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yacaimei 发表于 2010-8-24 13:46:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
CO: $50.75
Hero (BTN): $53.15
SB: $48.00
BB: $63.85
UTG: $68.95
MP: $25.00

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with A :spade: J :diamond:
UTG raises to $1.50, 2 folds, Hero calls $1.50, 1 fold, BB calls $1

Flop: ($4.75) Q :diamond: 5 :spade: 5 :diamond: (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $3, BB folds, UTG raises to $8.50, Hero raises to $20

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fafafafefe 发表于 2010-8-24 14:20:55 | 只看该作者
pre-flop raise 19%,raise UTG,我可能不会用AJo去接。如果想利用位置优势一定要玩的话我可能会干脆3-bet测试他的牌力。

flop 相对比较dry。楼主re-raise,是rep 有5?如果我是他,有Q的话可能会call,因为我不太可能在听同花,所以同花draw对你威胁不大,你有5的话应该会慢打。


而且turn如果来个方块的话还能rep flush。

jinzhao0611 发表于 2010-8-24 15:21:37 | 只看该作者
skizzik 发表于 2010-8-24 22:07:36 | 只看该作者


AJo面对对手的UTG range绝对是大麻烦。这牌你有个QJ估计都赢不了了,3bet别人纯粹拿大钱去拼小钱,上一手那样的还只算是个小leak的话,这一手绝对是大leak。他不c-bet却又要C/R的range里几乎就剩QQ一手牌了,也许AQ KQ偶尔也会这么打,再加10%的bluff的可能性......

这牌就算把对手打跑了,感觉也和27把AA all赢了似的
royalflush 发表于 2010-8-24 22:33:21 | 只看该作者
我对这把的preflop call against UTG raise 没太大的意见 虽然我自己好像不常做
i love this flop 3 bet bluff   sexy!
虽然我不知道对手是什么类似的对手 为什么会check 这个flop
但是如果问我什么时候你会3bet bluff 这一手,那么我会说就是这一手

skizzik 发表于 2010-8-24 22:37:35 | 只看该作者
这一手3bet flop还不如前面那手854那样的flop去3bet呢

你flat call BTN的range里有可能有67,他UTG open的range里绝对没有67

windstormm 发表于 2010-8-24 23:44:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-8-25 00:05 编辑

我最近打NL100, 每个人都很凶,我也在paired 的flop 里试了试3 bet bluff. 结果很不好。。 我觉得大家都知道这样的board 会有很多bluff。 其实,你flat 他的check raise, 你反而显得strong. 这牌有flush draw 在里面,所以有点复杂,因为每个人对draw 牌的反应不一样。不过我的感觉是,有flush draw 别人会更觉得你在bluff 因为你range 里加了很多semi-bluff。 如果你是QQ在手或有两个3,很多人是不会3 bet 这个board 的(很多人做不代表他是对的)。  所以你牌里面3 bet的range 里根本没有nut hand, 如果你从不3 bet flop with top pair, 那你就只剩下trash hand + semi bluffs..

我们打牌有个基本点: bluff when we look strong.  value bet when we look weak.
那我们该这么打这牌呢。。 call to bluff, raise for value at this spot..
call looks stronger and cost less. 你又有position 何乐而不为? 他是有monster 还是bluffs, 你turn 再evaluate. and you look strong with the call. because you represent that at least have a Q.  如果他是total air, 他基本就是check fold turn.
raise with strong hand. They think you are bluffing and they tend to spew the pot when they think that.

讲2把牌  NL100 full ring
hand 1,
i have 55 on button.  ep raise to 3$, i call. all fold
flop is 5s8s8c,  EP lead 6$,  i raise to 15, he reraise to 32. I flat.  
turn is a 10s, ep check , i bet 50$, he calls.
river is another 10c, ep checks.. i all in 40$, he fold.

hand 2,
i raise mp with pocket 7s 3$, 3 caller.
flop is 733.  rainbow
2 check to me, i check. LP bet 10$, i check raise to 25,  he reraise all in 120$ and i call. he has pocket 5s.

这牌告诉我们社么? paired board , 很多人都bluff, 。 so you slow play your bluffs.. "call raise"
很多人都slow play their monster , so you play strong with them. people will think you are bluffing and spew the pot...你这样玩而且符合big pot big hand, small pot small hand 的ABC poker 原理。。。

I actually played the first hand wrong. I should reraise all in flop. he will call with his over pair and back door flush draw.. I slow played just a bit, i missed 40$ value. I think he has an over pair and a flush draw on turn... i am impressed that he folded my 40$ river shove ..the flush + 2 paired board really scared his over pair.  I should probably just shove turn, and i might get a call that way, but he is much more likely to call my flop shove than the turn shove especially after a spade comes alive.. if turn is a blank, then he is just as likely to call that shove on turn as calling that flop.. in fact he might lead shove that turn with a non-spade which i was hoping for.
fafafafefe 发表于 2010-8-25 00:13:42 | 只看该作者

你拿55那牌我觉得flop 是不是all in可能得看你的形象了。如果你平时拿draw也all in的话这次也应该all in。否则的我我可能会raise更大一些,让对方觉得我在半诈唬想赶走对方。
windstormm 发表于 2010-8-25 01:18:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-8-25 03:00 编辑

回复 8# fafafafefe
我这牌有draw 平时也不会all in. 我用flat 3 bet 来balance my draw and monsters and air. 我觉得效果更好。 it cost less and you won't be drawing dead if  you happened to run into a flopped full house..   其实我那牌就是在赌turn不出spade.. turn 没有spade 的话他一定被清, 20%chance 出spade 还是很值的。。 这也看出了如果你3 bet flop on a paired board  而且只有air, 你 turn 太难受了。。。 他可以flat you with air or flat you with monster. yancaimai的牌有position 还好。。。 没position 就是pure spew..
 楼主| yacaimei 发表于 2010-8-25 03:00:46 | 只看该作者
回复 4# skizzik

用什么牌call别人的raise是根据每个人postflop的水平而变的,玩家A可能水平高点,那就是+EV good call,玩家B水平低点可能就是-EV call,不能说这肯定不好,况且AJ本身也是有一定牌力的。
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