本帖最后由 伟大的墙 于 2010-9-3 04:07 编辑
回复 29# windstormm
What does poker have to do with mathematics? I hate mathematics anyway!”
Whether we like it or not, and whether we are aware of it or not, mathematics governs every decision we make while at the poker table. David Sklansky wrote:
“Every time you play a hand differently from the way you would have played it if you could see all your opponents' cards, they gain; and every time you play your hand the same way you would have played it if you could see all their cards, they lose. Conversely, every time opponents play their hands differently from the way they would have if they could see all your cards, you gain; and every time they play their hands the same way they would have played if they could see all your cards, you lose.”
This quotation may be written in plain English, but it is based on mathematical principles. The idea upon which it is based is that if we could see an opponent’s cards, we would be able to determine an action which maximizes our expected value (EV) i.e. make a decision which could be mathematically proven to be optimal. For those of you who don’t know what EV is, it is the amount of money we expect to make on average for a certain scenario e.g. if we flip a coin and every time it lands on heads you give me $3 and every time that it lands on tails, I give you $1, the EV for me of this proposition is=0.5x3-0.5x1=$1. Note that your EV is -$1 due to the fact that money is neither created nor destroyed in this example (this is not the case in poker though due to rake). What this means is that if one or more players have a +EV proposition, one or more players have a –EV proposition. This is important because every time your opponent makes a –EV decision, you make a +EV decision (assuming only two players).
It is impossible, of course, to know for sure what your opponents’ hole cards are (unless you play on Ultimate Bet ). For this reason, we need to adopt the concept of a range. Almost all of you should already know what a range is, but for those of you who don’t, a range is simply the possible holdings an opponent (or you yourself) could have. For example, if a regular with 14/12 stats raises from UTG, he might have AA, but that’s not all he could have, he more realistically will raise with the following hands AA-99, AK, AQ and occasionally suited connectors and smaller pocket pairs for deception and balance. This means that this player’s range for this hand in particular (ranges are not static) is AA-99, AK and AQ (plus the other hands they might use for balance). Now that we have an idea of what a range is, the fun can really begin.
The prerequisites for this Concept of the Week are as follows:
我到建议你去看最新的 card ploayer上的一篇。
他说的也是关于数学的,但其实是一种具体战术。就说 Phil Helmuth已经10年没拿冠军了,因为现在出了群新秀,他们管新秀叫数学天才,其实他们自己也未必觉得自己用了很多数学。
现在的打法就是频繁用翻牌前的 semi-bluff,这个是死克兰斯基不懂的。这么新的战术,我想任何软件肯定也不会用。因为在做软件的人知道这战术之前,软件肯定也不会指导。
你们那些理论,比如关于Q9翻牌前 all in的EV ,连你们自己都有那么多争议,别人怎么敢用呢。
2,看看有没有 fold eq。如果有丹牛那样打死不扔的,我少翻牌前推。如果对手都喜欢扔。我就多推。
但 card player上,像 Ed miller他们写的那些简便易行的战术,我还是很喜欢学习的。他们也许有复杂的计算,但全放在了幕后。
所以,我一看到 card player上这文章,更坚定了我翻牌前打法的正确。也坚信了,许多时候我们不需要知道那么多准确的数据。 |