richardsyj 发表于 2013-4-20 13:29 ![]()
4月19日,雨,继昨天-1500,今天又迎来了更大的败绩。下午2点到达edgewater,直接buyin1000上桌开 ...
1、MP QQ op30,BU 3bet80,我call HU,那个一个韩国眼镜男,第一次对阵。flop 782 2草花1方片,我check BU bet 125 我call,turn 方片3 我check BU bet 250 我看他后面还有250+,我就推了ALLIN了,他call,river 方片10 ,他亮出94方板。
I agree with Jsli, in general at least raise one time at pre or flop to test,otherwise we play in dark.
but i guess your reading is more correct for this hand.
2、追加buyin500继续,UTG+1 AA op25,UTG call HU,flop KT8r 我bet 50,UTG c-r 150,那个人一个老黑人,第一次交手,打的比较紧,但我还是call了,turn 2 他bet 350,我看他后面还有500,我也觉得fold不掉,就推了ALLIN,river blank,他KTo。
Flop fold might be weak; but turn shove is over aggressive, his paying range is only AK. I am not sure turn fold is good or not. but CC should be better than shove.
3、重新buyin1500,UTG+1 55limp,5limper。flop KT5 2草花,我bet25,CUTOFF call,那个人我觉得是打的不错的,turn T 我bet50,他raise到150,我call,我当时我判断一定领先,如果要说落后的话只落后4条T,但我如果再3bet,这条线路太强,我怕他掉了,river 2,我bet125,想引他raise,果然,他raise到350,这时,因为前面的运气我却有点虚了,仅仅是call,他亮出了AT。这把牌value没打足。
I think the only point is how sure you are about your FH is ahead. If you think that is 一定领先, you should at least raise once, turn or river.
4、一把失败的make move,HJ op30,这是一个上海口音的中国人,我觉得打的还算中规中距,我CUTOFF,AQo call HU,flop 472r 他bet50,觉得他不一定中,我raise到150,他call,完了碰超对了,turn A,他check,我也check,我想法是现在打他如果是超对有可能fold了,想实现value到river,river 3,他check,我bet200,他想半天,call,亮出47s,你妹啊,脏两对,而且起手就中了。
Sometimes 3 bet AQ is also an option.
5、最后一把,UTG AA,因为我前面op亮出的牌都巨大,而且桌子上的人action多,就limp 5,UTG+1 op30,全fold,我3bet 130,UTG call,flop 789h,我check UTG check,turn 9,我bet 150 UTG call,river 6h,我check UTG check,UTG 亮出Q5o,没红桃。
He is Fxxxing lucky.
我长出一口气,说了声 nice hand,将手里3块零钱给了dealer,起身离桌,水下1700,回家,今天我出离了愤怒。
Totally i feel you were trying to Max the value every hand, Which is of course very good.
It may bring some large swing but i see no reason to not to stick to your play.