不会打比赛 发表于 2010-6-8 13:26
9HIGH有没有SHOW DOWN 价值,取决于你判断对方是什么牌,既然判断对方是6,7,7,9和9,J。那么9HIGH对于其中两种都有SHOW DOWN 价值,为什么不能CALL呢?我朋友认为职业在TURN 上的BET是利用位置,前位的示弱以及自己的听牌进行的半咋呼,而RIVER 是因为实在揭不开锅而进行的咋呼,因此排除了所有中强牌的可能,牌面上合理的听牌只有那3种可能,最后的CLL是在精确读牌基础上的深思熟虑的行动,而不是什么疯狂的举动。简单的道理,你认定对方已经成顺可以放下顶3条,认定对方是2,3拿7HIGH,CLL他也是很安全的啊?
yeah, if the pro's range is only 65, 79, and straight and he will muck instantly with 65 and 79, then calling is fine.
but pro's bluffing range should not be only 65, 79 only and he might not muck too.
your friend's hand is actually just beating 65 only, split with 79, and lose to the straight.
hence the call itself is not +EV in general, but in this specific case could be an exception IF he was so certain that the pro will muck all his bluffing range which consists of 67, 79 or in other words he WILL MUCK EVERYTHING except his straight even if he floats and bluffs with Ace high then his river betting range is actually all bluff hands(weaker than 79 since he will muck) except straight, then calling with 97 as a bluff catcher is OK.
anyway, im not saying this is a bad play, but to pull it off with this play you need to be certain on several factors.
hat off and lot of respect to your friend for actually putting up this play. nicely done....invite him to discuss here next time. |