Howard兄谬赞了 [s:174] 刚看了你的大作《Blackjack傻瓜入门(1-10)》才知道有Kelly Criterion这样的东西。Kelly同学早在1956年就从理论上推出了最优策略……Wikipedia上写得明白:
“As an example, if a gamble has a 60% chance of winning (p = 0.60, q = 0.40), but the gambler receives 1-to-1 odds on a winning bet (b = 1), then the gambler should bet 20% of the bankroll at each opportunity (f* = 0.20), in order to maximize the long-run growth rate of the bankroll.”
恩,又浅薄了一把,呵呵。好在我做的结论还没错,算是模拟验证了一把理论吧,小小自我安慰一下。 [s:187]
以后有时间再查一下有没有多次买入的最优策略吧…… |