本帖最后由 smokyrain 于 2012-5-20 11:23 编辑
5/19/2012 3:00-10:00PM
光头mike,lag,very loose but know what he is doing, float light but play well
Brad: young white man, online professional tournment player
Billy: mid-aged white man, play tight but weak, kind of fish, can semibet.
Vietnamnese Dan: Lag. a little more agressive than mike, float light but play well
Table is full of loose agressive players and full of actions. a table good for value betting but bad for stealing/bluffing. Unfortunaqtely, I only had few playable hands the whole night..
in summary, I maximized my value with my leading hands, made only a few bad and good steals/bluffs. most of time have to shut down waiting for cards without a good image. did not play A game but might be a B+ game.