




楼主: jimmyking
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monox0 发表于 2010-10-3 11:43:32 | 只看该作者
这两天心情很tilty, 所以动不动就喜欢“拉掉”(all in) 感觉可能级别太小提不起精神。然后有不少疑问,但是总是懒得发,事后又忘记过程。决定即打即发。你们高手讨论的同时,也被我滋扰滋扰。

初哥牌例5  失去价值还是小牌小锅??

(NL2 6max , 100BB)
(由于对起手牌的认知甚微,希望几米老哥/Rich 多帮忙告诉我下每次的起手的策略是否正确。)
这把我在 UTG 觉得不错就平入一共4家平入。
Flop 不算我希望看到的但也不差,所以我bet pot,BB跟。
Turn 这张牌感觉让对手要么crush我,要么也有N个outs的牌,我哪怕再push可能他也不会走,所以我采取“小牌小锅”原则check.
River 对手主动bet pot.. 我觉得我弃得问题不大。
这里主要问的是turn上的决策。 谢谢


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monox0 发表于 2010-10-3 12:33:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 monox0 于 2010-10-3 12:34 编辑


tournement 300/600 A50 , 我t 8500  中位AsTc raise 1800, 后位有个上一局用89o 全下的傻鸟跟其余fold 我们HU.

FLOP  J 6 9 彩虹,  我check 给他, 他下1800, pot 已经6000多,我跟。
TURN  黑桃2  ,  我继续check 给他, 他下全下 4000多我大概还有5000筹码。我跟。
RIVER 已经不重要了,他拿什么牌?? 还有我这样打比赛是不是死得很惨?
(答案在下面 反色可见)

0532gszy 发表于 2010-10-3 20:47:41 | 只看该作者
 楼主| jimmyking 发表于 2010-10-4 22:21:42 | 只看该作者
回复 381# monox0








3、轉牌在對手觀望後應不應過牌?如果不下注,捐失value bet,如果下注,則與小牌小鍋原則背道而馳,如何決擇?

首先,你要問,一個合理的玩家,甚麼情況會check call這個翻牌9d8s2c,他很可能是聽牌,這個牌面,沒有聽花,只有聽順。聽順的可能有:67、7T、TJ,轉牌的7,對手有機會成順,他有可能想打check raise。

這牌不能下注,因為你有2對,有redraw及show down 的價值。

如果不來順子的可能性,是可以繼續value bet,來了,就過牌,你做對了。

 楼主| jimmyking 发表于 2010-10-4 22:30:12 | 只看该作者
回复 382# monox0




夠膽就check raise all in,但成本大,我不喜歡,所以我寧願c-bet,fold to any reraise。

最後,在轉牌,你不會用A high 冇draw跟入all in 吧!


asics 发表于 2010-10-4 23:23:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 asics 于 2010-10-4 23:34 编辑

i was going to write sth questioning the play of utg-2. i think it is fancy play. but rich already did a detailed analysis and i agree with most of his points. one thing to note is he made a small raise to 30k while he could have made it 50k.  with two players already in and one to act, this doesn't look like nuts+redraw to me. he was giving fd or set too good an odds, while utg-1 was obviously on some kind of draw. if BB happens to have nuts+redraw ( or just nuts but don't believe him) and repot, he will have to either fold and give up his equity and 30k, or call and commit his full stack without the correct odds. given the deep stacks, he could have just call and easily call pot on turn, and use his position on the turn and  river to bet either paired board or flush card, or a eight, ten, queen or king. BB will have a tough decision to make unless turn and river are both blanks, which are only the A 2 3 4 5 6 that are not the flush card, 18 total. this leads to the play of BB.

I don't agree with rich on the play of the BB. with stack this deep (like 900 bb and 18xpot on the flop), 5 people in pot and 2nd to act, and bare straight with no redraw, I will be more worry about protecting my stack instead of protecting my hand which isn't worth much. I will just check call the flop ( and fold if there is a bet and a raise), and on turn try to checkraise  allin or close to it so I won't have to make a tough desicion on river. if the pot is too small to get committed on turn, then just checkcall turn and lead blank river. might look like a missed fd and get called by a set. i will probably follow the same line if it was just BB and UTG-2. you risk giving free cards to draws, but that is the price you pay for playing deep out of position, which you should avoid like a plague.

UTG-2 made the correct play to move allin after utg-1 went allin, which was correct only if utg-1 put BB on a bigger set. with bottom set I will just fold the first time along. in 5way pot, might just have one out.

just my 2cents. like to see more discussion about this interesting hand. remind me of the wsop time in Rio. deepstack live PLO is so much fun. wish I can be in Macau.



先说一下起手牌:UTG,+1 ...
RichZhu 发表于 2010-10-3 08:35
mango 发表于 2010-10-5 11:58:28 | 只看该作者
回复 380# RichZhu

RichZhu 发表于 2010-10-5 14:08:27 | 只看该作者
回复 386# asics






asics 发表于 2010-10-5 21:40:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 asics 于 2010-10-5 22:15 编辑

回复 388# RichZhu

thanks for the reply, Rich.

my take is 18 times pot is still pretty deep, too deep to risk your stack with a weak hand like t8xx no redraw. utg+1 was shorter, but we need to plan the hand according to the biggest stack still in the hand. if utg+1 bet and everyone fold, then it is different. that is one reason i think checking the flop is better. the main problem with leading is there are so many bad cards on turn and river that we will be forced to fold lots of time or guess wrong and lose our stack if opponents are half decent. (it would be different if we have some redraw so we can check when those hit to induce a potential bluff from an aggressive opponent. ) Here I would rather conceal my holding and play it like a drawing hand, essentially drawing for "blanks".  the hand is like a blufff catcher until river, then lead out big if it stays the nuts to get call from sets or 2 pairs who might think you missed the flush draw.

the straddle and blind raises is a factor, but not that big a factor. utg straddle to 400, and called 1600 more to stay in the hand. SB called 1900 and BB called 1800 in bad positions to  stay in, so their hands should  not  be weak at all if they are reasonable players.  ( looks like BB was actually a pretty loose player, given that he had t8xx but no redraw on j97 flop. the worst hand he should play in BB calling 9BB raise is sth like QJT8ss so a king or 8 will give him a bigger straight. this showes the importance of playing quality starting hands: on a flop like j97, you would have some kind of redraw if you hit the straight. then your life is much easier).  utg+1 and utg+2 had  random hands, but they could easily had sth like kqtd3d or t85d2d which are not good hands but had us crushed on this flop.
i am pretty aggressive in cash game actually, and will happily put in 500bb anytime i believe I have a 5% edge. but here our hand is so weak that we could be behind even if no one else has the nuts, plus we can't get the stacks in on the flop so leading out oop just build a pot to put ourself in position to be outplayed later. if you bet pot, what is your plan if any cards above 6 or flush cards come on the turn? and river?
 楼主| jimmyking 发表于 2010-10-6 20:27:56 | 只看该作者


a)大盲是位年青的新加坡人,他們倆個應該打了兩三天,見他們有時都會談論一些牌局,老外應該對新加坡年青人有點了解,知道在深籌碼下,他有dry 的T8也不敢推他。如果大盲推,他一定是拿著T8加redraw,那老外肯定棄的,這個我幾敢肯定,他對EV機率應該相當了解。

b)UTG是一個北京的年青人,在Jc9d7d的翻牌平跟一個大注是甚麼牌?是一個聽牌,而且所聽的,可以擊敗當時的nut straight,不外乎暗三、聽花、龍頭順如TQK,又或者是聽花帶順之類,這些牌,都是落後老外的,所以老外應該是為了利益而加他的注。


3、老外如何在電光火石間,想到這個反加注?我問個一個朋友,他說網絡的深籌碼,經常是這樣幹的。所以,我相信,老外應該有很好的網絡經驗。這種fancy play,應該好象我們在NLH的後位用聽花反加前面注,一樣的普遍。只是,PLO中這樣幹,我很少見過。
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