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charlesY 发表于 2023-5-7 05:19:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

【背景】盲注200-400-800,经常会straddle到1600 3200,偶尔6400,牌局进行到后半夜,桌上平均筹码150w。
三个主角,B哥,美国老牌高额职业牌手,十年前就出现在high stakes poker等视频;K哥,美国明星,经常打高额私局;L哥,以色列人,高额职业玩家。

来到第一手牌,B哥水下160w,桌上目前有100w,L哥初始buy in 20w,赢了一晚上此刻桌上筹码80w。时间过去了有3个月,细节记得不是很清楚,大概straddle到1600,有玩家open到 6000,B哥小盲位置 3bet 到 3w,抓位的L哥 4bet 到 10w,所有人弃牌,B哥call。flop Axx,干燥面,cc,turn无关牌,B哥donk 7w,L哥raise到21w,B哥call,river 无关牌,B哥check,L哥allin,B哥无奈call,show AK,L哥KK,B哥赢下底池。L哥赢了一晚上不知道为啥一手牌突然上头全送出去了。

紧接着第二手牌,K哥cutoff 筹码cover全场,B哥button位置,此刻后手在200左右。翻前4bet三人底池,flop时候底池有十几万,flop ATx,Ax♥️,turn9杂色,river掉了♥️无公对,因为我是9To flop弃牌,如果call进去中了两对所以记得相对清楚。K哥翻前 flop turn一路重锤,river推了,B哥一路call到最后河底show K7♥️,拿下这个410多万的底池。

就这样B哥两手牌完成上水,K哥这手掉了后基本回水无望,玩了半小时差不多水下180离开。K哥在那一两周内掉了差不多5个million,包括奥马哈和德州,后来专心商演了一段时间,很久没出现在这个牌局里。K哥其实是个很好的牌手,不喝醉不吸大麻的情况下,打的很好,曾经在4bet底池 A685A river后门花到了,正确弃掉过AK给差不多一个满池allin,也能在后门单张成顺,河底超池allin打飞了我的set,不过没show牌不知道是不是偷鸡。

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pigpiggoing 发表于 2024-1-17 10:50:49 | 只看该作者
charlesY 发表于 2023-11-8 05:33
andy因为戴墨镜一直赢 我也想赢
车里一直放着开车用的 就拿着来搞笑了

金刀驸马 发表于 2023-12-15 21:11:51 | 只看该作者
liushui1967 发表于 2023-12-11 22:17
Airball told PokerOrg that he became close friends with Mars in 2022, a relationship that soon turne ...

taiji18 发表于 2023-12-12 09:33:14 | 只看该作者
坐9号或1号位是为了挡住何关,更可能是mechanic,跟其他方法也不矛盾,冤家牌更可能是mechanic。contact、code bad beat会更多,前者知道你手里牌和看到牌堆会发什么,后者知道到河牌的结果。
德州小黄鱼 发表于 2023-12-12 05:47:01 来自手机 | 只看该作者
liushui1967 发表于 2023-12-11 22:17:36 | 只看该作者
Airball told PokerOrg that he became close friends with Mars in 2022, a relationship that soon turned sour. “I was unlucky to meet and get to know Mars around the middle of 2022,” he said. “He was like an older brother to me. Almost. You know, we would go to dinners, we would go to Vegas, he would take me to really good private games, when I played Berkey heads up, he had a piece.

“When I played the Million Dollar Game, he took a piece. You know he wanted these pieces to support me and I would always give it to him. We were friends; I would buy pieces of him when he would play the Hustler high stakes and one week, he lost $700,000 in a session.

“I had a big piece of him, and you know we were close. We would do transactions between us that were the cost of a house, $500,000, $600,000, no problem. We developed a very intimate trust because of that. And that was kind of the beginning of me trusting Mars blindly.

“Then, you know, Mars late last year started telling me about these amazing Chinese games and he wanted to take me to them. And so he did, and it started with some games I believe a couple of times in Yorba Linda. But most of the games at the time were Irvine and these are the games that Ben was cheated in as well.

“I can’t remember super clearly but I remember that Mars was usually in Seat 9 and, in hindsight, I believe they were using the barcode cheating method. I believe they had the RFID thing set up and he (the dealer) knew what hands would win.

“But you know, I lost about $600,000 in Irvine and I paid every cent of it, obviously, and I actually played six sessions. I won $50,000 in my very last session and I was never paid.

“I personally believe Mars, the host of that game (Qiliang Sun), and another player (Mr. Fo) were the three cheaters. Then in Yorba Linda, a very similar story. I played there, you know, and Mars took over that game in March. I supported him a lot. I lost, I think, like close to half a million in Yorba Linda.

And you know, I ran aces into his kings when I was deep-stacked, and I ran kings into his aces. In Yorba Linda [you] can only run it once. And every time I would have the better hand, he would bink the set. I just never won.

“I was so suspicious. I started taking pictures of the dealers, which is why we have those pictures because I was so suspicious. And I remember I used to text Eshaan and say, ‘There might be cheating,’ and he would say, ‘Come on dude, it’s your best friend Mars. Like, relax.’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, you’re right.’

“In hindsight, obviously, they cheated. And I think the mechanic dealer was the primary way of cheating. They also used the [UV], I think, once Peter and Bruce left (as part of the ring). So I think the Mechanic and Peter and Bruce were like a team. They joined Mars, and they cheated the Yorba game. Then, they were, they were like gone from L.A. Mars realized he could just keep winning a lot from the game, so he started using these special contact-lens decks and continued to cheat.

“And you know, it’s heartbreaking. It’s hurtful. It’s, you know, personally hurtful, financially hurtful. And I’m very upset by what happened, and I hope there’s some karma in this world.”

爱打牌的上班族 发表于 2023-12-5 18:08:02 来自手机 | 只看该作者
爱打牌的上班族 发表于 2023-12-5 18:04:31 来自手机 | 只看该作者
aore 发表于 2023-12-5 17:47:08 | 只看该作者
charlesY 发表于 2023-12-5 13:14

Easy_Crazy_88 发表于 2023-12-5 16:10:04 来自手机 | 只看该作者
Nik Airball怎么会有这么多钱挥霍 他是怎么发家的?
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