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skizzik 发表于 2010-5-3 18:07:09 | 只看该作者
问个问题,在网上扑克室,假设大家都是深筹码,hero AA 第一个进池底,应该raise到几个bb?

blarblar 发表于 2010-5-3 15:56

    AA raise到几BB,完全却取决于你所有其他牌在这个位置、这个身后的对手的情况下,raise到几BB

把底牌和bet size联系在一起,无异于送钱

你可以因为身后的人loose call所以多raise 1-2BB,也可以因为前面有limper所以多raise 1-2BB,但是不可能因为你拿到的是AA就多raise 1-2BB
blarblar 发表于 2010-5-3 18:53:56 | 只看该作者
AA raise到几BB,完全却取决于你所有其他牌在这个位置、这个身后的对手的情况下,raise到几BB

把底 ...
skizzik 发表于 2010-5-3 18:07

乌白丸 发表于 2010-5-3 19:33:02 | 只看该作者
回复 6# 伟大的墙

windstormm 发表于 2010-5-3 22:27:32 | 只看该作者


是: preflop 4 bet 5 bet all in or preflop 〉1/8 of the stack already in and all in flop?

还是:  flat 3X preflop and play like nuts after flop or 3 bet 10X bb preflop but play like nuts after flop with >150bb deep stack

如果是后者。。 只能怪自己。。。
Howard 发表于 2010-5-4 02:21:44 | 只看该作者

三次AA全输没设么。全被清了也没啥。。关键是你是怎么被清的 ...
windstormm 发表于 2010-5-3 22:27

Howard 发表于 2010-5-4 02:30:58 | 只看该作者

我3bb open,BB位置3bet到10bb,他50bb不到的短筹码,我flat call
flop J T x彩虹 ...
raythetruth 发表于 2010-5-3 14:53

Howard 发表于 2010-5-4 02:37:27 | 只看该作者
AA raise到几BB,完全却取决于你所有其他牌在这个位置、这个身后的对手的情况下,raise到几BB

把底 ...
skizzik 发表于 2010-5-3 18:07


如果raise到有效stack的十分之一铁定把人全吓跑,那么此时肯定是深筹码,如果raise,应该raise一个不暴露你牌的实力的值。也可以limp-reraise,只要 1)通过limp-reraise能把超过十分之一搞进去; 或者2)limp-reraise不会暴露你的牌力(需要你自己是个很疯的玩家,或者对手都很傻,根本不理你在干啥)
windstormm 发表于 2010-5-4 02:47:20 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-5-4 02:52 编辑
两手牌都打得非常出色,特别是分析的过程,绝对针对对手的Range和打法趋势Max了EV。输的虽然可惜, ...
Howard 发表于 2010-5-4 02:30

    第一手为设么不 4 bet?  Is he folding to 4 bet a lot?  Just a mini4 bet is better than nothing. Most short stack will shove with pocket Js any time any day.  Mini 4 bet, he is most likely shove all in.  On the other hand, if flop AK4, do you really think you can get more value out of him? You assume you can clear him out if he didn't hit the set, but the fact is that he will not put in another bet with AK flop when his c-bet was called but when he hit set, you are calling 2 big bets when behind, way behind. Hard to justify this kind of play.

   AA slow play should be used very rarely if you want to max your EV long term.  Any scary card on flop can freeze actions, not only for them but also for yourself.  I like one of the thread on 2+2 "how to play pocket Ks". he studied all of his play with KK. He found out that the maximized EV for pocket Ks is always 4 bet and never fold to reraise allin. If you play KK like this, there is really no reason to slow down with AA. Raise it up and all in when you have to preflop to max your EV in long run. Because if you can't get the stack in preflop, you might not be able to get anything in either after flop from the other player.

2 situations slow play AA might be ok.

1) super deep stacks. like  >300bb, where you can't put enough stack in preflop to be effective. If you show too much strength preflop, you are playing your hand facing up with great implied odds. Not a great combination.

2) Play with someone who often 3 bet light and 3 barrel with air.  For example, I will slow play pocket As vs durr any day..

Any other situation, I don't believe for a min that you can get higher +EV by slow play your AA over long term.
Howard 发表于 2010-5-4 05:02:02 | 只看该作者
回复 18# windstormm


1. 4-bet失去customer的风险,例如对手有AJ,AQ,99以及random bluff之类
2. Flat call,对手错过flop,失去action的风险,比如对手JJ, flop AQ5,或对手AQ,付老婆853;


上面1和2两种风险中,哪种更大?原帖主认为,1更大; windstormm认为,2更大。 具体问题要取决于对对手的阅读,我在这里略倾向于同意原帖主,认为1的风险更大。原因:

2)自己有位置,如果flat以后底池20BB,剩余40BB,SPR=2,也就是说,只需要两次下注就可以全进,如果有raise机会,一次就可以全进。贴主有位置,有flop,turn,river三次下注机会,且flat以后对手有betting lead,有理由相信他c-bet几率很高,只要他c-bet,在付老婆上便可以全进,而对手面对超过2.5:1的odds,就算No Pair往往也得crying call

windstormm 发表于 2010-5-4 05:25:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-5-4 05:32 编辑
回复  windstormm


1. 4-bet失去customer的风险 ...
Howard 发表于 2010-5-4 05:02

这里光看风险是不对的。 因为preflop 4 bet, 赢了肯定是whole stack (4 bet 到 25X bb, JJ after flop 是肯定跑不了了, hehe half pot bet all in after flop? preflop 他也很难fold. miniraise?) , 输是被suck out.. flat preflop, 赢了是小pot (we can't assume that he will go all in with pocket Js after flop if he reraised to 10x bb. The chance of having an over card is very high. ) , 输了是whole stack, 还是你在behind 的时候加的注。  何苦呢?
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