you are right, KQ is underdog against AX. but not by much 55 vs 45 is close to a coin flip. When you push with KQ, your M is low, you are close to getting knocked out. You want to win a few coin flips to get back to healthy stacks. But what you don't want is to run into a wall. When you M is < 6, which one would you choose to gamble? KQ vs AX or 44 vs 66? with small pair, it is much too often to run into a wall. 这个。。。 为什么是KQ vs AX or 44 vs 66呢? 为什么不是KQ vs AQ or 44 vs 33呢?从range中挑出个例来,做出结论算是全range的,这个恐怕不妥。
Say when you have 3 bb left, you are sb holding 4 4, everyone fold to you and you know bb is holding 66, will you push? on the other hand, under the same situation, you are holding KQ and bb is holding A 6, are you pushing? The answer should be pretty obvious.
Also when your M is low and the big stack tend to open up their calling range. you get called a lot more often by any two cards like K x Qx. Therefore you elimated a lot of hands that could be dominated by KQ. While all those hand really does not help 4 4 much. You are not suppose to be pushing with M > 10 anyway, and when you have smaller M, the calling range you have is a lot wider.
这里你说的还是定义对方range的问题。前文已回答。 |