本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-5-14 04:53 编辑
那么,从micro/low stake冲到mid/high的困难有多大呢?是否有一个隐形的天花板?仅靠grind是否能够突破?我曾认为没有什么困难,但我现在感觉可能没那么简单,但也说不出道理。这一点我倒想听听大家的意见。
There are two thing to consider whether you can go up to a certain mid/high level. One is skill level and the other is bank roll.
To be able to go up a level and stay there, you need to have one critical condition--you have an edge vs the average player there, in other words, you have to be able to win there. If your skill is not there, you will never be able to stay at that level and not go broke. Not everyone can elevate their skill as high as phill ivey, but you will find where you can land sooner than later by grinding.
The other lessor condition is bankroll. If your only problem is bankroll, and yes you will be able to grind your way up with proper bankroll management. |