PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 5.5 Tournament, 75000/150000 Blinds 15000 Ante (3 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com
Button (t6040675)
SB (t8598013)
Iloveyz (BB) (t3592312)
Iloveyz's M: 13.30
Preflop: Iloveyz is BB with , ![]()
1 fold, SB bets t450000, Iloveyz calls t300000
Flop: (t945000) , , (2 players)
SB bets t450000, Iloveyz raises to t900000, SB calls t450000
Turn: (t2745000) (2 players)
SB checks, Iloveyz bets t900000, SB raises to t2400000, Iloveyz calls t1327312 (All-In)
River: (t7199624) (2 players, 1 all-in)
Total pot: t7199624
SB had 6 , 3 (full house, threes over tens).
Iloveyz had A , 7 (two pair, Aces and tens).
Outcome: SB won t7199624
最后一手牌难免有点郁闷,在flop时我知道对手没有A,所以才raise那么少。结果来了个3,他reraise all in时,我知道杯具了,但是已经没办法fold,只能硬着头皮上了。唉,不知道算运气不好,还是自己打得不好。 |