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柏木雪狐 发表于 2013-10-24 20:14:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 柏木雪狐 于 2013-10-24 20:20 编辑

Nicky的博客上推荐了这个(有志于成为职业)扑克玩家的调查问卷,作者是<the Mental Game of Poker>的作者Jared Tendler. 我花了整个晚上的事件来做这个问卷,感觉真的是挺有帮助的,所以挑一个相对冷清点的板块把自己的答案放上来。原文章地址在Nicky博客里,暂时不额外帖外链接了,大家有兴趣有时间推荐都做一做,是很好的自我认知。另外版主是否办法帮我把文章中的外联接弄掉,我在填写问卷的时候并没有,不清楚是如何加上去的,非常感谢。

Client Questionnaire
Name: Aaron Hu
Age:   26
Location: Sydney, Australia
Time Zone: AEST
How did you find out about me:  Nicky Jin

1. First share with me first a bit about yourself, (education, interests, family, etc):
Bachelor/Postgraduate later, Games and Trading, Good Family, Affluent life

2. Briefly describe your poker history. How would you characterize your progress? What game(s)/limit(s) do you play?  
4.5yrs, started from play money, then turned to real money tournament. Start from SnGs, then live MTTs. Basically 200+R, 400+R, 1000+0, cash game NL400-1000CAP, PLO100-200, <$100 SnGs and MTTs, live $5/5, $5/10, $220-$550MTTs

3. What are your goals in poker? Short- and long-term.
L:Earn money, Build Reputation, becoming cool guy and be   
   respected by other people. Would be better if I could sign a contract with Pokerstars.
S:Can’t risk too much of my bankroll since need to study and get the PR visa. Would take   
2-3 yrs, before that decided to grind on small tourneys and cash games to build      
bankroll and make friends/reputation. (Also want to be cool)

4. Do you have personal goals facilitated by poker?  If so, please share as much as you are comfortable.  
     1) become a superstar and being respected by others, like nano or subiime.
     2) earning free lifestyle and do whatever I want, dont being fxxxed up by bosses,   
         Cherish the time with the ppl I beloved, as long as they need me I shall have
         affluent time to accompany them.
      3) Practice my English skills and social skills, make friends as much as I could.
      4) Grinding for money of course. But now the environment is getting hard so don’t
           Really expect millions, just enough win-rate to make myself a qualified coach.
      5) Not a big fan of traveling. Just Sydney and Melbourne is fairly enough and I prefer  
             Stay comfortable and play online, take privilege of social development and high
             Card distribution efficiency.

5. List and describe the problems you want me to help you address (up to 5).  List them in order of importance to you or by severity. Give as much information as you can, including the triggers, signs, and what you believe are the causes.
      1) Start instantly tilting after some 1-2 outer insane bad beat.
      2) Sometime overaggressive.
      3) Feeling bad even lost small amount of money, always thinking break even.
          Avoid risk.  

6. What have you tried to do to fix any of these issues? What level of success have you had?
      1) Bankroll Management. Bought tilt breaker and other software, so far so good.
      2) Find out I m a theoretical player rather than a motion player.
7. Do factors outside of poker ever affect your play?  If yes, how?  Does poker ever negatively impact your life?  If yes, how?
     1) Yes. Some scary people intimidated me and made me unconsciously give up some pots.
     2) Girls and really affecting. Can’t focus if I have to deal some issues with girls.
     3) The lifestyle poker has given me made me impatient of getting a normal job. To some extent, it also changed my money value. As long as I got money , I love to trade for a living. I hate to work for somebody I dislike.

8. Why do you play poker?  What motivates to play, why you love it, what you get out of it?
    1) the most crucial thing is the free lifestyle. I m my own boss and I feel so good about it, whatever I m winning or losing money. If losing is bad, being forced to do sth you hate is more horrible.
      2) Given me the great motivation to learn English and I also feel good about could speak fluent English and could listen, reading, writing without any difficulties.
      3) The possibility and the dream of making money is just great. If we don’t have dream our life would be in desperation. I m not too worry about my life, cuz I know I always have the chance to win sth big. That’s keep me a optimistic life attitude like Antonio Esfandiari.
      4) Yes, I mean, if making money is good, imagining how much money/reputation you could get if grasped the 1st in MTT is stunning. It’s so glorious to even think about it. Who don’t want be a superstar even for one day?

9. List your three to five biggest distractions while playing. Describe why these are a problem.
1) Playing too big and couldn’t afford to lose.
2) Playing while I have other important things to do. ( like deadline, my parents are sick)
3) Girls. I definitely could not play A-game if I know tonight I gotta have crazy sex.

10. How do you decide when to play?  Do you have set times or is it flexible or random?
1) I feel energetic, have bunch of money in my pocket and ready to lose, have sufficient time and really want some action.
2)  I spotted a big fish/whale at table, even the stake is higher I m ready to take the risk.
3)  I rely on my self-discipline. It’s not flexible.   

11. Describe what you do before you play.  How do you warm up, if you do?
1) Don’t do much. Usually eat and drink enough to make my comfortable. If I have headache, I would stop play at once and go back home for sleep.

12. What is your average session length? 
       How many sessions do you play per day?
       How many hours do you play per month on average? 
Are any of these shorter than your goal? If so, in what ways are the problems listed in question 5 related?
1) 2.5 hrs. I start getting impatient and throw money after long session.
2) I m not so diligent, Used to play a lot ( 10hrs/day, 60hrs/week, now 20hrs a week)
3) Yes..but that’s only because I can’t spot the fish and feel bored for battling full of REG

13. What are the reasons that you would quit a session prematurely? Are the problems listed in question 5 ever the cause?
1)  As I mentioned, so fish or I scene a huge shark has position on me.

14. Describe your work ethic. Is procrastination or burnout ever a problem?
1) I think I have both. Serious procrastination. Burnout seemingly lighter.

15. Describe what you do away from the table to improve technically as a player.
   1) Watching training videos from runitonce.com, love to hear from Phil Galfond’s lesson and he’s an incredible smart genius.
   2) Watching poker videos from youtube. WSOP series and poker movies bring me so much fun and content to kill time and learn sth, especially from those interesting stories.

16. Do you ever act without thinking in a way that’s negative? If yes, why? What is the typical situation when it happens?
   1) Yes. I could become very suspicious to very LAG players. If my instinct tell me that they are likely to bluff, I ll try to catch them regardless of the cost. I literally did some very stupid call of overbets (even for 10 pots) and that’s so costly. I think it’s hard to play with LAGS with good thinking lvl, especially in cash games (deep stacks ) cuz they can read your soul like an open book.

17. Describe your mindset when you are playing your best.
    1) My A-game always before night, around afternoon to 11:00 PM. Those live 200+R games are extremely easy for me and it’s hard for me to make mistakes in MTTs. I learned all theories and could punish those players who are too nitty, too aggro or love to play tricks.

18. Do you ever get down about your ability as a player? If so, can it happen after one bad session?  
      1) When I was on tilt, I play much looser and don’t care much about position, just want to win my money back ASAP.

19. How well do you typically handle pressure situations in poker or elsewhere (if different than poker)? Describe.
1) Follow the BRM.
2) Poker is like trading. I’ll do those things which could still make me sleep well.
3) I prepare to lose even before getting started.

20. Do you have any specific memories in poker that you still think about or that pop into your head randomly? (Bad hands, tournament bust outs, or others.)
1) The first time I come to Macau I was crushed. I won decent money online at that spot, but fish hunting turns to a train-wreck. Just can’t understand how those players call whatever raise preflop and then creaked my monster pairs. My online NL200/400 experience never work out at live. A devastating full-house (59s) lose to a full-house (99)
On 59K5X board busted my months of salary. The 3-days holiday was not much fun. That’s first time I come to Macau hunting, but was hunted.

21. Does thinking about poker ever keep you up at night, or prevent you from enjoying your life? If so, what are you thinking about? Do you ever get stuck thinking about mistakes?
1) NO.
2) Poker didn’t ruin my life. I enjoy about it and do appreciate for all it brings to me.
3) Poker accelerated my understanding of life, and now I see things much clearer.
4) I still make mistakes. That’s fine. We all have to learn from it.

22. Hypothetical question: You have the ability to magically make any of the issues in question 5 disappear. Which one would you choose? Why? What do you think your game would be like without it?
1) No.3.  I think all trader want to be motionless so they could not make mistakes and just follow the rules. I definitely want to be so, as long as my foes are human beings I shall have an edge towards them. I think motionless made Phil Ivey the best and most respectful player in the world,  but ironically we all need emotion to taste and enjoy life.
How to keep a balance is very crucial.

23. List and/or describe your mental strengths.
1) I m Virgo, pretty much determined but sometimes too hasty.
2) I m hitting gym hard and try to maintain a healthy style to strengthen my mental power.
3) I can be extremely patient for doing what I interested, and extremely impatient and pissed off for doing what I hate.

24. Do you take notes on your game after a session? If yes, describe.
1) Yes, I take note on Pokerstars/HM whenever I found a leak of my foe.

25. How much is your evaluation of your ability as a player influenced by results? Describe.
1) Used to be too much, but better now. I try focus on doing the right thing on both poker/life right now. I start to understand sometimes, the results could be totally irrelevant for whatever you’ve done.

26. Do you exercise? If yes, on average how often and generally what do you do?
1) Yes. Very frequent right now, 3-4 days/week. That’s one of the main privilege poker has granted me and given motivation to me. I hired a personal trainer.

27. How much do you sleep on average per night? Is sleep ever an issue? If so, describe. What, if anything, do you notice about your play on days when you don’t sleep well or long enough?
1)  Usually no less than 8 hrs. (12:00AM-8:30AM). I literally never got insomnia, that’s might because I refuse to put overwhelming pressure on myself. (e.g. If you play some lvl you couldn’t afford to lose, like NL40000, or 1million tourney, you can’t sleep for sure)
2)  I don’t try to play at least 1hr before I sleep. Cuz I already multi-tabling online, too many excessive hands would make me hard to fall asleep, thinking about the strategy over and over.
3) I especially have to lost a monster pot at the spot I m ready to leave the table. Just hate, no matter I m ahead or behind.

28. Do you eat or drink anything when playing? If yes, describe what is typical.
1) Not really. Mostly only plain water. If I have to grind on early tourney like Sunday Million at 4:30 AM, I have to prepare energy drink and some of chocolates.

29. Do you smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or use any other drugs when playing? If yes, what and how much on average? What effect, positive or negative, do you think it has on your game?
1) I do neither. I only enjoy gaming and sex.

30. Do you have any medical illnesses at this time? If yes, how does it affect any of the issues in question 5?
1) No. Just if I watched too long time at screen , my eyes would becoming dry. I already played too much video games b4 I twisted to poker, so it’s kinda hard for me to stick some continuous 5+ hours.

31. Do you have any current psychological issues that have been diagnosed by a doctor or someone in the psychological field? If yes, what, if anything, is your current treatment and how do you think it affects any of the issues in question 5?
1) So far so good. Just my back is not so well after so many years semi-professional board games, I currently work hard on gym for recovery.

32. Estimate the amount lost per month as a result of the problems you want to address. Also estimate the percent of time you play your A-game.
1) The maximum shall be $5000/month. I have tilt breaker software so it’s very unlikely for me have a $1M+ swing like isildur1 or durrrr. I probably have 40% of my A-game at cash game and 75% of my A-game at tournaments. As I mentioned, deep stacked live cash game made me feel very boring and impatient. Meanwhile, live MTTs is uneasy for theoretical players like me to make mistakes since the stack is very swallow ( Even Phil Ivey would play exactly the same and have to deal with swings ). My best A-game time is afternoon 3:00PM (after nap) to 11:30 PM (before I feel sleepy). Being aware to play til 3:00 AM is a nightmare to me no matter if there’s a fish or not. I m very likely to become the fish at that midnight moment.

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maomaobiao 发表于 2013-10-25 05:45:27 | 只看该作者
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