本帖最后由 maomaobiao 于 2012-2-1 17:35 编辑
小贴士2012.2.01 #12 Hold'em的起源
在这项游戏遍及德州之后,它于1967年第一次来到了赌城拉斯维加斯。将其引入的是一帮德州赌者,包括:Crandell Addington、 Doyle Brunson (刀友 不让孙)和 Amarillo Slim。Addington(艾丁顿)回忆说,他首次接触Hold'em是在1959年,“那时候人们不叫他德州扑克,就是叫Hold'em。” ......
Although little is known about the invention of Texas hold 'em, the Texas State Legislature officially recognizes Robstown, Texas, United States as the game's birthplace, dating the game to the early 1900s.[2]
After its invention and spread throughout Texas, hold 'em was introduced to Las Vegas in 1967 by a group of Texan gamblers and card players, including Crandell Addington, Doyle Brunson, and Amarillo Slim.[3] Addington said the first time he saw the game was in 1959. "They didn't call it Texas hold 'em at the time, they just called it hold 'em.… |