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不会打比赛 发表于 2010-6-8 11:16:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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windstormm 发表于 2010-6-8 11:43:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-6-8 12:06 编辑

不就是check shove all in ma. his hand has no show down value..  这牌估计职业也不是很大. 不过这bluff也太明显了..set不可能这样打, J9 不可能 check call turn .. 河牌没其他made draw.. 只能是bluff.  就算rivered top pair 也不会check raise all in 啊.. 这牌职业fold his pair 的话也别做职业了...要bluff 这牌就3 barrel.  turn check gave it away that you are on a draw...3 barrel is hard to call down because you can have set or two pair or a draw which are all in his range after flat preflop
cyylce 发表于 2010-6-8 12:02:02 | 只看该作者
David Chiu 发表于 2010-6-8 12:02:49 | 只看该作者
River过牌后Push All-in?然后有意无意show对方一张9?你朋友此举是怕对方没有“仔细”考虑到J-9的可能性。呵呵。。高招!我乱猜了。
nicky1234 发表于 2010-6-8 12:04:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 nicky1234 于 2010-6-8 12:06 编辑

pretty bad if your firend crai otr imo. he's repping J9 only which indeed is the hand that villian is very likely to have.  actually here we can call  assume villian never plays a set this way and villian is not floting here ever( 5 way pot ) . we beat 67,47,chop against 97 and 96,lost to j9,8T,QT,85 which should be all the value range for villian because i dont think people at 25/50 table at the wynn is capable of thin value bet QJ or so .
windstormm 发表于 2010-6-8 12:05:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-6-8 12:09 编辑

回复 4# David Chiu

J9 不会turn check call turn after he bet flop.    en... river completes no draws i meant.

I wonder what your friend put 职业on when he pulled the stun. check raise all in bluff without read is just spewing.
David Chiu 发表于 2010-6-8 12:10:43 | 只看该作者
回复 6# windstormm

Turn, check-call obviously isn't the right play。I am guessing how he played the river。
royalflush 发表于 2010-6-8 12:40:52 | 只看该作者
i doubt i would check call on turn
either check fold, check raise or fire again(planning to fire 3rd bullet on 50% of the river card) with this hand

as played on river,
if you friend wanna win, your friend has to raise

hand range of the pro has to be taken into the consideration,
how possible is the pro float your friend on the flop, and fire twice with air?  if he float you with AJ, he make the nut on river.
if he slowplayed with set on flop by calling, will he bet on this river, if yes, how likely does he fold to the raise?
how likely does he has a J9?
how likely does he has one pair or two pair and bet this river?

and the other way round, how the pro think of your friend....
what is the possibility for your friend to play AJ or J9 this way?
how likely is your friend to bluff here?

and etc.

against certain player, without thinking much....they just can't call, thinking that check raise river must be the nut
against certain player, without thinking much....they just can't fold their set, two pair here thinking that opponents could be bluffing.

check raise turn or river with air is a strong play that we have to ocassionally use against stronger player, but in macau live 25/50 do we really need to?

how does that affect our play later, if this hand goes miserably?
i would rather go for "fat" value in an easy game.
 楼主| 不会打比赛 发表于 2010-6-8 12:49:54 | 只看该作者
答案公布:我朋友JUST CALL。表情平静的等职业亮牌。职业飞快的MUCK掉了自己的牌。我朋友也没亮出他的9HIHG.这把牌我们事后讨论了很久,包括我朋友老胡(永利100,200十万上桌的现金高手)都对这一GREAT CALL表示佩服。我朋友说他当时觉得职业肯定是在BLUFF,最大可能是拿一个失败的DRAW牌在BLUFF,由于面上没有花,所以最大的可能职业不是5,6就是7,9,这两种牌当对手CALL了以后职业都会MUCK掉,根本亮不出来。从下注模式看,职业不大可能是中强牌,包括三条在内都会顾及明显的顺面,除非职业是9,J。那么判断错误就PAY给人家好了。再加注咋呼成本有点高,鉴于双方筹码太深,又不能排除职业继续ALL IN咋呼的可能,所以JUST CALL控制了彩池,是最佳选择。
David Chiu 发表于 2010-6-8 12:55:20 | 只看该作者
I agree with Royalflush there,I would definitely fire three bullets。
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