1. 这一把输了,但是没什么问题。
4.有不有更好些的办法? 那就是你对对手判断更加准一些,想到后果,提前安排,比如这一把:看这哥们有点不知深浅,那就ALL IN, 得想40BB他跟了FLOP BB我怎办?我可不想输,那么就狠一点,给对手出难题,另外40BB的加注,对手FLOP混个博金,SPR给的赔率也是合适,虽然对手鱼翻前错误行动,FLOP岂不便宜他。总之,严刑峻法地打他。当然,即使你ALL IN, 对方戏谑地用27靠你,赢了你,那你也得承受。总之核定自己的心理,对方的心理,做好心理准备和行动安排。自己心宽,AA可以SLOW PLAY 也行啊,各种,但对结果得有心理预期。
5.SPR 不是翻前的概念,是决定FLOP行动的概念,或者在FLOP决定后街行动的概念。
Master of the best biz school in Canada? That's sad because the way he responds to criticism reveals that he's much worse than being a poor poker player. But I have to give tons of credit to his abiliy to piss someone off. Maybe he earned his master degree in strategic trash talking and business retardiness.