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初试Live Casino Poker里程.

 楼主| windstormm 发表于 2010-4-13 03:05:42 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

(8) Successful Fulltilt Player?
    Looking at the time, I realized it is almost 9pm.  I had my chips stack
around 450$ with a round 300$ earning.  The LAG Russian finally busted out
after his ups and downs. He left quickly with his buddy.

At his seat, a young man sat down with an older woman sitting beside him,
maybe his sister or mother.  What caught my eye was his jacket. He was
wearing a black jacket with fulltiltpoker on left front and IRONMAN on the
right front.  Being an ironman for 2 month myself, I knew it at least meant
that he had played many hands online. Experience was still key to success in
poker certainly. I became very wary of him.

Shortly after he sat down, I got involved with him.  I was at big blind.  
Several limped to me including the FTP guy and I had 83o.  No need to get
fancy here. I checked my option.

FLOP 873 rainbow.  

I flopped two pair. With so many limpers, I led quickly with 12$ to test it
out the water.  同胞A at MP called. Full tilt guy called as well and he was
at LP. I didn't like the 2 calls at all.  I didn't feel good about the hand.

Turn was a J.

I checked.  同胞A checked as well.  LP bêt 25$, around half of the pot. I
thought for a while and called.  Surprisingly同胞A called as well. I had a
strong feeling that I was beat.  

River was K.  No flush.

I could do nothing but check. 同胞A checked again. Hmmm I was a little
confused.  LP bets 35$, a smallish bet for river.  Was he bluffing?  I was
not sure. If 同胞A lead I would probably fold, but he checked as well. Was
LP trying to steal the pot with position?  I said call even though I didn't
feel good about. It was just too cheap not to call. Then同胞A called as well
.  I felt beat already. LP turned over 109o with the nut straight. I mucked
my hand. So did 同胞A.  

Later同胞A said that he should have raised on flop.  I asked what he had he
said he flopped top two pair.  Guess my read was ok. I knew I was beat by
him at least when he called behind me.  I was not too sure whether he could
drive away the nut straight draw who was in position, knowing that he could
get paid off if he hit. But I do know that I would lay this down fairly
easily if he raised to 35$ and LP called. His mistake cost me 60$?  I really
hate to play 2 pair hand. You can't play too aggressively to drive out the
draws because you need to bet to know whether you are really ahead.  You can
't lay it down either because you want to get value from TPTK etc.  

After that hand, I started to chat with this full tilt guy.  He looked like
a successful on-line player. He certainly sounded like one as well.  
"Where did you get that jacket? It looked cool."
"Oh, I played on full tilt. I got this jacket there."
"ah."  I looked awed.
"what do you play on there"  
"1$/2$, like this game"
Hmm this sounded suspicious.  As an online-player myself, I know 1$/2$ game
were completely different from 1$/2$ game live. But I didn't need to show my
doubts to him.
"Really?  Do you do well there?"
"Yes!  I made around 3k there"  
"Nice. For how long?"
"About 6 month. But to be honest, I think the 2$/4$ are more beatable there"
haha. Now I see. So he is full of shit.

       I continued to chat with him. He told me that he played tournament on
ftp too mainly the 24$ buy-in guaranteed game and won a couple. Of course
his words don't mean anything to me anymore. However, I didn't plan to confront him
but to look like admiring him. My poker face could finally put in good use.
It didn't matter about his poker skill, but he was very lucky indeed. He hit
a flush, a braodway with J6o. Also had rivered full house with 10 3 vs a
flush. He put in a huge river raise and got called.  He left after a while
with some good money made. I was just glad that was the last hand I was
involved with him.  With his luck, any hand could turn to gold that day.
bedok 发表于 2010-4-13 10:51:57 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

赞,很有趣啊 [s:167]
cyylce 发表于 2010-4-13 15:03:40 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

EP_Bob 发表于 2010-4-14 12:54:11 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

呵呵,记得我第一次也是打现场也是紧张的不行。我在澳门打的10/20,换完筹码刚刚入座的时侯,轮到我大忙,我手上没有2个10块的筹码,我就放了一个50的筹码,前面有5-6家跟,到我的时候dealer 看我是个50的筹码问我是要check or raise,我一紧张也没反应过来 (其实如果check, dealer 会找回我30),我以为丢了出台的筹码就不能收回了,所以既然丢了50就50吧。然后的第一手牌就这样拿了黑桃9j 在大忙位置 make no sense 的做了2.5 bb  rasie, 结果当然是没有一个人跑,哈哈.....

[quote="windstormm"](2) 第一手牌.
My hands were shaking badly when I was deciding what to bet and counting the 4
SUIM 发表于 2010-4-16 12:09:31 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

very well written!! thanks much for sharing. vivid and detailed.
not to suck up... but i think you've got a back up plan already, if poker doesn't work out for ya -- writing!

i think your best played hand might be that two pair lost one.. then again, i am newbie at this.

also waiting to hear the reaction from wife and sis in law etc... any twists there?
owning3388 发表于 2010-4-16 19:09:04 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

英文花花公主windstormm是ftp未来的大白鲨 !
 楼主| windstormm 发表于 2010-4-16 21:11:25 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

It is finished up to 20 pieces. You can find the rest here.

SUIM 发表于 2010-4-18 05:02:10 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

you have a great wife as she cares alot about you.

not to blame you too much as you were totally into the game but should at least called when you finished the first table... didn't you mention somebody (another chinese guy?) let you borrowed his iphone?

that's the only thing i could make a meaningful/helpful comment. you were right about "only 40" part lol should've got more there.

thanks again!

the swimmer (not necessarily fish that is)
 楼主| windstormm 发表于 2010-4-18 05:52:50 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

you have a great wife as she cares alot about you.

not to blame you too much as you were totally into the game but should at least called when you finished the first table... didn't you mention somebody (another chinese guy?) let you borrowed his iphone?

that's the only thing i could make a meaningful/helpful comment. you were right about "only 40" part lol should've got more there.

thanks again!

the swimmer (not necessarily fish that is)

Yes great wife indeed.  Thanks for the comments.  [s:146]
SUIM 发表于 2010-4-18 11:03:01 | 只看该作者

初试Live Casino Poker里程.

just read your "after thoughts" on mitbbs.

I don't think the grades in school on the subjects of writing means anything and I am sure you know that. It is true that you were just writing down what happened... this is what everybody is doing and this is what everybody capable of doing. The difference is HOW you tell the story.

Everybody can tell a story. Some do a better job than others. The great writers do a job so good, they turn an ordinary thing into a masterpiece... I guess it's the same with drawing a picture or taking a photo of the same subject. It's the same thing/object, but artists can drop your jaw, and me can make you wonder what the heck this thing is!

so i've got some talents too.
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