本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-8-13 01:10 编辑
墙你为设么又要含沙射影得挑衅我? 你不是就想说我还是你刚打牌时的水平吗? 把个例当惯例没意义的...
最近我网上升级到NL100乐... 抓了很多鱼, 都是生猛鱼...
一条鱼, raise all in after flop with flush draw 被我snap call QQ..
另一条鱼, call 我 3 bet AK 后 lead shove all in with straight draw 被我AK high snap call...
他们的打法和你很相似哦..不要以为你一推得凶点别人就fold乐.. 还是想一想你到底在represent 社么牌的好.. 老实说你这AK preflop call 得很烂. push 得就更烂了, 很多时候会被snap call 的 with that flop.. seriously when you raise allin what are you trying to represent? What do you think he lead into 3 betted multiway pot with? what are you trying to fold out? or is it just readless spewage? |