本帖最后由 youngtercel 于 2012-7-2 11:13 编辑
1/2 live
Hero (130$) 99 在前位位置raise到9$, 7 caller.
flop 567 R, check to button, who bet 42$, Hero all in.
everyone fold
2, Hero(160$) Ad2d button limp in, 5 limp in.
flop 9dTsJd
前位1 bet 17$, 中位 raise to 35$, hero think and all in. 前位弃,中位(200+) call。
turn 9c, river Th。
中位 show Qd7d,hero A won. (中位说fold 9T two pair)
3, hero (300$) UTG +1, Ks5s call 4$ straddle. 7 in.
flop Q55 R,
前位bet 30$, UTG raise to 80$, hero call.
turn 9. UTG all in for 200$.
HERO tank.
[select to view]
“HERO形象偏紧,flop的call应该已经表明 has 5, UTG是个regular,应该明白这一点。但是仍然PUSH turn,似乎真正有牌。
UTG check straddle,肯定没有QQ/99. A5是唯一能这么打的牌,榨取最大价值”
HERO长考后说“ cannot fold this" show K5 and call.
UTGshow 58s。 River blank"
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