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dengxianqi 发表于 2013-2-4 15:49:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
台湾玩家Raymond Wu的老博客,记录他从菜鸟成长起来的过程。

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yyy6 发表于 2013-2-4 15:52:38 | 只看该作者
打开完全无难度, 点一下就可以啊,你怎么这么笨
 楼主| dengxianqi 发表于 2013-2-4 16:08:58 | 只看该作者
yyy6 发表于 2013-2-4 15:52
打开完全无难度, 点一下就可以啊,你怎么这么笨

luckypanda 发表于 2013-2-4 16:12:38 | 只看该作者
 楼主| dengxianqi 发表于 2013-2-4 16:16:40 | 只看该作者
luckypanda 发表于 2013-2-4 16:12

grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 16:48:01 | 只看该作者
 楼主| dengxianqi 发表于 2013-2-4 16:53:02 | 只看该作者
grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 16:48



grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 17:03:50 | 只看该作者

Posted by I_Husoool at 12:07 PM 2 comments:
Thursday, March 15, 2007
ATTENTION: New policy regarding lessons
Recently this week I've had numerous cancellations/reschedules of lessons. I understand things come up and stuff but you guys have to understand that I've set a time aside each day for everyone of you, and whenever someones misses a lesson, it screws up my schedule, especially if its the starting time already and you have not even contacted me, wait for me to contact you and say you want to reschedule/cancel. I have definitely been not happy about that.

Make up lessons are not as easy as it sounds because everyday I have set it for one specific student. As I've stated in my teacher bios, I want DEDICATED students who are SERIOUS about the game. I'm looking for long term mentoring and you not giving me 110% effort will not cut it. I'm sorry to be so blunt but I come from a community where respect for your instructor is highly regarded. I honestly feel like just because some of you are getting to know me more, the respect is started to get sloppy, especially with lesson times.

Therefore, I'm going to enforce a new policy where all of my students are allowed 1 reschedule/cancel per month and if for any reason you stood me up (not even telling me about the cancellation/reschedule) you are automatically disqualified from my "school." That to me is extremely disrespectful. Contact me about it, not wait for me to contact you. You are the student, be proactive. I have currently 25 people on the waiting list, so if you are not working hard to stay in, then get out, there's plenty of people who want in.

If you feel like I'm being too harsh or whatever, then leave. During my time as instructor, i'm not here to be a baby sitter. I'm here to be an instructor to push you hard, to make you good. If I don't become strict like this, things get sloppy and your play will show, guaranteed. If you think this is too much for you then tell me before hand so I can replace someone, many are desperately trying to get in and are offering better hourly rates. Your spots are very valuable, I hope you appreciate the spot and my effort to make you a better player.

So basically, only 1 cancellation/reschedule is allowed every calendar month. If more than that you will be disqualified. Also not contacting me about cancellation/reschedule 12-24hsrs before hand will also result in the same consequence. My time is very limited. I hate to do something like this but I've had 4 reschedules this week......so its getting pretty out of hand. If you feel like weekly lessons are too much then please tell me so I can find you another instructor.

Also, contact me for my number and give me yours for easier cancellation/reschedules

Posted by I_Husoool at 12:23 PM No comments:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Warning: obvious brag post, so proceed with caution

after a huge downswing (-18 buy ins) in like 14k hands, i finally turned it around, and damn did i turn this around. just check out this fxxxing graph

note: this graph is missing $1.6k of profits, so do the math

damn man winning feels so damn good. i remember i used to win i'd be like, yeah whatever $2k, pshhh just 5 buy ins. i think you can't take your winnings for granted. when you win, appreciate it, appreciate your luck, appreciate your hard work, and appreciate everything. taking winnings for granted will inhibit you from taking losses too well since you are "supposed" to win.

this downswing has given me so much more insight to the game that i also "appreciate" the downswing despite being in absolute agony while i was in it. but right now, i play very focused poker. just like one table today where i was playing stickboney, you can ask him, i didn't make any bad moves at all, for 2 hrs straight i just focused on playing goot solid poker.

alright i'll admit i've been running pretty hot, but its not like i've been suckin out. i haven't been, i've been just hittin my hands and maximizing values on my made hands and inducing a lot of bluffs from people.

this is my graph, in big bets, from january to now. basically its half 200 and half 400. steady wouldn't you say?

Posted by I_Husoool at 10:57 PM 2 comments:

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ok. First of all, everyone go read stickboney's blog entry. its the entry on march 10th. its a very useful post. link to his site is on the right of my page or goto www.xanga.com/cribby23

anyways, today i was under the weather but i played anyway. i was not focused and my results showed. i made some pretty stupid plays. i broke even at the end but i should've been up given my cards. pretty frustrating as i ended the session early since i was really not in it. later tonight i was still feelin a lil under the weather but better, so i decided ya kno, i gota play some hands. i made sucha good decision by just browing thru stickboney's blog and what he said really got to me. i then took a shower, cleared my desk, and sat down to play some very good solid AND focused poker.

I really think that when you focus, you play much better and ur results/winrate will show by itself. I played an excellent session. Made very few mistakes and some very solid plays. Came out a 4.5 buy in winner tonight. moral of the post is to always stay focused and if you find yourself not focusing, then stop and don't play until you recoup yourself.

I also, I added a pic of patrik antonius because he is my biggest poker idol. The reason being is that this guy has it all. he's tall, good looking, athletic, rich, drives an aston martin vanquish, destroys the highest limit on FTP, can get any girl he wants, his gf is hot, tremendous respect from everyone, considered by many THE best NL hold'em player in the world, lives in the bellagio, AND holds titles to EPT. This is exactly what kind of accomplishment i'm trying to look for and this is exactly what i want to do with poker, is to achieve the above results. this is why he's one of my biggest idols in poker and i'm gona try very very hard to one day be like him. that it all

Posted by I_Husoool at 12:12 AM No comments:

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Good news ppl, i've recovered..in just 2 days lol. heres the graph
some things i've learned in this downswing:

- stretches like these are gona separate the big winners from marginal winners. it is so important to keep your cool and not tilt while you are running bad

- luck is not a factor to blame. everyone will get coolered and at the end of the day, your decisions will determine your results - sbrugby. don't point any fingers, the only person/thing to blame is yourself. look over hands, you'll be surprised how many small mistakes u made

- do not get into the, i'm gona play a ton so i can get out of it quicker. its true, but when you get into that grind mode, you stop thinking about every play. instead you fire up as many tables as you can to put in more hands. not a good idea. always be thinking about your decisions and put your opponent on ranges

- very beneficial to get a "game check" preferrably by someone who is at your level or higher. a lot of the times you think you are just running bad but in reality your game is just not solid enough. you might not have big major leaks, but small leaks can add up and kill your winrate. so watch someone play, have someone sweat u, or get a coach (or 2)

- do not focus too much on numbers. I kno the fact that my ptbb dropped from 5.77 all the way down to 2.6 killed my confidence. remember as one of my friend told me "poor ppl focus on the results/numbers, rich ppl focus on the process"

- believe in yourself. its very easy to get down on yourself and feel like maybe you cannot beat this limit whatever and it'll be hard to come out of the cycle. its like depression. but if you don't believe you can dig out, no one can help you. everytime you sit down at a table, ask yourself, what's gona happen, always think positive and be like "i'm gona kick these players asses and win a couple of buy ins."

- absolutely do not move up and chase losses. i know i didnt' and that's probably how i could get out of the downswing so quickly. also i think this illustrates how 20 buy ins is not even CLOSE to enough for bankroll management. a player of my caliber can easily swing down 18 buy ins....by the time you reach -10 buy ins, 1/2 of ur roll is gone, that will be psychologically so devastating. and you might have to move down. throughout this stretch, i started with 110 buy ins so it sure helps to have a huge bankroll.

- do not take winnings for granted. i think that's what i did. i expect to win everytime i sit down. its not necessarily a bad thing to "expect" winnings but you just have to realize that you cannot win every session.

conclusion: in a sense i think bad runs are good for you. it forces you to readjust your game and forces you to become a better player. w/out this huge bad run i would've probably never learned some of the stuff above "the hard way" i think learning it the hard way is really beneficial for me as i will remember how to deal with the agony of losing next time i lose and how to bring myself out of it. so when you run bad, don't be pissed, be "happy" in a sense because you will learn from it and sooner or later come out of it being a better player. i actually don't want to be just winning all the time, it may sound weird, but right now i love it when i lose, because it'll make me stronger. there is a reason whenever i break even if i say "fxxx i rather be down" because when i'm down i force myself to look closer at my HH's and what not and it'll all just make me a better player in the long run

Posted by I_Husoool at 12:48 PM No comments:

Thursday, March 08, 2007
so, i got myself another coach today. i liked my coach right now, BK, he's awesome, but i think its good to have a 2nd opinion of how your play is

basically, his first impression of my play is identical to BK's: "you seem to play very solid and have a good fundamental understanding of the game. I can assure you are a winner."

it is really great to hear someone who's better say those kind of words to you. its juts so encouraging, especially since i'm in sucha gay ass downswing right now. i'm not gona go out and say what i'm gona change about my game because i think some of my opponents have been reading my blogs and trying to pick my game apart but i just have to say the session with the new coach was extremely interesting. he thinks very different then me, post flop that is. not VERY, but the things he think about are much more subtle but they will add up in the long run.

i think it was very +ev for me to pay him to watch me play tonight as I again see that i have ALOT of leaks, not major, but minor leaks to work on plugging. i'm always trying to perfect my game and i will do so until i die one day. tomororw i'm gona play some more good solid poker and hopefully get myself up a couple of buy ins so i can get on the winning track again. the cards weren't so terrible for tonight but still kinda bad.....one hand


-so awesome. made a perfect read and a TOUGH call just to get rivered. the other guy who folded said he had the nut flush draw. so i was up against a 7 outer. sigh. i hate it when i make sucha good read but still get sucked out anyway. what can i say, i got it in as a favorite (74%) so i guess poker just hates me right now

if any of you want a second opinion on your game, i have someone that will be able to check out your game. him n i started playin poker together but we have some distinctly different styles although i believe our mentality is the same. he's very knowledgable and definitely can help ppl beat the lower stakes games
grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 17:04:26 | 只看该作者
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Alright, i've still been heading south. i just dropped another 1.8k today, bringing my march total to -6.1k. played 11k hands so far. obviously i'm too happy about it. but i'm dealing with it. i'm not here to bxxxx about suckouts and set up hands as everyone gets em, i just want to i guess let out some of my frustration here.

this is my biggest downswing ever, in terms of dollars. before, when I manage to go on this kind of sick beats, i'd probably already been playing a ton of blackjack, or trying to get even. i think the bet with brendan is really working. i find myself not even wanting to play blackjack anymore. its just so fxxxing -ev. and i don'twant to play any higher stakes games cuz i kno i'm on tilt and will probably run bad anyway....i think this is a huge step for me. so i'm down 6.1k, very often, when i go donw like 2k or so, i'd go tilt at bj and a lot of the times i'd end up going down another 1k. or go tilt at 5-10 and go down a buy in etc. i think i'm saving myself quiet a bit of money by gettin rid of this habit and in the long run this will REALLY help my winrate....

come to think of it, my winrate, even after this ridiculous downswing (which might not be over yet), is still at 3.2ptbb. although it is not somethin i'm very proud of, but some people struggle to even maintain a 3.2 even when their cards are ok. so i guess in a sense i'm still pretty happy since 3.2 is still respectable but its the figure thats after my huge downswing, which means if i get my heater i'll be back to 4.5, or 5 very easily.

imo, this is the kind of stretch that breaks of makes a great player. this stretch has been so tough and frustrating its unbelievable but i think i'm taking it pretty well. obviously i'm pissed n all that but i think i'm taking this better than the majority of the players. i'm not gona be happy about that because i want to take it better than ALL the players not just the majority. i did tilt like 1-2 buy ins away so despite the improvement, i'm still looking to get better. call me a perfectionist if you want

i just want to be a great player one day. living in bellagio, playing online during the day, and playing the live games at night. its not a dream anymore, its something i want and its something that i'm going to strive to do, no matter how long and hard it may take. i started off just wanting to make some extra cash, but i really think i can make it big. i'm not gona settle for beating the 3-6 nl games online making like 30k a month. i'm gona eventualy become a regular at the 200/400 game on full tilt and make like 500k a month.

i feel like currently i'm playing some of the best poker of my life but the results just aren't there. i dont' want to bxxxx about the results beucase i know i'm playing well. if thats true, it will turn around sooner or later. i'd really hate to have a losing month but if this is what its going to be then i have to take it. and i have a feeling that some of my students are startin to feel that maybe i'm not so good as they thought i was and maybe my numbers were luckboxed before.....well i dont' really want to say anything more about that because i know and everyone knows what kind of player i am, if you really think i'm not worth the money then by all means tell me and i'll replace you with someone else who is trying to get in. keep in mind my waitin list is 25 ppl so if you feel like i'm not worth your money then please leave, that is all

also. this is why i advocate so many buy ins. i had 120 buy ins for 400 and now i've lost 15 of it. from my graph it looks like a tiny dip and psychologically maybe it is why i'm taking this so well cuz going down 6k is bad, but definitely not even close to destroying my roll. i still have about 44k of bankroll so this allows me to keep playing 400 and not having to drop down.....think about this and tell me if you still think 20-30 buy ins are enough. i gota tell ya, 15 buy in downswings WILL happen to EVERYONE. so if you are workin a short roll, i recommend u rethink about it
 楼主| dengxianqi 发表于 2013-2-4 17:12:12 | 只看该作者
grandmacau 发表于 2013-2-4 17:04
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Alright, i've still been heading south. i just dropped another 1.8k today ...


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