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情迷奥马哈 发表于 2014-4-18 11:33:45 | 只看该作者
一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-18 00:43
to howard, 万分感谢howard细致的计算分析。原来我flop call给自己制造了这么大的麻烦,怕怕。。。
to Wee, ...

情迷奥马哈 发表于 2014-4-18 11:39:44 | 只看该作者
一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-18 01:05
2nd hand

大叔上手之后感觉有点针对我tilt。我在cut off 拿a4ss open25. btn call 大叔call。对大叔400 es ...

大叔的范围没有bluff range,BTN的牌力flop的call基本上打明了,没有强成手牌,turn加注打跑BTN,很自信的一手,nice hand!
1428 发表于 2014-4-18 18:12:56 | 只看该作者
utg limp call本身以他紧的风格就不太可能有8, lead out就更减弱了他有8的可能。
应该是这样说, utg open 里不应该有a8 k8  的范围,本身以他紧的风格就不太可能有8,通常用于我们在btn 用很广的范围hit到一个小对,因此认为这个对子帮到的我们而没有帮到utg从而可以抵抗前位的open。如果我们中上了两个垃圾小对,然后再来一张高牌正好是utg的范围。就可以把utg打破产了。而在一个松的桌面utg溜进的范围倒可能会有7s8s,8s9s。
1428 发表于 2014-4-18 18:53:45 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 1428 于 2014-4-18 18:56 编辑
一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-15 00:00
A few poker moves are singular enough to have been given anickname. The New-York back-raise (NYBR) is one of those moves. It consists offirst calling a raiser with a strong hand, hoping someone behind you willattempt a squeeze play. You can then come over the top of the squeeze player,either winning the hand right away, or creating a big pot with a big hand. Thefollowing article will try to identify optimal conditions under which toattempt the NYBR.

Analyzing the downside of the NYBR.
The obvious downside of the NYBR occurs when nobody attemptsa squeeze behind you, and worse, a few players use the opportunity to callbehind.
In that situation, you end up playing a multi-way pot, witha bad position, and a hand you might have trouble to let go on the flop.
More importantly, in that case, you have lost all chances toget multiple raises in before the flop.
Having identified our main downside risk drives us directlyto our next point.

Do not attempt the NYBR after a tight player open-raised.
When a tight player open-raises, he is in general givencredit for a strong hand. This tends to discourage squeeze play, because therisk of getting 4-bet, even as a bluff, are quite high. This in turns meansthan attempting a NYBR in those conditions will normally results in asingle-raised pot, not exactly a great result for a great hand.
Even more importantly, you want to 3-bet a tight player withyour excellent hands, because the tightness of his range means you are morelikely than usual to be 4-bet.
Overall, the tight player is not a good customer for theNYBR.

So what are the ideal conditions?
The starting point of the NYBR is an open-raise from a looseplayer. After you just cold-call his raise, most good player will start lickingtheir chops at the coming juicy squeeze play. They know the original openerdoes not rate to have much, and you probably have nothing either as the best youcould do was to call a weak open.
Obviously, the more aggressive the players behind you, thebetter. You are especially looking for very aggressive blinds, as they are themost likely to attempt a squeeze play.
Finally, the more players behind you, the better, as itmultiplies the chance that someone will go for a 3-bet.
Note in passing that when a loose player opens and you3-bet, he will often be folding to your 3-bet, effectively wasting your stronghand.

Sizing the NYBR.
Let’s say you started with the usual 100BB, attempted a NYBRwith Aces, and hare happy to see that the BB is playing along, and raising the3.5 open-raise to a total of 16BB. What sort of raise should you put in?
Often, people will 4-bet a squeeze raise out of sheer anger.They have been squeezed for the third time in the session, and suspect the3-bettor has to be bluffing. They stick in a big 4-bet, committing themselvesto the pot. This is a relatively poor strategy, as it will make the squeezerfold all his bluff hands, but will commit the 4-bettor to the pot every timethe 3-bettor indeed has a real hand.
Here, we’re trying to give the opposite impression. Bydefinition, the NYBR looks like a weird, misplaced re-steal attempt. If you donot try it too often, you will be surprised hoe regularly the blind will go fora big shove bluff in that spot. If you leave him the chance that is! The worstthing you can do in that spot is use a 4-bet size that says I am committed tothat pot, and I am not going nowhere. What youwant to do instead is to use a smallish raise size, making it unclear whetheror not you are going for the ride, and suggesting to your opponent he mighthave some steal equity. In our example, a raise to 36 to 40 BB should achievethat goal.

Metagame considerations.
The NYBR is a great balancing tool, for these few timeswhere you elect to just call a loose raiser instead of 3-betting him. Also,once you know a player has seen you go for the NYBR with a premium hand, make anote, and attempt the even more spectacular bluff NYBR!

The NYBR term refers to the act of calling an opening raisein the hope that one of the players yet to act will 3-bet, allowing to 4-bet.
A NYBR is best attempted when a loose player opens, the gameis aggressive, and there are still many players yet to act behind you.Attempting a NYBR behind a tight player will backfire too often to be optimal.
When 4-betting with a strong hand, it is generally better touse a relatively small 4-bet size, in order to induce a 5-bet bluff.

1428 发表于 2014-4-18 21:38:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-22 21:45:46 | 只看该作者
1428 发表于 2014-4-18 18:53
引用一下。2+2A few poker moves are singular enough to have been given anickname. The New-York back-r ...

MichaelCAOHM 发表于 2014-4-22 23:09:29 | 只看该作者
一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-22 21:45

 楼主| 一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-23 00:21:16 | 只看该作者

apr 19 8小时超长session。

1st hand

hj open 15. 我拿aa btn call。大盲call。大盲是个decent松凶。700estake
flop 8 3 3 bb lead 35. hj fold 我call suit not important
turn 10. sb bet 60. 我call
rv 5 bb ck 我tank bet 280。他只停了1会就call。 他是t8

preflop 我觉得没必要去抢那22块的小pot。另外觉得隐藏我的强力牌,可以引诱bb来偷。结果他没给我机会。55555
flop 要么way ahead 要么way behind。平call 很standard play。
turn bb 继续lead,这是决定这手牌的关键点之一。他基本不可能是tt。88呢?以他松凶的风格,88也有可能做个3bet。剩下的value range就是各种3. 鉴于我拿了2A。 他只能是k3s q3s 带3的sc之类。不过既然是decent松凶这类牌他会不会在没位置的情况强玩呢?只能打个问号。我继续平call,计划rv 他bet 我fold。他check 我re-evaluate。
rv 他ck。想一下对手给我什么牌:我大部分时候没3,没88 没tt和overpair。我可以有各种8或是99等牌。既然是个decent lag,他一定知道,我不会bet8x 10x 99等牌。他如果是超强成牌,rvcheck几乎一定miss value。他rv所有的bluff 和value range都该bet。因此我断定他不是强成牌。在rv他应该进入chk call 或是chk fold mode。下面就是想value 多少的问题了。他知道我具备成牌转bluff的能力。我知道在他看来我rep overpair 不make sense+他lead 2条街显示了一定牌力,因此我决定进行大value。他pay off我了。
 楼主| 一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-23 00:31:11 | 只看该作者
2nd hand
我在utg open 20 with 99. 1caller co 突然shove 快900.  
我快速拿出筹码做call的动作,为了观察mid caller的reaction。他果然提前fold。我call,他是ak。他没hit。
 楼主| 一条三文鱼 发表于 2014-4-23 00:41:09 | 只看该作者
3rd hand bad play

all limpin pot,我拿64o在co call(第一个错,要么open big 要么fold)。一共6callers flop 7 44 2diamonds utg lead 25,fold到我之前1位call。我rr到115. utg call。我前面那位shove 175,这是我犯的第二个错,我的r变成short r。我只能call。turn k,utg ck 我ck。(第三个错,utg紧手的牌我只打不过77,a4。但我觉得我打不过上家就放弃了这锅。没想从utg那拿补偿。当时utg还有小200)rv d utg shove 我fold。 上家是k4 utg aj dd
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