




楼主: 柏木雪狐
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 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-4-20 17:21:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-4-20 17:35 编辑

Goodluck persist, start w 1-2 game then soon get impatient at the end of the session, sqz 67o against 2 callers, got called by a nit, flop 742ss, and he c-j on my c-bet. Didn't take long b4 calling which is way too loose. Sure he got 99 and got stacked.

Then a 2-4 running, +500 as well then sqz AQo against btn, got stubborn called to see KT3ss board, c-bet hard got called, turn 4 blank, hero overbet jam call snapped by KJo and the second bullet was gone.

Then a 10-20-40 game, def Q8o bvb and flopped AK8, V lag checked, hero bet 40% called , c-c, river c-c and he got KQcc. Dont like my auto c-bet at this spot.

Deepwater opened up to 180, 1 caller at btn, hero jammed 1.5k w A8ss, pretty standard sqz at tourney but way too loose on cash game. D rejammed and show 55, luckily hero flopped A.

Back to 2-4 for 100 more hands, no big swing and barely break even, hate EVERY hand that losing, so my recent HUD is around 29/24/3.3 at 8-max, which is obviously way over-aggro but just can't help with it.

Eventually reload 1.5k on a 5-10-20, UTG opened up w JJ to 85, got CL 3-bet to 231 at BB, didn't take me too long before 4-bet to 525, V 5-bet jammed and hero quickly called. Happy to see bottom 5b range AKss and flopped J, but it DOESN'T MEAN I play this hand correctly. Shall ALWAYS call here to see a flop, but I JUST CAN'T HELP FOR STOPPING 4B and auto-in.
Add it up one more hand, Co REG open, hero 3b w KQhh at SB (which I think is kinda loose), got called, and flopped 248hh. Eff SPR=4, think between check-jam or bet/call jam, ended up c-bet 55% pot, got called. Turn A, jam pot got instant called by AA, river blank. GG NH.

I said shutdown is GOOD but have no idea if I could literally keep stop playing it. Been tried several times but just jump levels once losing. Maybe this is the time I have to step back to tournament pure competition. No rake, no insurance, no hit-n-run, no personal grudge, no all fxxxing bullsxxx.

 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-4-24 14:04:02 | 只看该作者
people who 3bet against UTG open always got the goods

Dodged AJ vs AA today, one short stacked behind jammed to see the bad news, made me sweated a lot as well
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-4-24 17:33:24 | 只看该作者
Cut job for another day, stay at E-sport center to deal with all job issue, played a bunch of poker hands, got additional 1k roughly plus a freeroll SNG trophy but didn't relieved from my anxious status at all.

Been winning consecutively for around 11 days, everyday try to be a little bit better than the past day, but what for? Shouldn't I focus on improve my working status at 2018?

Click mouse and make $$ sound so easy isn't it? How many ppl could realize it changes value and attitude of life as well? Is there any other fun left if everything could be converted/settled by $$?
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-4-24 18:15:52 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2018-4-24 18:33 编辑

I want to be a fxxxing novelist and scenarist in future, while investing for guarantee my basic need of life quality.
More eSport and less poker please, I m fxxxing feed up with it.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-1 11:00:02 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Been decided to shut down poker while at 3-days holiday, but came up short and still played quite a bunch - still 8 hrs until last day 3AM. Vs getting very tough to beat, and game is very dry with all good REGs. HUed with two deep water Vs and result was 1-1, lost to one who played very good and won one who play fairly good. Never think play professional at 2018 is a good idea.
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-1 23:42:49 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Finished article and jumped on table for 10 min, instant -2k then came over the top , sb 25/14 guy raise sb and I def 67o at straddle, floppe 457 rainbow got c-r and instant jammed running to 47o WTF??? fxxxing crazy sxxx
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-2 13:40:40 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Tilt factor is quite easy to trigger. +600 and got KK again vs deep water, disconnected and mucked, very tilted. Last time I flopped quads and disconnected for 7k pot, then just too tilted and start spew more than I could won. Fortunately the fish left then and this table break very soon
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-2 16:29:29 来自手机 | 只看该作者
River decision is easier to me since it’s narrow down to 3 categories: 1. Strong enough that can value bet 2. Missed or V range capped so I can bluff 3. Decent hand, better with position, so I can extract thin value or catch bluff. Once I lost initiative, MOST of the time I would simply give it up
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-2 21:10:18 | 只看该作者
fxxx those roller-coaster sessions and stubborn ironheads. Have no idea where did those hands came from.

1. 10-20-40, 2limpers, sb limp, bb hero check K6ss. Flop 899hh, hero bet 2/3 pot, all fold to sb who called. Turn 8, sb check, hero bet 1/2 and got called. river 9, check, hero overbet jam, sb call with AA.

2.10-20-40, the sb guy limp, hero AKo 5bb, blind call sb call. flop 389 rainbow, shortstack hero bet 1/2 stack, got jammed by sb and he had 69s.

3. QQ open got ATo 3b from deepwater player, have jam got called by ATo, river A.

4. QQ open btn call, sb call, flop 389 rainbow, check to hero bet 50%, raise by btn, sb call, hero instant jam, got called by sb who had K9hh, turn 9
 楼主| 柏木雪狐 发表于 2018-5-2 23:56:41 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Btn lag open, sb hero 3b KJcc, straddler cold call, HU, flop A72 rainbow, hero c-b 60%, call. Turn 3, c-c. River J, hero check (which I think is wrong and better bet 10%), C bet pot, left less than pot, hero tank 3min to call, V has JJ
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