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自从从NL25升上NL50 on 5/18/2010

windstormm 发表于 2010-6-9 12:28:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-6-9 12:37 编辑

10.79bb/100 hand.. did not have one losing day.

不是显摆..是给新手信心.. 我今年一月开始打cash的.  扎扎实实打好poker 基础,在microstake 要稳定盈利是很容易的
1-2月                            NL10 30k hand break even 0bb/100hand
3-5月                             NL25  60k hand 3.5bb/100hand
5/18/2010 until today   NL50  24k hands  10.79bb/100hand

all rush poker on ftp, play 1-2 hour every day.  

新手打好poker 基础, 学会ABC poker成为winner再学花捎的十么 "slow play AA ". Those are not useful at all if you are not a winner yet. My true advise from the heart as a beginner myself.


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 楼主| windstormm 发表于 2010-6-9 12:42:37 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-6-9 12:45 编辑

overall graph. how I turn myself into a winner over the period of less than half year.

first 30k hand break even as you can see.

I am not the best player out there obviously. but i know how to turn a beginner to a winner in a short period of time. it is by learning poker from the basics.


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nbagaliye 发表于 2010-6-9 13:26:02 | 只看该作者
muyir 发表于 2010-6-9 14:35:10 | 只看该作者
Good job
llyyzz 发表于 2010-6-9 15:18:08 | 只看该作者
Very impressive and good job!

请问楼主,你所指的ABC扑克是指严格按照教科书(比如,preflop以位置和牌力入局,总体打得紧极少bluff)打,还是因为是rush poker有所调整?比如,总体来讲,大部分rush poker的选手会拿到更好的牌时才入局,这时根据位置把自己的range放宽一些,或者说是更凶一些?我个人打过一小段时间rush poker的micro-level,少于5k手吧。总体策略就是凶,几乎每次入局都是3x 入局,特别是在button位置时,几乎任何牌都玩。依据对手翻牌后表现,fold or fire at most 2 bullets if I try to bluff. 刚开始小赢了一段时间,后来又输了回去,离稳定还很远。

另外,不知道楼主是在rush poker里面打deep stack还是比如翻2番之后退出重新入局?我还控制不好deep stack,经常1,2个小时累积的筹码一把就会输回去。。。所以,我个人都prefer打short stack,但这样积累筹码又太慢了,呵呵。

不知道楼主能否share一下自己rush poker的经验?
王宇 发表于 2010-6-9 15:18:28 | 只看该作者
cyylce 发表于 2010-6-9 16:07:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| windstormm 发表于 2010-6-9 21:48:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-6-10 02:36 编辑
Very impressive and good job!

请问楼主,你所指的ABC扑克是指严格按照教科书(比如,preflop以位置和牌力入局,总体打得紧极少bluff)打,还是因为是rush poker有所调整?比如,总体来讲,大部分rush poker的选手会拿到更好的牌时才入局,这时根据位置把自己的range放宽一些,或者说是更凶一些?我个人打过一小段时间rush poker的micro-level,少于5k手吧。总体策略就是凶,几乎每次入局都是3x 入局,特别是在button位置时,几乎任何牌都玩。依据对手翻牌后表现,fold or fire at most 2 bullets if I try to bluff. 刚开始小赢了一段时间,后来又输了回去,离稳定还很远。

另外,不知道楼主是在rush poker里面打deep stack还是比如翻2番之后退出重新入局?我还控制不好deep stack,经常1,2个小时累积的筹码一把就会输回去。。。所以,我个人都prefer打short stack,但这样积累筹码又太慢了,呵呵。

不知道楼主能否share一下自己rush poker的经验?

一般我打到200bb, 会reload, deep stack 是很难打, 不过我reload 还为了减少swing。. 不要打short stack, 至少打80 bb.  最好buy in full..
"总体打得紧极少bluff" 不是ABC TAG poker是nit fish.
share 一下我在mitbbs 的文章, 讨论preflop tight or loose 和 after flop 的different approach:

"I am very tight preflop. However, i don't play fit and fold after flop nor
do I pot pot all in with TPTK or over pair. I would call my game a typical
tight and aggressive game. Key weapon is

1) stealing in position (small to medium pot)
2) pot size control for medium strenghth hand(I would consider all one pair
hand as medium strength, sometimes even two pairs depending on board
3) value bet, value bet and value bet.  (the most important of all skills at

Manipulate betting size to get full value for your hand is in fact easier in
NL50 than NL25, because more people pay attention to it. Use it to your
advantage.  No matter it is getting two bets from your top pair weak kicker
out of their middle pair or stack someone with your set. It takes planning
and reads before it gets down to the last betting round.  Don't over bet the
pot unless you are fairly sure that you will get a call. You get NO value
for check raise 4X on flop with your set if you do not get a call.

The best part of TAG game is lower swing. I have not had a swing more than 2
buy in so far in NL 50 even with cooler and bad beats after 20k hands.

Play loose when everyone is tight seems logical preflop, but it is not after
flop. Once you get a call preflop with your Q9s after opening 3.5X, you
would be fighting an uphill battel all 3 streets. I hope you didn't raise it
EP because you are adding more difficulty to your game. You might have
better postflop skill than others, but your weak starting hand in fact HURTs
your edge a bit postflop. If you have to bluff 3 barrel cold often trying
to take a pot. I think it is time to tighten up. If you are super loose
preflop (like 24/23), i think you need to be considerably tighter after flop or
you will be in trouble more often than not. Overall, it might not be as
profitable as playing TAG. I like it tight preflop relative loose after flop. It is just so much easier to bluff 3 street cold when you have a vpip of 12/6 than someone with 24/23. ^_^"
 楼主| windstormm 发表于 2010-6-9 21:54:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-6-9 21:58 编辑

另外一篇我对river 的approach based on some discussion on mitbbs 。  主要是驳斥river 论点"we need to call river bet with marginal hands to avoid being bluffed."  应该对新手有点帮助。

"I didn't have time to discuss further on this yesterday while playing 2
tables at the side.  I want to talk a little more on this. I truly believe
nash's opinion on river showdown is exactly opposite of what we should do on

River is the most important street in Holdem.  For a few reasons, 1) the
cards are out, you are either beat or you have won. There is no more miracle
card to come to save you; 2) the pot at river is many more times larger
than previous street, which make your decision that much more important.
Your ability to value bet, bluff and call bluff at river is the ultimate
weapon to make you a winning player.  If you play your river well, your
starting hand is really not important anymore, because you can play any two
cards and extract maximum value.

Now that we understand how important river is, we need to understand a few
more key point 1) People do not bluff as often as you think at river.  2)  
People who are LAG preflop, flop, turn, does not necessary equal to they are
aggressive on river.  Even if they are, they will be at a much less
frequency.  Because of these two points, you are better off folding a lot of
marginal hand than being taken to value town at river. You can call a bluff
ONLY IF you have a specific read. Don't do it the other way around like "
calling some marginal hand to avoid being bluffed."  It is WRONG, and it
does not worth it. It does not make you a winner.  

There is a reason why people do not think playing short stack is real holdem
, because you avoided the most complex street in holdem and most of the time
you are all in by turn. It is also more difficult to play river simply
because there are more cards on the table. Your read is your ultimate weapon
at river.  When you are dealing with river, not only look at your own two
hole cards, but also think about what the other player have and what other
player think you have. Think about what hand you can get value from and what
hand you can beat.

Simple example,
utg raise 4X you call at button with AKs,
flop AQJ rainbow, utg pot, you call,
turn 2 , utg pot again, you call.
River is another 2, utg put in another pot.
What do you do here?  You should fold most of the time., because you are
getting value from no hands here. You called two pot size and represented a
strong hand (I can guarantee you that utg will not think you have pocket 9s)
. You can call rarely ONLY if you have a read that utg is capable of
bluffing 3 street after raise utg with junk. Even though if this is the case
, you still proceed with caution and understand that you are trying to catch
a bluff not trying to get value from his A10."
skizzik 发表于 2010-6-9 23:10:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 skizzik 于 2010-6-9 23:11 编辑

呵呵 看数据楼主应该也是在打6人桌的吧


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