最后一天100/200输了很多,初步回想起来似乎都是小错误,没有大措。但是再反思一下发现自己太多用marginal hand/pos组合参与战斗,加上运气不怎么样,每次都是损失几千一万,累积起来就相当厉害了。所以还是只在牌力位置组合占优的情况下参战是上策。另外bluff fish也损失了15000, fish的牌不好读,实在没有必要bluff。
走之前的一手牌蛮可惜的,有人straddle,我枪口99, 加到1200, 后面call,bb 3b 到4200, 我只有2万多筹码,想了好久还是fold了,后来flop就是99X。看完这个flop我立马离桌。。。
第五篇 终于bb了AA (2013-07-10)
最近被AA打击的很惨,撞上无数AA,从未bb,自己的AA分别被KK和AK bb。这一历史终于在昨天改变了,我的AKs终于把AA给干掉了,发出了flush。哈哈哈哈!不过对手老外太紧了,我确实要给他多一点credit,下次还是不能这么打。
昨天和阿彭打了一手牌,打得不好,有点沮丧。我KK在枪口加到400, 阿彭call。flop AK7 两红桃,我bet 800,他call, turn 红桃5, 我check,他bet 1600, 我call, river 5. 我在turn上没有考虑清楚river起对和不起对的处理方法,所以river考虑很久以后bet 3500, 他 call。我bet的原因是觉得他的牌力不强,甚至没有flush大,但事实上他是A5. :( 这个牌我没有把对方放在flush上,我turn上应该继续打,river再打,这样对方可能把我放在flush上。
第六篇 我可怜的暗三栽在了顺子手里 (2013-07-12)
一个乱打的fish,在小忙加到600, 我77 call, flop 783r, 他打1200, 我加到2700, 他call, turn 6. 对于一般的对手会谨慎对待9T的可能性,但是这个对手太乱来了,牌的range无法很好地确定,我打4000,他推我all in,后面7500,实在走不掉,他真的是9To。回来想来想去这个牌还是必须输,没什么办法。
但是另外一手牌就不该输了,我在btn KK 600, 两个limper call, flop J96 三方片,我有方片K,我打1300, 第二个韩国紧手加到3300, 我call, turn Q 方片,他打2500, 我call, river他打剩下的4000, 我call。这个牌就大错特错,flop他check raise就是三手牌,set, nut flush, suited connected flush, turn他还打,就只有nut flush一种可能了, 2500不应该去了。pay off这种紧手太可惜了。。。
第七篇 为什么最大的pot受伤的总是我 (2013-07-13)
One limp, one female raise to 400, I call with TT on sb, three ppl see flop, it's 79T, check check, lady bet 1200, I raise to 3600, she 4b to 7500, I 5b to 15000, she thinking for long and call. I put her on AA because of her 1200 bet on flop. Turn is 9. I shove with 11000. She snap call...............................
And she shows: 99!!
I didn't see my 9 quarts a few days ago because of 3b and my relatively short stack. So soon, I run into a 9 quarts!!!
Can the luck be even worse???
Largest pots that I lost in the last few months.
J set lost to 6 set. 90K pot;
7 set lost to 9 set. 100K pot.
I just have the same feeling as the hero in the film Rounders at the very beginning when his 9 full of As lost to A full of 9s. When you run into those scenarios, it's hard to believe that skill works in poker...
Today also saw the Taiwan guy TK flush over flush (HU into flop), flop flush over nut straight, gut shot straight draw beat flop straight in half a day. I just can't believe that before seeing it...