我比赛最后一手牌,就是一手hi 跛子牌TdTcJcQs,我主要考虑以下几点:
2.对手刚刚在oop 3bet了我btn的mini raise而得手,可能还会继续这样干
5.我筹码占优势,可以limp call preflop的pot size raise,万一flop对我不利,我可以轻松放弃
实施:我btn limp,对手raise pot i call, flop 8c9cX, 对手 bet pot i raise allin, turn 4c river 7c
Halfway around the world is Vincent Lu, aka, DamienRise, who lives in Shanghai and won Event 32-L. He was the only person from China to win a title this year.
"To be the best Chinese poker player is always my goal," he said. "It's my first major tournament title, of course, not the last one."