




楼主: smallma
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windstormm 发表于 2010-1-6 03:11:12 | 只看该作者


其实他smooth call raise flop then check raise almost all in turn show huge strenghth.  Your hand is way behind normally.
For one if he pushes you on flop, it gives you more odds to call with nut flush draw. He pushes on turn, you absolutely have no odds to call at all if you only have A of heart. Not much difference either with 2 pair which only adds 4 more outs.  Secondly,  he knows he has the nuts after flop, if he raises you after flop, he is worried to scare you away when you have top pair, over pair or simply bluffing air. He traps you for one more bet then he raises all in to win a bigger pot right there or for you to call with even less odds.   His plan is simple. If the board pairs for turn or another heart comes out. He probably checks/calls 2 bets to see a show down. If it doesn't happen, then he induces a bet from you and raises you all in.  You are almost certain to bet big with over pair, two pair, sets or even semi-bluff with A of heart.
On the other hand, what was your plan?  You have two pair + nut flush draw. two pair is not a very strong hand facing turn reraise all in. your turn bet changed from a value bet to a semi bluff after his raise. You are way behind when he raised your turn. It is a fold. Because one does not play like this with a draw, whatever draw he has unless he is a fish. He has at least two pair A 8, set, straight or flush. No matter what. you are way behind. You do not have odds to call that raise, neither should you shove, becahse you have no fold equity and he will call you for sure with the stack size.

I think this guy played well.  Thanks for sharing the hands. I learned a lot from him.
srapix 发表于 2010-1-6 04:21:32 | 只看该作者


k,7 都是红桃?
duanying 发表于 2010-1-6 09:40:21 | 只看该作者


其实他smooth call raise flop then check raise almost all in turn show huge strenghth.  Your hand is way behind normally.
For one if he pushes you on flop, it gives you more odds to call with nut flush draw. He pushes on turn, you absolutely have no odds to call at all if you only have A of heart. Not much difference either with 2 pair which only adds 4 more outs.  Secondly,  he knows he has the nuts after flop, if he raises you after flop, he is worried to scare you away when you have top pair, over pair or simply bluffing air. He traps you for one more bet then he raises all in to win a bigger pot right there or for you to call with even less odds.   His plan is simple. If the board pairs for turn or another heart comes out. He probably checks/calls 2 bets to see a show down. If it doesn't happen, then he induces a bet from you and raises you all in.  You are almost certain to bet big with over pair, two pair, sets or even semi-bluff with A of heart.
On the other hand, what was your plan?  You have two pair + nut flush draw. two pair is not a very strong hand facing turn reraise all in. your turn bet changed from a value bet to a semi bluff after his raise. You are way behind when he raised your turn. It is a fold. Because one does not play like this with a draw, whatever draw he has unless he is a fish. He has at least two pair A 8, set, straight or flush. No matter what. you are way behind. You do not have odds to call that raise, neither should you shove, becahse you have no fold equity and he will call you for sure with the stack size.

I think this guy played well.  Thanks for sharing the hands. I learned a lot from him.

 楼主| smallma 发表于 2010-1-6 10:31:40 | 只看该作者


其实他smooth call raise flop then check raise almost all in turn show huge strenghth.  Your hand is way behind normally.

Secondly,  he knows he has the nuts after flop
不是,他只有Q high的同花,而且我一直打的很兇,他是不是要考慮一下我也是同花的可能性呢??(再加上有效籌碼那麼高),再者,一般玩家拿到不是nuts的同花是不會慢打的(至少我是絕對不會),台面只要出現對子或是第四張紅桃我就很難處理。
His plan is simple. If the board pairs for turn or another heart comes out. He probably checks/calls 2 bets to see a show down. If it doesn't happen, then he induces a bet from you and raises you all in.  You are almost certain to bet big with over pair, two pair, sets or even semi-bluff with A of heart.
如果這真的是他的計畫的話,那在正常情況下他不會成功,我會在turn下注的原因主要還是因為我有 nuts draw 而且我想建 pot,如果我只是一般的牌(set以下的牌,更不要說是純bluff),他在turn的check只會換來我跟著check(三個紅桃又有順面,我不過就是個二對,我何必要下注呢),那他的計畫就完全失敗了(如果turn是check/check,你想他在 river 能打多少呢??),事實上他的計畫成功的機會真的不高,如果他不是遇到一個像我一樣這樣貪心的玩家,很多拿花draw的人看到turn有免費牌拿一定就笑納了。
On the other hand, what was your plan?  You have two pair + nut flush draw. two pair is not a very strong hand facing turn reraise all in. your turn bet changed from a value bet to a semi bluff after his raise. You are way behind when he raised your turn. It is a fold. Because one does not play like this with a draw, whatever draw he has unless he is a fish. He has at least two pair A 8, set, straight or flush. No matter what. you are way behind. You do not have odds to call that raise, neither should you shove, becahse you have no fold equity and he will call you for sure with the stack size.
我的計畫很簡單啊,我有位置,而且我的目標是贏下他整個150 bb,但即便是flop我raise過,pot仍然不夠大,我在turn下注的時候就考慮過如果被他raise的可能性,所以我選擇了$20這個數字,你也可以說我還希望他raise我,如果他raise我整個pot到 $60左右,我就可以確定他領先我,我先call下來,然後在river的打法就變的很簡單,中就再打,不中就放棄,如果說river開了紅桃,就算他check我再打個$100他應該還是會買單(搞不好他在river還下注,我就通殺他);唯一的意外是他raise了一個很大很離譜的數字,讓我不得不重新想一下我要怎麼打,我不想放棄,那就只有推,至於他為什麼raise那麼離譜的一個數字,只有天知道,呵呵。

windstormm 发表于 2010-1-6 10:49:02 | 只看该作者


[quote="windstormm":3if1baha]其实他smooth call raise flop then check raise almost all in turn show huge strenghth.  Your hand is way behind normally.

Secondly,  he knows he has the nuts after flop
不是,他只有Q high的同花,而且我一直打的很兇,他是不是要考慮一下我也是同花的可能性呢??(再加上有效籌碼那麼高),再者,一般玩家拿到不是nuts的同花是不會慢打的(至少我是絕對不會),台面只要出現對子或是第四張紅桃我就很難處理。

I used the nuts loosely here. But I mean he knows he is way ahead of you. What is the odds of you having a higher flush? very small. He wants to see one more cards to make an action on you so he can milk out one more bet from you. His risk is very small to have another heart come out.  Even if another heart comes out, his Q high flush is not too bad anyway. If you have nut flush draw most likely you aregoing to call his flop shove anyway to suck out.
His plan is simple. If the board pairs for turn or another heart comes out. He probably checks/calls 2 bets to see a show down. If it doesn't happen, then he induces a bet from you and raises you all in.  You are almost certain to bet big with over pair, two pair, sets or even semi-bluff with A of heart.
如果這真的是他的計畫的話,那在正常情況下他不會成功,我會在turn下注的原因主要還是因為我有 nuts draw 而且我想建 pot,如果我只是一般的牌(set以下的牌,更不要說是純bluff),他在turn的check只會換來我跟著check(三個紅桃又有順面,我不過就是個二對,我何必要下注呢),那他的計畫就完全失敗了(如果turn是check/check,你想他在 river 能打多少呢??),事實上他的計畫成功的機會真的不高,如果他不是遇到一個像我一樣這樣貪心的玩家,很多拿花draw的人看到turn有免費牌拿一定就笑納了。
I disagree. He calls here. A lot of player could think he has a A or K high flush draw. If you have a set or even top pair. Would you have to bet and bet hard to get value of of his flush draw? plus plenty of semibluffs on turn. I think his plan works more often than not. It obviously worked this time as well.
On the other hand, what was your plan?  You have two pair + nut flush draw. two pair is not a very strong hand facing turn reraise all in. your turn bet changed from a value bet to a semi bluff after his raise. You are way behind when he raised your turn. It is a fold. Because one does not play like this with a draw, whatever draw he has unless he is a fish. He has at least two pair A 8, set, straight or flush. No matter what. you are way behind. You do not have odds to call that raise, neither should you shove, becahse you have no fold equity and he will call you for sure with the stack size.
我的計畫很簡單啊,我有位置,而且我的目標是贏下他整個150 bb,但即便是flop我raise過,pot仍然不夠大,我在turn下注的時候就考慮過如果被他raise的可能性,所以我選擇了$20這個數字,你也可以說我還希望他raise我,如果他raise我整個pot到 $60左右,我就可以確定他領先我,我先call下來,然後在river的打法就變的很簡單,中就再打,不中就放棄,如果說river開了紅桃,就算他check我再打個$100他應該還是會買單(搞不好他在river還下注,我就通殺他);唯一的意外是他raise了一個很大很離譜的數字,讓我不得不重新想一下我要怎麼打,我不想放棄,那就只有推,至於他為什麼raise那麼離譜的一個數字,只有天知道,呵呵。[/quote:3if1baha]
He simply wanted to take the pot right here because he already milked out one more bet from you. He didn't want to give you any odds to call. Obviously he didn't since you have no odds at all to call.. but you called anyway. and great river! After turn raise the only hand you can beat really is bluff. You haven't committed much anyway. it is a easy fold.
 楼主| smallma 发表于 2010-1-6 11:04:44 | 只看该作者


He simply wanted to take the pot right here because he already milked out one more bet from you. He didn't want to give you any odds to call. Obviously he didn't since you have no odds at all to call.. but you called anyway. and great river! After turn raise the only hand you can beat really is bluff. You haven't committed much anyway. it is a easy fold.
這我不太同意,他拿個同花就只想贏30塊??太少了吧,反正我的odds都不夠,turn 他「合理」的打法是raise到$60或$80左右,這樣我一樣沒有足夠的 odds 啊,他如果確定他領先何必要試圖打走我呢??如果他真的猜到我只有一個紅桃,他應該會打一個我能夠 call 的數字而不是把我打走只想贏30塊。

不過,也許他不是個貪心的人,只想贏15 bb,那我誤判他了,真是不好意思。
windstormm 发表于 2010-1-6 11:08:18 | 只看该作者


first you say he bets too little flop.. now you said he bet too much on turn.. 呵呵.
no matter what i think he outplayed you on this hand but you sucked out. throughout he read it right that he is way ahead until river and you either didn't know what he has or you do but still shoved mistakenly.
 楼主| smallma 发表于 2010-1-6 11:12:07 | 只看该作者


I disagree. He calls here. A lot of player could think he has a A or K high flush draw. If you have a set or even top pair. Would you have to bet and bet hard to get value of of his flush draw? plus plenty of semibluffs on turn. I think his plan works more often than not. It obviously worked this time as well.
raythetruth 发表于 2010-1-6 11:13:54 | 只看该作者


哈哈,看来我猜对一半,没猜对结果,我猜是----可能一:对手是两个红心,hero call turn,river没红心,没A,没6,楼主悲剧
 楼主| smallma 发表于 2010-1-6 11:28:23 | 只看该作者


first you say he bets too little flop.. now you said he bet too much on turn.. 呵呵.
no matter what i think he outplayed you on this hand but you sucked out. throughout he read it right that he is way ahead until river and you either didn't know what he has or you do but still shoved mistakenly.
沒有啊,因為這個牌我們二個人都是150bb,而且他在 SB 時pre-flop只打了2 bb,說真的如果不是他只打了2bb,如果他打的是3bb,或者他是sss,這個A6o我就直接扔了,我就是看他只打2bb我心存僥倖我才call進去的。

flop他下注1/2 pot,在ftp的nl200裡這是個很正常的下注(比live要低,但這是正常的),並不是代表沒牌,也不是代表有牌,我的raise也是很正常的size,一般在這個level正常的下注及raise都是這個size,沒有什麼不正常的。

但他在turn的這個raise就非常不正常了,當時pot有$28我打$20大約2/3 pot這是很正常的,一般如果要做raise的話也是raise整個pot或多一點,也就是說$50-$80都是有道理的,但他打$156 !!!整整比正常的大小要多了一倍還有多,這代表什麼??他真的是同花嗎??我承認,在這裡我的mouse都已經移到fold那邊準備按下去了。


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