




楼主: weimian523
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bluffer 发表于 2014-12-5 09:12:28 | 只看该作者
monox0 发表于 2014-12-5 12:47:35 | 只看该作者
LZ 年轻但比较有毅力,可以20hours on line, 佩服这样的精力。


希望能多写点场子的情况,和牌手的观察等。  比如那个大凶比。  
noworry 发表于 2014-12-5 15:30:25 | 只看该作者
 楼主| weimian523 发表于 2014-12-5 21:13:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 weimian523 于 2014-12-5 21:25 编辑

Because I am using computer in the library so I can not type Chinese anymore.I will write this one in all English.

I start the first session online at 11:00 in the morning.It is not quite good because I am running a little bad.I nearly against the top range of my opponent every time.For example,the regular will bluff in the river with 90% times,but when I call him and he show the nuts to me.
I don't think you also can keep winning if the hands of your opponent always better than you.Then I make a rest and go to a thai massage,when I come back,everything is quite good.I play a very good session and win 681 dollars but I am down 650 before.So just up 50 totally today.

In my last 25k hands in the zoom nl100,i got 3bb/100 winrate and win about 800 dollars and I have paid about 1100 dollars rake.I am really not satisfied of this because I have crushed the NL200 zoom maybe 1 and half years before.Nl100 is so soft for me.But then I go back china and play live game for half of a year.That makes me lost lot of poker skills and just be a stupid rock with no thinking level and action.Because this is a only way to beat calling station and against super high rake.
In the Nl100,I play so aggressive in every spot.My 3bet is 10.4 and 4b range is 3.8.It looks like a fking crazy donk.I have defend nearly 90% of hands in BB and SB even like 25s.I always like set mine in 6max.But I need to float and bluff a lot if i miss and improve my non-showdown winning.So it makes my variance becomes very massive.In this level,a lot of grinders just play like abc poker.They will not make so many actions against you but it is very hard to value them 2 or more streets with good hand.In a word,they are so tight.They will easy fold their hands when they think behind and they will never try to catch your bluff with your huge over bet even you are very unblanced.But the benefits play like machines and ABC poker can make you do not make any mistakes.Like a learnfriend from Taiwan,he got SNE in 2013.He may play 8 zooms in NL500 and NL200,just keep 0.5bb/100 winrate.But he can play 300K hands every month and grind rakeback.Lots of people put him on a legend and want get him coach,but in my eye,he is very low.

After 5 hours of online,then I go to casino play live game.It is a not good start because my table is so bad.All of regulars and I got card dead in the first 3 hours.But since I use 33 to catch a TAG 300bb huge over bet bluff in a T74T board.Then I run like god and crush the tables.
The most interesting hand is my AA run into a tag KK and all in pre about 1300BB pot.I ask run it twice.I am not sure it is minus ev or not but I just do not want to bad beat.

Session finishes and I up 1860 pounds.
 楼主| weimian523 发表于 2014-12-6 23:32:52 | 只看该作者

下午2点约了TUTOR交了作业,回家就直接ONLINE SESSION走起,可能睡眠不足,人特别乏力,整个GAME B-,非常不好,上去输了500多刀,后来调整自己RANGE,变成一个SUPER ROCK,把坑填平,看了个电影 又打了一个SESSION,各种偷鸡撞钢板,每次我的对手都是SET 2P+起步,OMG  输了400多刀,去赌场了。

LIVE GAME还是那些个REG,拿KK清了一把鱼的QQ,基本没什么ACTION了,我的好朋友+老乡 这时候在另外一个赌场输钱了,我就停止了SESSION, 赢了348磅,去过去找他了。陪他玩了一会,请他吃了个饭。

好久不玩了,不过真是蛮过瘾的,这东西就是吃钱的游戏,想想之前没钱的日子,输个几十磅要死要活的,现在都是几百几百的压,运气不错, 百家乐赢了1000磅。不过这东西也就是偶尔娱乐娱乐,绝对不能指望靠着赢钱,你肯定打不过庄家的。
Jsli 发表于 2014-12-7 02:28:42 | 只看该作者
weimian523 发表于 2014-12-6 23:32
昨天凌晨3点半睡的觉,早上9点就起来了,我真成铁人拉,今天美国代写机构终于把COURSEWORK给我了,别 ...

 楼主| weimian523 发表于 2014-12-7 16:06:19 | 只看该作者

昨天打百家乐凌晨8点左右睡得觉,下午2点才醒,回忆昨天百家乐的情节,本来赢了大概有1270,左右,1000都换成PINK,其他的fiver和pony有270,朋友说走,自己看路好 贪心,非要压,结果零码都输完了,想想也郁闷,打牌要赢270还是蛮难的,赌博总是让人把钱不当钱,什么时候能玩这些GAME 做到最后一把都是赢钱然后HIT AND RUN,我觉得自己就又进步了一个台阶。

今天没有打ONLINE,起的晚,精神头不好,和朋友打了3把LOL,全被虐,无意义,然后去赌场打LIVE,打得不是很好,一把UTG OPEN,我JJ 3B,单挑底池,BOARD 6673K ,我在TURN空了一条街,河牌下注了4分之一底池 去VALUE了对手大概99或者TT, 价值没打足。

然后一把牌我55,FLOP JT5俩梅花,我SB 没位置,正常情况我会选择LEAD,但牌面太湿了,我低SET很容易被超越,所以没打,TURN J,我知道多人POT肯定有人有J,底池才6磅,结果有人BET 5磅,俩家CALL,我暴力RAISE 到50磅拿J的价值,一家80磅ALL IN,另外一家180磅的只CALL了80磅,我也没法继续RAISE.RIVER 掉梅花A,顺子和花都出了,他100磅 SPR接近0.5 我也没FOLD EQUITY,我直接ALL IN,他秒SHOW AJ.

最ridiculous是和一个老板打得一手牌,这个老板是我们城市最大的VALUE之一,每天来都是3000磅起步的送,VPIP 90左右吧。他OPEN 14,我拿56s 在SB 3B 65,这个牌当初感觉不错想玩玩,但是肯定不能平CALL即使我没位置,因为CALL了以后 基本上击不中就蛮难游戏的, FLOP QT4,我CHECK 他CHECK,turn8,我BARREL 80,他CALL, RIVER 7, BOWL,我卡顺到了,我直接HUGE BET ALL IN,他秒CALL. 我DOUBLE UP 500BB。这把牌运气蛮好的,如果RIVER 我4张OUTS 没出,我可能也会做HUGE BLUFF,没办法RUN的好。

SESSION 结束,UP 897磅。
swallow 发表于 2014-12-8 03:53:37 | 只看该作者
toystorm 发表于 2014-12-8 09:36:46 | 只看该作者
 楼主| weimian523 发表于 2014-12-8 15:22:09 | 只看该作者


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