I've been at the top ten but lost grounds when 40 people left. At first, I played tight and won couple heads-up. Then I am a little bit impatient and played too many hands. Finally
I would like to ask for advice. I play poker for fun ( I do want to win money but I have a day job). I've lost my initial $100 deposit by playing low level 5/10c ohama and holdem cash and sng, already. I think I don't have patient when playing small stake. Should I study more poker and play higher stake or just keep playing recreational poker?
$100在我看来刚刚好是卡在nl2和nl5的分界线上,虽然我在$100的时候一直是6-table NL2...打NL10和omaha10肯定是过高了。10个buyin就没了,LZ allin的时候心里一点负担没有?play for fun的话就打打周赛,有闲功夫了打打低买入(不超过$3)的sng/mtt,我觉得满好了。我是出于给自己打零花钱的目的打牌的,所以也比较不求上进,目前还在NL2/NL5的边缘晃悠...