, A8o jammed instantly to +2 limp guy he got 6.5bb, and snapped by AA. then btn limp, sb 2.5X raise hero 4.5X jam 22, was tanked long by V but eventually (reluctantly) called by JJ, what a fxxx nit

Then back to cash game still no luck, TT<AJo and the short stacked spiked a J on river, AA<KK for shortstack and he rivered a str8. KQo opened UTG and pretty much coolered by 33 at K434 FD board.  Could hardly put him on this one since 4 narrowed down quite much of his set range.

The game goes on, I limp-raised others and vice versa they did to me. Now those fxxxings nits (as if I wasn't one of them) only limped pockets - if they raise then, it must be KK/AA. Started a new table btn raised A6o, sb called. flop AJ2 checked to me, bet 35% pot, got 3.5X c-r and reluctantly called (which shall be a mistake, I shall either check-back flop or bet/fold turn), turn Q he jammed and I had to fold .

Eventually AA>QQ n AKs 5b jam to take down another good one to comeback overall, at least worthy my morning grind session and pretty much mess on working-time. (Got a called by the door security and been scolded for absolutely bullsxxx reason, asked me to pick up the taobao delivery???)

 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-28 15:54:41 来自手机 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-5-28 16:13 编辑

Been wondering around for long between Telsa model S and model 3, eventually figured out 3 + long range battery makes much more sense and more cost efficiency. It could helped me save 400k (400k vs 800k) which I could put good use, either put it in offset account, or turn it to manga/poker bankroll. The deep blue color is very nice and all YouTube videos talking about joyful and innovative driving experience of model 3. In technical aspect, latest always the most preference. 3 got all great feature of S/X, and won’t put much financial burden on you ( especially after China latest purchase taxation deducted!) , could save at least 25k more, why not? In 2019 I would be a life winner.

Honestly speaking, there are definitely many things that I regret for I did, and many things I regret for didn't. Made my decisive job-quitting back to 2013, and made my decision study-quitting back to 2015. Both are extremly tough laydown ever in my life, but I m happy that I went to the right place to stay, n a property in Australia under my name that I could bluffing anytime. Many colleagues thought I was a life-winner n that's the image that I d like to take advantage of. Far away before I even stepped into poker field I knew it was a dark evil game, and during years I tried as hard as I could to control myself with absolute self-descipline, nearly autosadism that even leads to depression.

Did I successed? Did I made it top 0.1% within all poker players? Did I walked carefully to get rid of all the mud? Maybe, but you have to stay awaken all the time, because money never sleeps, as well as evil thoughts.

 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-31 17:29:27 | 只看该作者
boring afternoon, last day before the judgement, played microstake like 1/2 n won a lot, basically crushing the table and took everyone's stack. Not much fancy to talk about, just normal hot streak, 3bet a lot in position and made lots of inexperienced amateurs tilt and start to fight back with rubbish hand like KJo 7Jo, while I still playing premium hands and flopped best of it. Obviously ppl play much better when they won a lot, the folding equity added up a ton as your aggression goes. No longer afraid or swings, flips, bluffs anymore since that's all splashy winning.

That's the golden word from Wall Street

Cut the lose quick, let the profit run
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-2 23:48:21 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Everyday roller-coaster. +800 morning 77>JJ 5b Jam flopped 7, then afternoon -3500 lost two flip versus deep water (AJ<99 4b pot, ATo lost) then grinned back. Had a great dinner and lots of drink with my good buddy. Evening 30min + 2k to end the day roughly +500( JJ>AKo>QQ shortstacked and flopped J)
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-6-2 23:52:10 来自手机 | 只看该作者
BTW cooled many hands today, JJ>QQ QQ<KK A2s<TT on AKTss, JQs < QTo on 89J ss, Q3dd < 56 on 347dd and none of them get through
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