本帖最后由 79suited 于 2017-1-7 00:40 编辑
10,盲注位多看牌,尤其是多人Pot 9,多使用超底池下注(这一点我目前在国内app上很少见到,完全可以多加利用)。 8,没位置减少CBET 7,FLOP和TURN的选项尽量简化(不要过分想平衡) 6,河牌多fold (对手咋呼频率没有那么高) 5,如果你打法攻击性过强,承认这点,当你的盈利不够高的时候,从这点反省自己。 4,除非你认为自己一直在打自己的A Game,否则尽量避免改变自己的打法。 3,每天做笔记 2,坚持(学习发现自己的漏洞并改进) 1,享受打牌的过程(如果不觉得自己享受这个游戏,停下来做点别的)
10 maximize your vpip from the blinds. very few players are defending enough, especially in multiway pots. 9 Start overbetting more. imo there are constantly spots where you should be using a 1.5PSB or > river sizing . 8 lower your OOP flop c-bet (at least vs the solid regs) until you get better at visualizing equity distributions. Mess around with textures in flopzilla or use any of the other tools available these days. EDvis is a good one. 7 limit your strategic options OTF/OTT. Don't try to balance an additional line unless you think it's giving you significantly more EV. Without a lot of hours of study away from the table looking at a lot of textures, you'll usually just end up losing control of your range and end up regretting you ever tried. 6 fold more OTR. my fold vs river c-bet is 65% in this sample in both 2bet and 3bet pots. Exploitable, sure. But imo it's right for the games. If you notice a good reg abusing you, just get more solid vs him. keep it simple. 5 if you're an aggro player by nature, be honest with yourself about having a tendency to over-do it. I've heard this referred to as "young man's syndrome" in other competitive arenas, and I think it's a good label. If you would define yourself an aggro/creative player who has a well rounded understanding of the game, but your winrate is < 2bb/100 in these games , my first guess would be that you have a tendency to force aggression in bad spots. 4 stop trying to make significant changes in your game until you are capable of playing your personal A game at least 90% of the time. If you're not in control of your emotions, you're juggling too many moving parts. Straighten out your inner game FIRST. 3 keep a daily journal. mark any hand that either -creates an uneasiness in you during your session -stimulates a new clarity in your understanding of the game your goal should be to continually refine your level of subconscious integration, as opposed to having to actively retrieve knowledge. Once you really understand something, you don't need to remember it. For the grinder, this frees up massive amounts of energy in-session. You can use that energy to maintain awareness over sustaining your A game and trusting your intuition. It's free winrate without actually getting "better".
2 hold on to nothing. challenge yourself to identify your biases and examine them objectively. IMO the strongest quality a player can have is his ability to adapt quickly and efficiently to a new game. I was forced to completely revamp my carbon 3/6 style for 200 zoom. There was a short period prior to the graph i posted where i played my carbon style and got my ass handed to me. It wasn't variance, i was overplaying value and trying to out-maneuver recreational players. Following this, there was another short period where i made major adjustments to my flop c-bet % and continued to struggle with controlling my new ranges. I made a note in my journal that i finally felt like i was well adjusted on April 15 (the beginning of the sample i posted). My point is, if you feel like you're running into walls, trust your gut. Let your regression period last 50k instead of 500k. Also -- post more of your own hands. it's the fastest way to get feedback on your potential leaks. 1 enjoy yourself. never be afraid to take time off from poker if it's returning you to a more holistically positive state of mind.