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grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 17:14:58 | 只看该作者

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Taiwan just had its countdown, happy 2007 ppl..

it was going to be a sucky day cuz i'm still kinda sick, my gf is super sick. wanna go party with peter but i think i'll fall back more ill if i go out too late. so it was gona be home alone countdown by myself n my dog for the last seconds of 2006, how depressing.....

well, thank god i have this friend named Ultimate Bet and poker. I decided to play some after I came home from dinner with my family and one of my dad's rich friends. he used to run Ericsson in Taipei and he now drives a porsche and lives in this ballerass crib in downtown. I went over to check out his house today....sick! absolutely sick. I love it. ok yeah but it costs 2 million bucks....errr well there goes my new motivation. I really wana be baller like him....

so I decided to play some poker and make more moneys. I ran well, went up 2 buy ins 100 hands into my session and i paused for like 5 mins to watch the countdown. then I kept playing, lost it all back to just bad spots and continuation bets and a missed flush draw that I pushed, suddenly i'm even. that's ok, I'm gona play better. minutes later, won it all back from the guy who stacked my missed flush and some more. total up 1k. not too shabby

final results of december:

NL(1) - hands 16k, $3.3k made with 5.2 ptbb
NL(2) - hands 20k, $3k made with 7.4 ptbb

total - hands 36k, $6.6k made with roughly $1k from rakeback

I'm really gona be working hard on my life this up coming year. I wana make 2007 my year where I 'make it.' I wanna be playing at the VERY least 1k nl this yr and have a total of over 300k to my name by the end of 07'. and with the goals i listed in the last post, lets add one more: win a seat to WSOP ME or some WPT sxxx and have my parents come with me

anyways, happy new year everyone. lets all make more moneys, stay safe and healthy, and get laid plenty LOL jk

Posted by I_Husoool at 8:56 AM 1 comment:

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Alright so I haven't been bloggin much as well and I haven't been playing much at all this break

My bankroll however has almost tripled since the 1st week of december and i have actually 85xed my initial deposit since my last busto. ughh i hate to even remember that shiet. I just filtered out my play and it looks like i've actually put in about 18k hands since i got to taiwan, which makes it a lil less than 1k each day...so i guess i haven't been slacking off THAT much.

so..my december results....

hands played: 35k (nl100-20k, nl200-15k)
winrate: @100 = 7ptbb/100; @200 = 4ptbb/100
total $ won = $5435

with about 1k in rakeback...

Not really a bad month considering I have not been up to par with my mental concentration. I think after I get back to the states, I will really set my mind to the grind mode and go ballistic with poker and hopefully do better. Aside from poker I actually have been doing a lot of other things that could potentialy improve my play. I still read CR, 2+2 on a daily basis, still talk to people about poker, and today I just rewatched some of Stinger's videos very carefully and I think I picked up a few things that I want to try out in my next session.

I needa get my Ace on the River back from sh cuz I don't want to play when my mental state is not at least 80%. It's so friggin weird why I play so bad in Taiwan. Maybe its cuz the amount of money I have on the table means a sxxx load to ppl here while its still 'ok' money in the states. either way, this is something I must overcome........

Some new years resolution (poker and non poker)
- sleep earlier (pref b4 1am)
- actually go to class and read on a weekly basis instead of crammin the night before exams
- pass all my classes
- do some kind of exercise at least every other day (golf, swim, bball, boxing watever)
- not play blackjack (or any pit games) and not playin above my limit
- bankroll management - (40 bi's for taking shots, 50 bi's for stayin at the limit)
- have 1 month where I put in 100k hands
- take my bankroll pass 40k by summer (can't rush this tho)
- have more patience with zora
- wake up everyday before 10 at the latest even if i'm free
- become a CR guest pro
- win some more MTT's and join pokerxfactor

that bout it, happy new year to ppl who read this

Posted by I_Husoool at 9:26 AM No comments:

Monday, December 25, 2006

I'm very pissed right now....

Went on a terrible run today while playing and went down like $900...sure its just a 4 buy in downswing but its still $900.....and since I was thinking like that I ended up tilting away 1k more, at various games like bj and hu cash games....I'm by no means busto but this is definitely a set back

I think ever since I moved up to 200 and have a very big bankroll, I've became a bit reckless with my bankroll management, not in the sense of playing higher limits. but playing side games to chase losses, mainly roulette and the very evil bj. ever since I came back to taiwan, my mentality has not been strong at all, when I go down a lot ($ wise) I tend to go tilty. this has been the same last winter, i'm not sure why. i also have not been able to play anywhere close to how much i played in the states. i'm not sure exactly why...i also tend not to tilt when i play next to peter cuz its just kinda embarrassin to tilt. i know it and i sitll do it which makes it even more retarded....for the time being i think i'm going to play nl 100 at home and play 200 when i'm at sh's house.

one thing that must change is that i need to take my losses in buy-ins and not $'s. if i'm gona be playing nl 200, 1k downswings are bound to happen, heck even 2k downswings will eventually happen....if i think in terms of buy ins, it will be more relevant if i think of dollars and especially if i'm in taiwan, i'm going to have a really tough time taking the losses. its true that if i wana be successful in higher stakes, i gota assign less value to money. instead i must look at them as ammo. i have to become more mentally tough. today's 5 buy in downswing is ok, i did get most of my hands in as a big favorite and i got into a lota bad spots....the 1k downswing at bj....well i did win like 6-800 from bj before on ub, i guess that cancels it out...and yeah i gota stop playing it. just because i have a very big bankroll right now doesn't mean i can go do stupid sxxx with my money..."an ignorant man with his money will soon be apart..."

bankroll at: $12533

Posted by I_Husoool at 11:45 PM No comments:

Monday, December 11, 2006

Alright, so I've been in Taipei for a day. Been nice to see my family and zora. Poker has been surprisingly great. I decided to do a session earlier today and felt a little uneasy at first. I don't know, I just don't feel as comfortable when I'm playing in Taiwan. But I got situated pretty quickly and went on a pretty nice run of cards. I didn't really hit any huge hands or sets when someone had overpair or whatever, it was mostly about maximizing my expectations/values on marginal hands. Also folding a lot to bets that I think beats me. And UB's 200 has some pretty retarded ppl who pay you off with a lota weird sxxx. well, I think mostly it was because my continuation bet was working, my table image was good, and I didn't really run into any extremely trickly/tough spots which made my session pretty smooth.

I just wrapped up my 2nd session before I head to bed. Played pretty ok. Except at the end, got stacked 3 times within 5 minutes. Once KK lose to 22 on a T 2 5 board, the guy called my 3 bet preflop from the SB with 22....then AJK i had AT got all in with this maniac who was 50bb deep....kinda dumb but this guy was pushing a wide range so i thought I had a reasonable chance I was good......then...I repotted this LAG with AK from BB, he immediately min raises me, which makes me think he had a huge hand....but it was only a min raise so I had to call and take a flop. Flop came A 2 5 rainbow, I intended to check raise all in but he checks behind. turn 2. I checked again with the intention to check raise and the son of bxxxx checks again....(mistake not to bet here....) then the river came a 9 n i pot n he pushes....i know i was kinda no good but i had to call like 50 more in a 150 pot....so I called n he turned over 99. fxxxing hung myself on that one ughh....sxxx.....i was up quite a fxxxing bit on my last session too only to blow like 1/2 of my winnings in those 3 hands...fxxx

well, ended the day +1300 w/out bonuses/rb so pretty decent day. oh and i'm officially in the green now for nl 200. runnig at 0.48 PTBB/100 over 3.1k hands lol and my winrate at 100 is up to 6 over 35k hands.....not looking too bad
grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 17:19:14 | 只看该作者
dengxianqi 发表于 2013-2-4 17:12

grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 17:20:36 | 只看该作者

Posted by I_Husoool at 5:41 AM No comments:

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Had a little boring session in the afternoon. nothing much happened, just card dead and several times of, raise-get called, continuation bet-get called/raised actualy adds up very quickly. so I went down like $8 this afternoon. So right now (midnight) I decided to finish my bonus before I sleep and play a few hands. I took like 2-3 small pots consecutively from this guy and he kinda went on a lil tilt for a few hands, then this hand occured....

***** Hand History*****
$25 NL Texas Hold'em
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: sirmania ( $5.65 )
Seat 4: sharris3 ( $37.55 )
Seat 5: pinkykatz ( $50.85 )
Seat 6: potato_onion ( $24.65 )
Seat 3: Hero ( $26.45 )
sharris3 posts small blind [$0.10].
pinkykatz posts big blind [$0.25].

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c 6c ]
potato_onion folds, sirmania folds, Hero raises [$0.90], sharris3 folds., pinkykatz calls [$0.65].

** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 6s, 3d ]
pinkykatz checks, Hero bets [$1], pinkykatz raises [$2], Hero raises [$3], pinkykatz raises [$4].
Hero calls [$2].

** Dealing Turn ** [ Jh ]
pinkykatz is all-In. ($47)
TheBund3 is all-In.

** Dealing River ** [ 5c ]
pinkykatz shows [ 6d, Kc ] three of a kind, sixes.
TheBund3 doesn't show [ 4c, 6c ] three of a kind, sixes.
pinkykatz wins $51 from the main pot with three of a kind, sixes with king kicker.

I don't know how exactly I played this hand. I think I should've thought about a higher 6 and just called the flop bet. But I think given how I played I probably can't fold the turn there. I was pretty upset after I lost this hand...but what I did was immediately sat out and played at another table. These are the type of guys that put me on ultra tilt...so I stopped and I'm very proud that I did not tilt ONE single hand this session. I ended up doubling my buy-in and stacking this guy who had twice the buy in...so overall up 2 buy ins tonight not too bad at all...

today +32; +100 pp bonus

Posted by I_Husoool at 10:09 AM No comments:

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Keep the erros coming..

A few days at NL25 6max, 1000 or so hands, I've already committed quiet a few noob errors. They're not extremely fishy; nevertheless, they are huge leaks for a successful player. here are some examples:

- calling big bets on the river to a potential made draw
- calling big bets on the river with just top pair (no/weak kicker) because I sensed a bluff coming (which I was wrong)
- calling a reraise out of the SB with Ace rag and fired away while he kept calling me down. Did not realize I was bluffin into a monster until showdown.

other than these big key erros, I actually think I played pretty well. Today, I lost 2 sets within about 20 minutes, first one got it all in on the flop with a straight draw..lost...second one was so 'kuh shi' cuz the flop came A T 4, the dude had AK and I had TT, board came runner runner diamonds n he took the pot (note. check-check on the river, I would've folded to a bet on the river), also not to mention went all-in with the short stack, lost my AK to 84s. I was down like 2 buy ins but I did not tilt. Maybe it was cuz Zora was beside me, but I think I've grown not to go down that path again. I stuck it through, kept my cool, for the most part, and came out just +2 today when I got my AA all-in preflop 3 way. Very glad how I kept my patience and just played it through w/out thinking bout the beats. I'm actualy enjoying making these mistakes because once I make one of them, they're going into my book and I'll probably never seen them again, at least not coming from myself....

keep the errors coming baby

Posted by I_Husoool at 10:39 AM No comments:

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A New beginning....

Today I decided for a brand new start. Cleared out my PT database, changed my party SN, and promised myself a new attitude towards the game. My bankroll is not much now....really..not much. but i'm gona start at party's lowest stake. 25 NL 6max cash and work my way up. I think I did pretty well today. Despite one bad river call...I kept my cool throughout the session. I just 1 tabled and I think I might go 2 at the most. I haven't really been that concentrated in the game for awhile so I think this fresh start shall really help me out. The old me would've probably tilted away some money after I lost that big pot, but I kept my cool. I might've played extra aggressive for 2-3 hands, but I stopped immediately. My cards weren't good the whole session and my internet was being laggy the whole time, but I didn't really let that get into me. I just also happened to stack someone at the end of my session, really felt good.

+ $16 (174 hands)

Today's lesson, no matter what happens...KEEP YOUR COOL.
 楼主| dengxianqi 发表于 2013-2-4 17:21:40 | 只看该作者
grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 17:19
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angest 发表于 2013-2-4 17:48:25 | 只看该作者
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