roller-coaster Sunday, bottom down 5k but eventually sorts of breakeven
try to isolate deepwater 3 times and got limp-jammed, one time JJ, one time AQo, one time 88 all called like 90% of remaining stacks, runs to KK, AA, JJ seperately and this cost me around 3k
EV gives me around 1.5k back, suckout for 3times
the fxxxing crackdown of DYQ app cost me 1k, slipped the bet amount bar and raised to 440 on 2/4/8 game, run to AKo and cost my whole stack.
Well, not in too bad mood anyway, since I realize therotical = action, emotional = talk, that's why man isn't good at talk but could still make good $$, while lots of female excellent at critize others but living in poor conidtion