pan300at 发表于 2013-5-22 01:10
Anyone knows the meaning of "Ability" and "Form" (last two columns) in the table?
The Ability rating is a rating that goes up to 100 and shows a player’s ability based on an assessment of all the other statistics Sharkscope has compiled for that player. It allows you to easily compare players who play significantly different stake levels and tournament types- for example a player who loses a small amount at high stakes games is likely a better player than a player that wins money at very low stakes games - and so may well have a higher Ability rating.
Form, ranging from super tilt to super hot, indicates the player's current losing/winning streak.
哇,谢谢大家的好评! much appreciated ! and yeah i've grown alot in the past years or so(specifically saying:knowing how to respect people so that I can gain the same respect from.)and i felt stupid for those old lol things i've done -_-
说到现场比赛,其实我开头就说了,如果你不是职业扑克玩家(i.e., 扑克收入占到你80%的收入以上),那么这篇文章完全无所谓看不看的,因为楼上有人说了,现场比赛unbeatable的原因不是因为比赛本生是-ev,而是我们永远无法达到一个reasonable的sample size来抹去运气的因素(虽然online mtt从绝对意义上来说也无法达到perfect sample size来完全消除运气因素,但是相比现场那是好的多了去了),那我们去玩一个运气成份占到绝大部分比重的游戏的时候,就是在赌博了嘛,或者说至少无法成为一项职业了。
我现在打现场比赛的支出都是算在娱乐费用,是不从我的poker bankroll里算的,虽然....我现场比赛不怎么需要花钱买入,你们懂的。
还有前面有人说的现场比赛隐形ev很高,这个其实真的真的真的是错了,现在是2013年了,不是2000年,每年的比赛多入牛毛,已经不是那个你赢个现场比赛就能拿到赞助的时代了,也没人傻到你赢个比赛开个培训班就会有人来报名。 去年中国人赢了那么多比赛,我自己赢的红龙别算了,20k的mpcc,100k的ACOP都是中国人赢的,一点用都没,甚至连啥采访都没的。
世界上绝对隐性ev高的比赛真的是只有wsop,side events也行,因为亚洲人有金手链的真的不多,去年有个日本人赢了个wsop plo的event,立刻就被stars签了。要是能赢(其实FT就行了) main event,那更是不得了,光7月到10月/11月那段修赛期能获得的好处就不少呢。