这一点我在前面已经解释过了,这手牌不能用通常的牌局来考量:1)筹码没有看上去那么深,2)BB是“最好牌 ...
RichZhu 发表于 2010-10-7 03:34 ![]()
to be blunt, I think Rich is overemphizing the fact that UTG+2 has a random hand (btw, he made a blind reraise, not a triple straddle, so he can't raise after everyone called. so in fact he could have a strong hand, but this is irrelevent here). the fact he stayed in the pot indicated he like the flop. even a random hand can hit a flop hard( in fact he hit top set here). say he has QT82 with 2 diamonds, a total trash starting hand, but hit this flop pretty well, and had BB crushed. to get 18Xpot stack in with a weak hand just because UTG+2 has a random hand is not good, imho. and i don't see why others might called BB's bet light. he doesn't have a random hand, and leading into 3 opponents showes lots of strength on this flop. "对手因为知道BB知道他们是随机牌,会更倾向于用平时该弃掉的牌跟牌,所以有比通常面对弱牌赢更大锅的更大可能." I don't think this applies here. if someone called with a hand that doesn't warrant a call, it is becasue they are planning to use the position and deep stacks and numerous scare cards to outplay BB later.
i respect your opinion a lot, and like your other analytical posts, but it really baffels me that you think leading out is correct. what is your plan if you are just called and a bad card (which are most of the deck) come on the turn? I can see if you have history with the other player and you would lead out a lot here with draws, even then being out of position the hand is very difficult to play on turn and river. |