我也是不太理解为什么这两手牌B在只有13BB时不shovel.第一手非常不同意,第二手勉强可行,但在turn上的call all in很不舒服(当然现在是纸上谈兵在现场,half stake in already的情况下有纪律的仍掉KK还是很难的,虽然那时KK只能是不太可能的bluff catcher. )
当然我打tourney 没有什么发言权,也没打过多少次,没有赢过一次coin flip, 被bb好多次,整个一个血泪史。有人会说这是选择性记忆,唉,还真不是。
刚进钱圈,utg 20bb solid aggressive player open with 2bb, folded to small blind who was short stake with 8bb, shoved. I was the big blind holding 99. At that moment I opt to just call that 8bb. utg went all in and put the pressure right back on me. I was in obvious agony, however still chose to call eventually. I got 99, small blind got AK, utg got AJ.
The flop came with a A. sb took the main pot while utg was rewarded with much bigger side pot. and I was sent home.
这手牌让我想了很久,觉得utg 打得很好。有很多subtle 的东西考虑在里头了..